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Been a while since I did any woodworking worth posting, but I bought a gun a while back that needed a new stock added. I could buy many different ones starting at around $50 up to several hundred, then another $50 would get me the required adapter ring to fit it to my gun. I've been wanting a new bandsaw since I sold mine during a move years ago, so this was my chance. Bought one for $160 and I had some scrap maple and everything else I needed so what a delight to get something practical done. Here's the whole project in one post:
Cut the blank on the bandsaw, note the pencil line. I cut the blank in two so I could cut the tapers and basic shape with the saw.
After cutting the basic shape on the bandsaw, I glued the parts back together, then sanded it smooth with a belt sander. I used a circle cutter and a Dremel tool to cut the groove that fit on the end of the gun in place of the adapter.
I spray painted the wood stock black to match the gun
Here it is attached to the end of the gun. Added a rubber butt pad to cushion any recoil.
So, for a little bit over the cost of the stock and adapter, I wound up with that plus a bandsaw, and had fun building it.
Don (ezdays) Day
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Don, that is beautiful. I love woodworking but I was never what I could call a craftsman. My 2 brothers are very skilled. I wanted to take wood shop in high school but my dad insisted I take plane geometry instead. Thank goodness I took the geometry. Not a day goes by that I don't need to find the sine or cosign of some useless object.
What brand band saw is it. Mine is Ridgid and it works quite well. I have had it about 20 years. I also have a 12.5 in thickness planer from Ridgid that has made truck loads of wood shavings.
I will await your report of how it handles on the range. I envy your ability to get out and shoot. We could do the same many years ago but now finding a place to shoot is almost impossible. I can shoot in my back yard but the neighbors dog does not do well with the noise and the poor guy is in bad shape so I don't want to un nerve him
Keep up the good work and keep sharing.
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Thanks much Charlie. I had a 14" Craftsman band saw and a DeWalt planer along with a double-bagged dust collector. Sold them all when we moved a couple of years ago. Not smart. So right around Christmas I got a discount coupon from Harbor Freight and gave myself a Christmas present. It's the smaller 9" one, that's why I had to cut the blank in half to shape the blank. It cuts nice and is very quiet, and looks identical to the 9" Craftsman.
We are lucky we still have areas we can shoot at. Little by little areas are being annexed, or somebody builds nearby, and you can't shoot within a city limit, nor within a mile of any structure. We drive almost 60 miles west on I-10 to a small mountain north of Tonopah (look it up). Lots of organized ranges closer, but it just isn't the same lined up shooting paper targets. It is a relaxing and fun sport and safe if you know what you're doing, that's the other reason we stay away from ranges.
Don (ezdays) Day
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What kind of gun is that Don? I'm lucky in that I live on small acreage and can just step out my door and shoot when I want to.
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(01-15-2023, 10:08 AM)Tyson Rayles Wrote: What kind of gun is that Don? I'm lucky in that I live on small acreage and can just step out my door and shoot when I want to.
Wow, now I am jealous, if I had that option, there's a couple of pit bulls next door that are a bit noisy almost all the time. Not that I'd harm them, but put a scare into them maybe.
It is a Mossberg 22 LR, AR style sporting gun that needed a stock for support. Too forward heavy without one. I have an ATI GSG-5 that has seen better days and I wanted a replacement. This works fine now that Mossberg replaced the bolt assembly a few weeks ago.
Don (ezdays) Day
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Well you can stop over and shoot anytime you want. Shouldn't be more than a four or five day drive to here from AZ. LOL
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(01-20-2023, 07:01 AM)Tyson Rayles Wrote: Well you can stop over and shoot anytime you want. Shouldn't be more than a four or five day drive to here from AZ. LOL
Thank you kindly sir, I would take you up on that, but I might have to travel through a few states that don't take to guns as much as ours does. Don't feel like messing with those folks that carry guns but don't want you to.
Don (ezdays) Day
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kudos on the stock don , as long as your into gun stocks I have a grand that needs new wood , if you would like a challenge let me know,