The ditch light era
I'm curious to know when ditch lights started to become implemented. I have a Conrail GP38-2 that'll be modeled after a prototype around 1995-98. The most recent picture I've seen of the prototype is in 1993 without ditch lights. I know there's always an exception to the rule with everything we come across with model trains but I would like to narrow it down. I'm leaning more towards installing them.
My rule of the thump is to add ditch lights on models after 1995. That is not technically correct but "most" US engines ran after 1995 with ditch lights as far I see them on tons of photos.
A more formal answer The are multiple dates and amendments. But December 31, 1997 looks like a final mandatory date.
Thanks for the link Reinhard, I had 1995 in mind also... ditch lights it is.

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