Remembering This Day - Printable Version

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Remembering This Day - MountainMan - 05-28-2011

As we head out on our various ways to celebrate this holiday, let us not forget the solemn occasion it represents for us to remember and honor those who gave their all for our freedom and our nation.

Re: Remembering This Day - Sumpter250 - 05-28-2011

Remember them:
The ones, who died in battle, and came to tended graves in their home towns.
The ones, who died in battle, and remain, in marked graves, in foreign graveyards.
The ones, who died in battle, whose bones still lie, to this day, where they fell.
The ones, whose injuries in battle changed their lives forever.
The families of all of them, who, in remembering, feel once again the sadness for loved ones lost, or changed.

Honor them:
For they died defending our freedoms.
For they died defending our values.
For they died believing that their sacrifice had great meaning.

Their sacrifice will have great meaning, so long as we, who benefit from it, never allow it to be in vain.
Make it a point to know your elected representatives.
Make it a point that they know you.
Make it a point to tell them how you feel about pending legislation.
Make it a point to demand that they continuously hold the Constitution of The United States, as the supreme law of the land.
Stay aware of what they do. Let them know that you are. Think, Think again, Think yet once more---then?--VOTE.
Freedom requires Eternal vigilance.........ours, and the souls of those who died defending it.
P. R. Juengst CPO ( Viet Nam Era Veteran )

Re: Remembering This Day - MountainMan - 05-28-2011

Quote:They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years contemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

Re: Remembering This Day - Herc Driver - 05-29-2011

There is no other endeavor that demands so much from a citizen than to defend their country...even unto death. Yet for generations, young men and women have heeded their nation's call in time of peril, and laid down their lives to protect it and their fellow servicemen.

Remember what they fought for, and they did not die in vain. Remember to think of them, and they did not die alone. Remember to thank them for their service, and they will live forever in our memories.