We need a GERN thread - Printable Version

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Re: We need a GERN thread - Gary S - 04-09-2011

Two overlooked considerations....

1. Along with speed of light travel requiring much of the ship's volume to be propulsion systems, the ship must also have the nescessary phaser weapons and defensive electromagnetic shielding. With the considerable activity of space pirates and their known propensity for hijacking high value cargo such as Fluxanium Slurry, much of the ship's volume must be in power sources for defense.

2. Another overlooked fact is that with Fluxanium Slurry, a "little dab'll do ya." The yearly needs of an average planet's entire population can be provided with less than 3000 cubic feet of the stuff.

In the above discussions, while the volume reduction of the cargo is important, perhaps too much emphasis has been placed on the subject of weight. Once out of the gravitational field, everything is weightless anyway. It is the mass reduction that matters, both while in a gravitional field and outside it. While everyone will agree that CEO Gibson is a businessman extraordinaire, perhaps he should leave the technical discussions to his engineers and scientists?


Re: We need a GERN thread - Charles - 04-09-2011

Gary S Wrote:Once out of the gravitational field, everything is weightless anyway. It is the mass reduction that matters, both while in a gravitional field and outside it. While everyone will agree that CEO Gibson is a businessman extraordinaire, perhaps he should leave the technical discussions to his engineers and scientists?


You're probably correct about me keeping my prominent proboscis out of technical discussions, but even a schoolboy knows that entry and exit is the most peril-fraught portion of the journey. Misngth Misngth


Re: We need a GERN thread - MountainMan - 04-10-2011

Since flux is so common as to be everywhere and in everything, how is it possible that it is considered a high value cargo?

Re: We need a GERN thread - ezdays - 04-10-2011

MountainMan Wrote:Since flux is so common as to be everywhere and in everything, how is it possible that it is considered a high value cargo?
Have you ever tried to extract it from anything, then reduce it into a pure form? Once you've tried, you'll know the answer to your question.

Re: We need a GERN thread - Charles - 04-10-2011

MountainMan Wrote:Since flux is so common as to be everywhere and in everything, how is it possible that it is considered a high value cargo?

Young Don has it right: the value is in the processing. Thumbsup Thumbsup

I must say, however, MountainMan, your constant questioning concerning GERN and its many fine products, coupled with your incessant naysaying and pettifoggery is beginning to arouse my suspicions as to your intentions. Our corporate records indicate you to be a subscriber to GERN advertising and promotional material and a potential modeller of a manufacturing facility, yet you continue to tout the virtues of Messrs. Tesla, Brown, et al. Best of luck to you and them, but we could do without the negativity. It makes me wonder, too, who's minding your financial empire whilst you fritter away your time lollygagging about this thread in an attempt to flummox honest and hard-working GERN modellers.
Our records also show that Brown at one time worked for GERN as a freight handler, but after being disciplined on several occasions for drunkeness on the job, we had to let him go. The last we heard of him, he was driving a hack. Misngth Nikola served as an office boy for me in the '60s, and worked in our labs as a summer student whilst attending the Polytechnic. A bright lad, he was well-liked and probably could have amounted to something had he stayed on. Please give him my regards. Goldth

I do think, though, that your energies would be better spent developing the business opportunities afforded by Unobtanium, Craddium, and whale oil, rather than attempting to tear down GERN's stellar reputation, and I certainly wish you all the best in those business ventures. It seems to me that there's plenty of room in the marketplace for whatever products and/or services you intend to provide and that it's also unlikely that our respective companies would even be in competition, as we serve disparate markets.
Even though it's said that "opposites attract", we at GERN intend to remain "positive" in both our attitude and our output. Wink Goldth


Re: We need a GERN thread - ngauger - 04-10-2011

I didn't think GERN Flux was in "Everything" we only have so many manufacturing plants Smile

I was under the impression that we, who are Flux developers and extractors "want" GERN Flux to be in everything. That is where our 3% better Sales Reps and Technical Service Reps work their magic.. "Convincing more and more business people to use our Flux in their products", making their products that all important 3% better at whatever it is they were designed for.

