BLI SD-40-2 in Burlington Northern - Printable Version

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BLI SD-40-2 in Burlington Northern - cnrglen - 11-11-2024

Another project for a friend:

It's a broadway limited imports SD-40-2 that was custom painted in BN and then weathered. He bought it at a swap meet and is unhappy with the original paint/weathering.

There was a few extra details added with some glue spots. I also think that some of the original paint is brush painted and not very good. This would also explain the heavy-handed weathering job, trying to cover the poor paint job.
Anyway, he wants it repainted in the same BN colors, without the weathering.


I did manage to get it apart. The shell actually comes off the chassis easily by removing the coupler screws. THe handrails were a friction fit so I just had to pry a bit to get them off. The long hood popped of but the short hood and cab took a bit more persuasion. The cab glass came half out. I'll see what happens after I strip the paint down.


I placed all the handrails and other details in a container. I'll see about stripping the paint on the handrails later.

RE: BLI SD-40-2 in Burlington Northern - TMo - 11-12-2024

Restoring a beauty - Broadway Limited makes a nice locomotive, and I'm sure you're gonna knock it out of the park, Glen!

RE: BLI SD-40-2 in Burlington Northern - cnrglen - 11-16-2024

After soaking in Isopopyl alcohol for two days and a whole lot of scrubbing:

The green was the hardest to come off, almost elastic in nature. I think that was the badger acu-flex paint that was used. I did soak the handrails but the paint was a bit more stuborn on those so I left tham as is. It will probably make it easier to repaint over the green andyway. 
The only glass that came out was the side window glass and the rest was either ruined by the alcohol or the previous paint/ glue job so I'll have to get a bit creative whe replacing that later.
I ordered new decals from Mircoscale but two days ago Canada Post went on strike so I don't know when they will get here.

RE: BLI SD-40-2 in Burlington Northern - cnrglen - 11-18-2024

I sprayed the primer on the shell last night:

It's already looking  better that I recieved it.
I did have a moment of concern/ near panic this weekend when I dropped the chassi about a foot onto my workshop floor. I took it to the layout and fortunetly there wasn't any damage. I did have some trouble finding the DCC address. I assumed that it was the orginal engine # but it had been reset to factory setting , #3

RE: BLI SD-40-2 in Burlington Northern - LiveSteamer - 11-23-2024

Looking good Glen. Doesn't look like any paint was left behind in any of the little crevasses. Can't wait to see how this model turns out.

RE: BLI SD-40-2 in Burlington Northern - cnrglen - 11-24-2024

Thanks Matt.
I forgot to mention that I took the shell parts to work and used the compressed air gun to blow the paint out of the fans and grills. That really helps since the other alternative was to use a dental pick and scrape al the paint particles out of the nooks and crannies.

RE: BLI SD-40-2 in Burlington Northern - cnrglen - 12-02-2024

It's not easy, being green:

Actually the green went on fairly easy. I just had the paint in intervals since I was painting both sides on most of the parts.


I also painted the handrails. The Iso didn't take the paint off the handrails very well but that might work in my favor. Since I think the original green paint was the badger 'flex' paint that was my primer for the Polly-s paint.

This is also where I have to put the project on hold. I ordered the decals two weeks ago and our wonderful Canadian Postal system is still on strike. Until I get the decals I can't move forward.

RE: BLI SD-40-2 in Burlington Northern - cnrglen - 01-08-2025

My decals finally came in so the project is back up and running. I spent some time last night masking off the body parts and painting the black:

I'll be looking to apply decals this weekend if all goes well.

RE: BLI SD-40-2 in Burlington Northern - cnrglen - 01-15-2025

I decaled the engine shell this past weekend:

It's a pretty easy decal job, just had to use lots of decal set on the nose stripes and the large numbers to get them to conform over the shell details. I was going to add the nymberboard decals but the numberboard glass was ruined and I had to use some 'Micro Clear' to replace them. Turns out Micro clear and these decals didn't really work out. Oh well, the customer isn't that picky and he'll be okay with it as-is.


Speaking of Micro clear and glass. the only glass that was re-useable was the cab side glass. Even that had overspray on it that we'll just have to live with. I reinstalled the side glass and made replacement glass for the rest.


Now I've started to re-assemble the engine. I got the interior tacked back in and the long hood is snaped back in. the nose and the hood might have to be glued down but I'll use something that can be removed later in case it ever has to come apart again.

RE: BLI SD-40-2 in Burlington Northern - tompm - 01-15-2025

Looking real nice. The decals appear to be very crisp.

RE: BLI SD-40-2 in Burlington Northern - cnrglen - 01-17-2025

Thank you. 
I finished off the project this evening.


I re-installed the handrails and re painted the ends in white. I also repainted and added the horn, radio attenna and beacon light.


The tricky part was adding both the MU hoses and the snow plows. I first had to add the hoses, then thread them through the plows. 


Then I placed it on the layout for it's parting shot. Normally I use my photo diorama but it's current burried behind several other boxes at the moment.

RE: BLI SD-40-2 in Burlington Northern - TMo - 01-18-2025

Your friend is going to be quite pleased! As with all SD40's (and SD38's for that matter), the long porches make this beast distinctive and different. Great work on all of the detailing and painting Glen!