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GUS' NEW YEAR'S CHALLENGE - LAS CRUCES BUILD - Steamtrains - 01-09-2012

A little late for issuing myself a challenge...But...What the aiches....

Although it's this year's challenge, it certainly won't be finished in a year's time....It'll be the build of the last portion of the LC&P. In this case, the LC portion of it. It's the center peninsula that will connect with the main yard at Santa Rosa. So, here's a few pics of the initial step that I've just taken...(Don't mind the mess... :oops: )

The project begins with running an extension from the existing track that originates in Sta. Rosa, climbs to the Diablo mine, and continues to Las Cruces...
[Image: DSCF3320.jpg]

It's not much...but it's a start....A view from the layout side.
[Image: DSCF3322.jpg]

The extension will cross over the existing track and curve into the peninsula at around this point.
[Image: DSCF3323.jpg]

Here's the track subroadbed that will lead into the curve.
[Image: DSCF3325.jpg]

OK...So this is the easy part. Now comes the building of the framework, risers, subroad bed, and so on for the peninsula.

I'll be posting updates as work progresses...

Re: GUS' NEW YEAR'S CHALLENGE - LAS CRUCES BUILD - Steamtrains - 03-13-2012

OK....So maybe it's time for an update on this.... The real world has been taking altogether too much of my time, so I've had precious little time for "playing" with the trains.

I was all set a couple of weeks back to start chopping wood to make the grid for the peninsula when it dawned on me that once the peninsula was in place I would not have access to some places that were not yet scenicked, and I needed to put in a spur to the coal dealer, which I couldn't do if the peninsula was up. So I had to take a couple of steps back and get that done first....

I started with the coal dealer spur by putting in a turnout off the main and build a small "shelf" for it.
[Image: DSCF3353.jpg]

I then continued the subroadbed into the peninsula. This is the upper level portion which will wind its way around the peninsula [Image: DSCF3354.jpg]

...and join up with the lower level trackage here...
[Image: DSCF3349.jpg]

I then proceeded to start scenicking the upper level. I used aluminum window screen for the "base" stapled onto the subroadbed. I also put in cork roadbed, track, and painted the track...
[Image: DSCF3355.jpg]

I used insulation foam for the "profile" on the top of the wire base and proceeded to attach plaster cloth over the wire screen....
[Image: DSCF3358.jpg]

The portion that joins to the existing scenery was done with masking tape to prevent damage to it. Hopefully I'll be able to match the texture and color of the existing portion.
[Image: DSCF3357.jpg]

Well, that's where things are at now. Once the plaster cloth cures, I'll be applying Sculptamold and rock castings, and painting...

That's all you get for today..!! Goldth

P.D. Is there any way to get the posting window to stop "jerking" around when trying to post..?? It's EXTREMELY ANNOYING.... Curse