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It pains me to talk about this, but we are all friends here and so I care. I have just a simple request to those that haven't had their Covid-19 shots, please run to the nearest place that's giving them and get vaccinated. There's no charge and it's a lot easier that it was a few months ago. Why do I care? Well, my youngest son, as he puts it, "doesn't believe" in getting the shots thanks to all those "influencers" and Internet trolls. I guess that thinking extends to his family and so none of them has gotten vaccinated. My grandson got very sick last week, had all the symptoms of Covid, and on Friday, he fell, and by the time the EMT's got to him, it was too late, he was gone.... Whether it was the Covid or the fall doesn't matter, if he had gotten his shots, he would still be here.
Not the best of news, but let's hope this can be a wake-up call to those that put more faith in what they read on Facebook than reality, or those that just say they'll do it soon. This kind of thinking not only puts that person at risk, but everyone else that they contact. As for me, I was early in line back in January, and if they say we need a booster shot, I'll be early in line again. I hope that's the case with you as well.
Don (ezdays) Day
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Hello Don---I am so sorry for your loss,my thoughts and a prayer for peace and comfort for your family.I too have some members in my extended family who are reluctant to get the Covid vaccine even though it is readily available---I cannot understand their reasoning.
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I can only repeat what Ed has said. Such a terrible tragedy. My prayers go out to you and your family.
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Dinosaur Rider
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Don, that is terrible. I am so sorry for the loss of this young man to your family.
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Hello Don,
my earnest and pitiful condolences to you and your family.
And as the previos poster said, a avoidable and unnecessary loss.
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I don't know you well, but my heart and prayers go out to you. So totally unnecessary.
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Thank you all for your concerns. It is tragic that there are trolls that are able to convince folks that they should not get vaccinated, and that is costing the world dearly. Would you tell a friend "that isn't a bus bearing down on you, so no need to move out of the way", then watch when the bus plows into them? No need to point this out to most people, but there are still those that think they have the right to do and say as they please, regardless of the consequences.
I posted this, not to get political, but to remind my friends that there are still about half the word population that hasn't been vaccinated and there are drastic consequences for not doing so.
Don (ezdays) Day
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So sorry to hear about your grandson. I too have some family members who won't get the shot. I have had the shot and wear a mask and wash my hands regularly and got Covid anyway. Friday is my last day and then I can return to my normal routine. I also will get the booster shot if it becomes available. I really don't think this will ever end unless at least 90% of the people get the shot and I don't see that happening so we are in the new normal and will have to live this way for the foreseeable (rest of our lives?) future I'm afraid.
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Those of us who get vaccinated do so not only for ourselves, but also for the sake of those around us, even if they're among the vaccine denyers.
I am saddened to hear of your loss, Don, but perhaps it will convince the family to reconsider their opinions.
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I have no words. You and your family have our deepest sympathies and prayers.
Even though my wife, daughter, and son are vaccinated we have all begun to wear masks again. Unfortunately I have extended family members who share and post those misinformation posts. I have called several of them out on it but it has done nothing to stop them and in a few cases I know they are not vaccinated.
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Don -
This truly breaks my heart. I am very saddened to hear this, but hopefully your message will be heard.
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Thanks again everyone, it's hard to make sense of something like this, and yes Kevin, I really do hope my message gets through. We have lots of folks just stop by to read what's going on here and just about all of us have family members that refuse to get their shots. So maybe this story will be cause for someone to get vaccinated that wouldn't have otherwise.
Don (ezdays) Day
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