08-21-2023, 01:53 AM
Hi everyone, I will again try to explain how I set-up my layout to be controlled by a computer.
I couldn't really find a suitable part of the forum that dealt with this sort of topic so...... here we are.
I started to do this on the PistonBroke Thread but will now start separate thread here for those who are curious
So I will attempt to copy and Paste the relevant posts from the other thread to refresh and start again and see how we go
This new layout will be using a computer to control it (when I call it into action) with the "Train Controller" ® programme by Freiwald Software
Here is a PDF of the computer drawing of my layout done with the "Train Controller" software
Which is a very simple exercise, just using the mouse as a pencil .
Seeing as I was thinking that I wanted to mainly try and run trains with a computer controlling all turnouts timetables and schedules, I tried to keep the layout as level as possible to maximise my grossly inadequate track laying skills, and minimise any future problems. However I do have one line over a tunnel on the layout so as a quick turnaround run is achievable. This meant gouging out two rights of way into my foam baseboard to give the required clearance.
You just keep adding them in series to increase the number of sections that you need feed back from
Cheers, Jack
..... Abandon the search for truth
Look for a good fantasy
I couldn't really find a suitable part of the forum that dealt with this sort of topic so...... here we are.
I started to do this on the PistonBroke Thread but will now start separate thread here for those who are curious
So I will attempt to copy and Paste the relevant posts from the other thread to refresh and start again and see how we go
This new layout will be using a computer to control it (when I call it into action) with the "Train Controller" ® programme by Freiwald Software
Here is a PDF of the computer drawing of my layout done with the "Train Controller" software
Which is a very simple exercise, just using the mouse as a pencil .
Seeing as I was thinking that I wanted to mainly try and run trains with a computer controlling all turnouts timetables and schedules, I tried to keep the layout as level as possible to maximise my grossly inadequate track laying skills, and minimise any future problems. However I do have one line over a tunnel on the layout so as a quick turnaround run is achievable. This meant gouging out two rights of way into my foam baseboard to give the required clearance.
The Set-up
When using these computer programmes fun facts are easy to come by ........ if I can just find where to look!!
eg: There are 77 turnouts,
4 of which are double slips,
1x3 way turnout
33 left hand turnouts
and 37 turnouts are Right hand.
With a few more to add, about 3 I think.
I drive them all with Tortoise switch machines connected to DCC Specialties Wabbit Feedback stationary decoders.
I don't have the feedback component connected yet.
Moved Wabbit decoders out from under for accessibility
each Turnout will be able to be switched from the side of the layout via a momentary on toggle switch, as well as by the throttle and computer ......... eventually.
Below is my crude attempt to make a switchboard with these toggles switches in a busy area of the layout.
But they will mainly be just on the side of the layout near the turnout, like this.
The layout is divided into 75 blocks, for detecting where the trains are at any given time. .....Hopefully......
These 2 DR4088's are some of the Block detection modules
You just keep adding them in series to increase the number of sections that you need feed back from
and 5 reverse loops.
Each Reverse loop is controlled by a DCC Specialties "PSX-AR Power Shield Auto Reverser/circuit breaker"
I know this is not a huge layout compared to some I have seen on the internet in American Basements but I think this will take me more than my lifetime to complete.
Happy days for my kids when the time comes to clean up Pops mess when I depart. null
I have a Lenz LVZ100 Controller from my old layout, but I was intrigued by the Digikeijs "DR5000" controller as it has the ability to connect to either Lenz/Rocco (Expressnet System) or the Loconet System, all the while being able to just use a USB to connect to your computer and relay any system Info. to the programme.
Seems like all the magic in one box.
I bought one, so we will see.
Here we go this is the Brains.
I have no idea why I am embarking on this tech Mission, as I would be the least Computer literate fellow around.
I guess it's the Challenge. ...... Wait. Wut. did I just say that!
But I have started, and I am enjoying the journey, so I guess that's all that matters.
Cheers, Jack
..... Abandon the search for truth
Look for a good fantasy
..... Abandon the search for truth
Look for a good fantasy
..... Abandon the search for truth
Look for a good fantasy