Does this make me a FAILURE ? - Printable Version

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Does this make me a FAILURE ? - teejay - 03-17-2012

( sound of "Old Man River " in the background )

......I confess ....I didn't stand in line and get the new iPad today ...sniff, sniff......
....didn't get to have the crowd cheer for me walking out with a new - MUST HAVE - purchase ......sob, sob .......
....come to think of it I didn't get the previous one either ...sniff, ...or the one before that .....or the MePad , YouPad , TheyPad .......



Re: Does this make me a FAILURE ? - Ralph - 03-17-2012

"iTERRY" Icon_lol Icon_lol Icon_lol

Actually we have one (original release) at home that was provided by my wife's employer. She uses it for her library work but is permitted to use it at home as well for personal use. It's a cool device that has contributed to family harmony since she can be online while I'm "always" using the family computer to view "Big Blue". Smile


Re: Does this make me a FAILURE ? - faraway - 03-17-2012

My iPad 2 is the perfect BIG BLUE reading vehicle laying on the couch in the living room Thumbsup

Re: Does this make me a FAILURE ? - MountainMan - 03-17-2012

I prefer books, which never require a connection and never need batteries. Gadgets are for the emotionally closed off. 8-)

Re: Does this make me a FAILURE ? - Tyson Rayles - 03-17-2012

Steve Jobs was the modern day P.T. Barnum (there's a sucker born every minute or a fool and his money are soon parted or whatever it was Icon_lol ). He was the shuckster's shuckster, the con man's con man, the snake oil salesman's snake oil salesman, in short being as I used to work in advertizing he was my hero! Cheers This guy could sell hair products to the bald, refridgerators to the Eskimos and what have you. Who else could get you to buy an over priced pad or phone and then convince you to throw it away a few months later to buy a new one with really very little difference and sometimes worse (remember the IPhone that would drop calls if you didn't hold it just right? Icon_lol ) only to repeat the process again in a few months only to repeat the process again in a few months only to ............................... But if you stop and think about it he really was doing mankind a huge favor. By having his customers walk down the sidewalk with the I-tunes in one ear and the I-phone in the other ear he doubled the chances of his customer stepping off the curb in front of a passing vechicle thereby cleansing the gene pool for the rest of us!
Icon_lol 2285_ Icon_lol 2285_ Icon_lol

Re: Does this make me a FAILURE ? - teejay - 03-17-2012

Breaking News ! This Just In !!

My wife , my dear wife , has been listening to all my ranting .....and she can SOLVE MY PROBLEM !, I can BREATH again ! I can sing and laugh ...and , and ..

...she says she got me a Big Surprise ....go look in the closet ...!!! ! ....just down the hall , puff, puff , open the door ......
it's here SOMEWHERE ! ....rummage , rummage .....

There's the BOX !!!!'s MAXIPADS :o

not-i T

Re: Does this make me a FAILURE ? - steinjr - 03-17-2012

teejay Wrote:There's the BOX !!!!'s MAXIPADS :o

Hmm - what would McGyver do ?


Re: Does this make me a FAILURE ? - ezdays - 03-17-2012

What's all the fuss about, didn't they have another iPad or something like it released a few days ago with long lines starting days ahead? Does this mean that those are now obsolete? Or, I could be wrong, that could have been an upgraded version of Michael Jordan's Niki shoes. I get confused since they both cost about as much and do the same Misngth

But yes, I got a new I Pad the other day. I cut my thumb pretty bad a few days ago and I've had a new pad put on it every few hours. Eek That's about as close to being part of this technological upgrade as I'm going to get.

Re: Does this make me a FAILURE ? - eightyeightfan1 - 03-17-2012

Yesterday at work I got an iPad......
and some pens, sticky notes, couple of highlighters also out of the stationary cabinet.

Re: Does this make me a FAILURE ? - Mr Fixit - 03-18-2012


There's the BOX !!!!'s MAXIPADS :o

So now Terry has a 'Maxipad'. And a wife with a sense of humour.

I find myself agreeing with so many of the comments posted previously about i-pads but as with a lot of this tech stuff I will wait for the prices to drop.

Now please excuse me while I go and chat to my brother's dog via Skype.


Re: Does this make me a FAILURE ? - ezdays - 03-18-2012

Well, I can remember when a notebook was a book with blank sheets of paper in it that you wrote in. A pad was a lot of small sheets of blank paper glued together at one end, and later on, also became a place to live. And a smart phone was one that had a dial on it so that you didn't have to tell an operator to get your party for you. Oh, a book was, and still is, a bunch of papers with words printed on them that are bound together, and a reader was someone that took a book and read it out loud, usually to a group of children. Then there was the kindle, which was something you put down to start a fire. Putting an "i" or an "e" in front of any of these words would have been a typo that you needed an eraser to correct on a typewriter that did not have a "delete" key. When you wanted multiple copies of something you were typing, you would add sheets of carbon paper between sheets rather than selecting a number on your print window. Yeah, that's right, a window was always something made of glass that you looked through, not an operating system, and an operating system was a procedure used by a doctor in a hospital.

We can go on and on, but it's strange how our use of words have changed with technology. Then you wonder why the older generation doesn't communicate well with those that grew up with all this new stuff. Icon_lol

Re: Does this make me a FAILURE ? - faraway - 03-18-2012

ezdays Wrote:... it's strange how our use of words have changed with technology ...

That is an effect I found very strange when I entered the computer business with an US company more than 35 years ago.
I had to learn all the US made computer slang and noticed very fast that that the US computer people reused words of the every days life for that new technology (e.g. bug, flag). At that time was the skill of English language not so prominent at German customers (e.g. operators) and the documentation was available in German language too. The terms used there were strongly influenced by German computer companies (e.g. Nixdorf and Siemens). They invented highly sophisticated new words for that new science. That made is awful to switch from English within the company to German talking to some customers because the US terms with their roots in daily US live had no connection to scientific German words with the same meaning.

Re: Does this make me a FAILURE ? - Sumpter250 - 03-18-2012

But.......iphones,ipads,itunes,iwhatevers, are and always have been items !

Now, if I could only get this abacus to display pictures....... 790_smiley_picking_a_fight Eek :mrgreen:

Re: Does this make me a FAILURE ? - teejay - 03-18-2012

I'm thinkin' of wiring up my Etch-A-Sketch ...y'know , glue a chip to it , maybe an aerial , cuppla 18g wires , plug 'er in it explode Icon_lol


Re: Does this make me a FAILURE ? - nachoman - 03-18-2012

I'm still not in the "cell phone" age. If I'm not at work or at home or at the local pub. I don't want to be bothered! Cheers