So, Like BASF used to say in their TV ads....

We don't make "the products" GERN Flux makes the products 3% better!!!!

Re: We need a GERN thread - Mr Fixit - 04-10-2011

Ah BASF I havent heard that name in a while, but Im no audiophile. Are they still around and if so do they use GERN?

My mouse is playing up it must need some GERN flux to lubricate its working parts.

Re: We need a GERN thread - ngauger - 04-10-2011

One of their divisions manufacturered speakers.. Don't know if they still do, but the main "Chemical Manufacturing" - for mostly plastics and composits is still online and in business Smile Big Grin Smile

Re: We need a GERN thread - P5se Camelback - 04-10-2011

I can‘t comprehend how the constant curmudgeonly comments contribute
to the community’s collective inspirational interaction
in involved conversation concerning cramming containers
of GERN products into
expressly engineered extended cylindrical cargo compartments!



Re: We need a GERN thread - Sumpter250 - 04-10-2011

ngauger Wrote:I didn't think GERN Flux was in "Everything" we only have so many manufacturing plants Smile

Yeah, but the ones you have to watch closely are the ones with the "gern-blossoms"........those plants will get you every time !!

Re: We need a GERN thread - Sumpter250 - 04-10-2011

conversation concerning cramming containers of GERN into
expressly engineered extended cylindrical cargo compartments!
conspicuously contributes to the community’s
conclusively constant collective curmudgeonly comment.
clearly conditions, certifiably conducive to careful costly control..............cram ceremoniously.

Re: We need a GERN thread - Sumpter250 - 04-10-2011

rrinker Wrote:What do you think they make those engines out of in the first place?

The main drive engines, roll, pitch, and yaw engines, are basically cylinders of expended uranium. What makes them unique is that they have been "drawn", somewhat like a wire, through an event horizon, to produce very precise molecular alignment. These "mass cylinders" are controlled by a generated field which causes the mass's sub atomic structure to "think" it is moving at "a speed", along the cylindrical axis. To achieve exponential light speeds, a similar field generator produces the same effect in the hull structure, and the crew. The only energy required is for the "communication" of that "thought" to the engines, and the rest of the mass. Once at the desired vector, it all continues until acted upon by an outside force. --Simply put, Inertial drive.
The small size of the load is the result of GERN Flux being 3% more resistant to inertial vectoring. ( within its container, the GERN Flux does get 3% more " agitated " )

Really, do you honestly think intergalactic travel is possible, by "squirting something out the back end of a vessel" ?? !!!

Beneath the after dish communication antenna mount, is a large spherical chamber which makes up the Focused Translocator Reactor, a "matter-matter annihilation", as opposed to "matter-antimatter", energy source, using two focused, translocators ( "transporters" ) to cause two equal masses to exist in the same space at the same time. It's been irreverently called "The Big Bang Ball ", by some with a less than fully developed imagination. There's currently, ongoing research, to see if an alloy can be made with GERN Flux, to make the energy conversion refractory lining of the sphere 3% more efficient.

Re: We need a GERN thread - P5se Camelback - 04-10-2011

Icon_lol Icon_lol Icon_lol Icon_lol Icon_lol


Re: We need a GERN thread - doctorwayne - 04-10-2011

Pete, you may stand a good chance of capturing this year's edition of GERN's "Golden Shovel Award" - 3% more in every scoopful. Icon_lol Icon_lol Icon_lol GERN's Sales Department would probably appreciate your talents, too. Wink Goldth


Re: We need a GERN thread - Mr Fixit - 04-11-2011

I'm just concerned that the ship doesnt appear to have phaser weapons in the dorsal position [topside] forward or aft, like they are in the ventral positions [underneath].

That would leave the ship open to attack from above.

Those satellite or radar dishes look like they would be the first things damaged in any gunfight with another ship or when landing in any position where you could be fired down upon.

How many crew fly this thing and where are their rest facilities, we wouldnt want them suffering from fatigue while delivering that all important load of refined and processed GERN, now would we?
