LPB's Little Plastic Bozos - Printable Version

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LPB's Little Plastic Bozos - Mr Fixit - 04-01-2011

In the Dumpster thread mention was made of LPB's [Little Plastic Bozos] and the need for them, so I was wondering if some of you guys would like to share your knowledge on brands of LPB's to buy, how to modify and paint them and how and where you have installed them in various parts of your layout.

I have some Bachmann LPB's that came with some of the train sets I bought and they are complaining about all being pink.


Re: LPB's Little Plastic Bozos - BR60103 - 04-01-2011

Brian Fayle is known for painting figures. his site is http://www.brifayle.ca/.

Re: LPB's Little Plastic Bozos - Mr Fixit - 04-10-2011

Thanks for the link David. I visited his site and it was a great instructional read into painting LPBs.


Re: LPB's Little Plastic Bozos - shaygetz - 04-10-2011

I Frankenstein mine together, moving limbs and heads as needed...even changing from male to female if necessary. I then fill gaps with a putty made by dissolving the sprues into a small bottle of cement 'til it makes a thick paste. Once hardened, I carve it to shape, then paint. I use both Prieser and the Plasticvile then Bachmann now Model Power unpainted sets with good results...

[Image: snow.jpg]

[Image: cruzin1.jpg]

[Image: peeps.jpg]

Re: LPB's Little Plastic Bozos - Sumpter250 - 04-10-2011

shaygetz Wrote:I Frankenstein mine together,...even changing from male to female if necessary.

Soooo........your Little Plastic Boys, sometimes get LP what's-a-come-an-a-go 's, and long hair....
very interesting........and just a bit Hollywould ! 357 357

The face is pixelated so persons who read lips aren't offended by foul language........which surprises me, as I never knew chickens could speak ! Icon_lol 357...................maybe that's what all the squawking's about !

Then, there was the poor soul who didn't fully understand his instructions about insuring that all the plastic figures had to be well packaged before shipping to the customer.

OK, OK, I'll quit now... Icon_twisted

Re: LPB's Little Plastic Bozos - Mr Fixit - 04-11-2011

Thanks for the tips shaygetz and thank you also for sharing your photos.

Im a bit worried how those hot rods and custom jobs are going to get over the tracks there as they all look very heavily lowered.

Also how is some poor bastard going to get between those Quonset huts to clean out the gutters of all the fallen leaves?

Sorry just a work responsibility intruding into hobby time. Its my problem and maybe Ill try to deal with it. Or I could just ignore it and hope that it goes away.


Re: LPB's Little Plastic Bozos - iis612 - 04-11-2011

I want to know what cement you are using to dissolve the sprues. I could use a cheap source for putty.

Re: LPB's Little Plastic Bozos - Russ Bellinis - 04-11-2011

Basically any lacquer thinner or mek will dissolve the plastic, so will any of the model cements that are designed to dissolve plastic to weld parts together, but those are probably the most expensive way to go.

Re: LPB's Little Plastic Bozos - Mr Fixit - 04-12-2011

If lacquer thinners works then paint thinners will probably work too.

Just go to your Home Depot [Bunnings for us Aussies] and buy a small tin of paint thinners and try making a small batch of home made putty using sprue off-cuts.

Thinners comes in several strengths, just get the ordinary stuff because the 'High Flash" stuff for spray painting is extra expensive and can really give you a whopping headache fast.

Naturally be aware of the fumes and check for ignition sources before opening the tin.
