Are you addicted to your cell phone - Printable Version

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Re: Are you addicted to your cell phone - Brakie - 03-26-2013

Tyson Rayles Wrote:
teejay Wrote:Remember the 64,000 Dollar Question scandal ? It could happen again and probably has . I'm afraid I don't have much trust these days ...nothing surprises me .


Yeah and a couple of years back they had some cheating problems on Jeopardy. Don I wouldn't be too quick to spend your lawsuit $$$$. If I remember right (always tricky at my age Icon_lol ) when you buy the car somewhere buried in all that fine print is a clause stating that you are giving them the right to listen in (supposedly so they can better serve you).

Thanks to the Internet urban legends has grown to Godzilla size and still untrue or a plain o fashion hoax...

I would think one should be more concern about Homeland Security eavesdropping then anybody else..

Re: Are you addicted to your cell phone - iis612 - 03-26-2013

I wouldn't say I am addicted. I have a company issued blackberry, or as I refer to it - Crackberry. In my position, it is required of me to be available 24/7. I also have my personal phone, which is an iPhone. When I first got the iPhone, I was smitten. It has since lost it's overall appeal. I play a few games on it, but I wouldn't be heart broken if something happened to it. The Crackberry, that is a different story. If it doesn't make some kind of noise at least once an hour, I would be scared to death. I liken it to a first time parent. When the baby sleeps through the night for the first time, a first time parent will wake up confused and scared. If someone from work didn't call in the middle of the night, I would be terrified that my terminal burnt to the ground or massive solar flares took out the communications grid. I am still not addicted to it. I would prefer to be without it.


Re: Are you addicted to your cell phone - iis612 - 03-26-2013

I should mention that when I was driving truck, my phone was my link to the world. I got my news, email, Big Blue (which is hard to read on a phone), et al. I was constantly talking on it, but I was running a small trucking company while driving. During that time my phone was my computer, tv, radio, books, magazines, ad nauseum.

I am also a techno geek, so it was a fascinating toy for a while.

Re: Are you addicted to your cell phone - Tyson Rayles - 03-26-2013

"In my position, it is required of me to be available 24/7."

Back in the 80's I had one of those jobs, when I realized what it was doing to my sanity I chucked it. Best move I ever made even though I took a hit in the wallet for a few years. Thumbsup

Re: Are you addicted to your cell phone - teejay - 03-26-2013

I see a lot of people , mostly men , working , driving , with that weird headgear on ....looks like they're constantly in touch with somebody . Good thing it isn't me ...I'd be saying " want fries with that " ? Goldth


Re: Are you addicted to your cell phone - tomustang - 03-26-2013

Addiction? No.

Tool I'm using to my advantage? Yes. Real time responses (Email PM notifications, texts, yahoo group railfaning alerts) and Camera are some of the biggest advantages

Re: Are you addicted to your cell phone - ezdays - 03-27-2013

Talk about addictions, but the other day we were coming out of Walmart, and this woman in front of us had one of the "smarty" phones in one hand and a small laptop in the other and was dancing around trying to get away from the sunlight so she could read both screens and still have reception. 35 35 I'm sorry, but this seems to be the current trend, one's life revolves around Facebook and other social sites, while the real world passes them by.

I'm also tired of companies sending me email offering me a coupon for something if I go to Facebook and "like" them. I got trapped that way and somehow registered on Facebook a long time ago, but never set up a page or profile, yet I get spam daily now from someone telling me to come on over and "like" them. I don't even like myself on Facebook, why should I like a total stranger that wants to show me a good time?????? Nope

Re: Are you addicted to your cell phone - RobertInOntario - 03-27-2013

Boy, can I ever relate! This is really bugging me as I have a love/hate attitude regarding my iPhone.

I mainly use my iPhone for work but also for personal use. I'm a freelancer, so I have to stay connected with my clients. Main problem -- I can never totally shut down from work, it's always there. So if I try to take some time off during the day (which freelancers can easily do b/c they can -- and do -- work all sorts of hours) I can never really relax b/c I'm always checking my iPhone for messages, etc.

For example, I'll be at the gym -- trying to relax and enjoy my workout -- but I'll stop and spend several minutes typing away responding to emails. And then there are phone calls as well.

In the "old days," (i.e. a mere 2-3 years ago!) my voice mail would simply collect all my messages and I'd respond to them when I got back to my office.

I'm open to suggestions -- I'm thinking of "rebelling" and leaving my iPhone at home, turning it off or leaving it in my locker, etc. Only concern is that I might do this when one true emergency call or email comes in or when I miss dealing with a client over an urgent matter.

But the radio host is right -- it's crazy how we carry these phones around with us, put them at our bedside, check them in the morning, etc. It's not good or healthy. There must be some kind of compromise solution.

Re: Are you addicted to your cell phone - Tyson Rayles - 03-27-2013

"it's crazy how we carry these phones around with us, put them at our bedside, check them in the morning, etc. "

We don't you might but we don't. Icon_lol

Re: Are you addicted to your cell phone - teejay - 03-27-2013

Heck , I'm still usin' 2 tin cans and a string ! Misngth


Re: Are you addicted to your cell phone - RobertInOntario - 03-27-2013

Tyson Rayles Wrote:"it's crazy how we carry these phones around with us, put them at our bedside, check them in the morning, etc. "

We don't you might but we don't. Icon_lol

"We" = either the "Royal We" or struggling addicts such as myself Goldth

Somehow I'm going to work out a way to control this. Wow, I actually went out for about an hour and didn't check my emails! Incremental progress is probably the way to go!

Re: Are you addicted to your cell phone - tomustang - 03-29-2013

[Image: demotivation.us_20-YEARS-HAVE-PAST-And-a...549920.jpg]

Re: Are you addicted to your cell phone - Tyson Rayles - 03-29-2013

Now there is a guy begging for Darwism to take him out ! Icon_lol

Re: Are you addicted to your cell phone - ezdays - 03-29-2013

Tyson Rayles Wrote:Now there is a guy begging for Darwism to take him out ! Icon_lol

Hey, now cut that out, I still have some of those things around the house. 357 357 Oh, and a lot of ripped jackets and pants too since it's really hard to fit some of them in my pockets... 35 35

We won't even discuss the super-long extension cords now will we????? Icon_lol

Re: Are you addicted to your cell phone - Tyson Rayles - 03-29-2013

Don I'm shocked ! You mean you don't have any of those wireless extension cords? Icon_lol