masonjar's Get off yer duff Challenge - Part I
On a railway related trip a few weeks ago, I picked up several rolling stock kits that 1) give me a bit more variety, and 2) are a better fit for my chosen era (roughly "between the wars") and location (southern Ontario).

From Just Train Crazy, I got 2 40'/50 ton general purpose gondolas. They are undecorated kits that will be lettered for CNR. I was looking for RTR Proto 1000 gons, but had no luck. Now I won't need them! Wink

From Credit Valley RR Co, I got a Tichy 40' flat. This again is an undecorated kit that will end up in service for CNR.

From my local shop (Larkspur Line in Merrickville) I have ordered a pair of Central Valley flat cars. They'll be put to use by CN as well.

Lastly, in non-revenue service, a Walthers undec Russell Snowplow.

So... Six cars to build from kits, painting, decalling, weathering, and possibly adding a load to one or more.

That should cover it for now! Smile

One last addition, although it's not entirely correct. A Proto2000 flat car - beautiful model though so nice to have.

Here's a shot of all the work to be done. Minus the Central Valley flats which I haven't picked up yet.


Attached Files Image(s)
Things are mostly assembled and ready to begin painting. I've only ever painted with rattle cans before, and mostly structures with them.

So I decided to do a test run. I picked up some matte black Krylon for plastic and tried it on one gondola. A couple of coats give good coverage, with the details showing through nicely. And here's where the problems start...! 35

The paint is just not drying. It's been several days, and the paint still feels tacky. It doesn't come off, and I'm
Not leaving finger prints in it, but it is definitely not dry.

Any suggestions?

Hit it with a thin coat of dull coat. Either the thinner in the dull coat will cut the stickiness, or the dull coat will dry on top of it and seal the paint. I have had a similar problem with primer, and that is how I fixed it.
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  
Solved the tacky paint problem. It was drying time and/or humidity. I parked the various cars in the furnace room (the warmest room in the house). Everything seems to dry completely now.

Here's the latest status:

Central Valley flat cars (2): partly assembled
Tichy flat car: primed and body is painted, deck to be weathered
Accurail gondolas: primed and painted
Russell Plow: primed
Proto2000 flat: unassembled Sad

The next challenge is to find suitable decals or dry transfers for these cars. I haven't had a lot of luck, especially since CDS was sold. Anyone have recommendations for 1920s and 30s CNR decals or transfers for the above?


Andrew, Ozark Miniatures has the rights to C-D-S and has their old stock and have done some of the sets as new production, too.

Another choice for Canadian roads is Black Cat decals. I usually get mine through TMR Distributing, which is who the link is for. Their decals are much improved over what they were in the early '60s.

A couple of examples...

[Image: Latestfreightcarst003.jpg]

[Image: Latestfreightcarst004.jpg]

Thanks Wayne. I think I've found some suitable decals or dry transfers, but it is kind of hit and miss. I'm probably going to have to order from multiple sources. Sad

One thing I haven't found at all is any decals or transfers for the Russel plow.


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