Tichy Trains Flat Cars Kits
In a recent post (SOME FREIGHT CAR MODIFICATIONS...), doctorwayne wrote:

"These TH&B flatcars were done before the Fowler cars, but the photos were somehow lost."

This reminded me that I had similar photos lost somewhere in my computer. Here are two photos of similar kits from Tichy Trains I have built some months ago into the CP livery.


Guy from Southern Quebec.
(11-20-2018, 02:33 PM)CNR5103 Wrote: .....I had similar photos lost somewhere in my computer......

I think that it must be those cars which are responsible for the lost pictures....they're the only common denominator involved. Misngth Icon_lol

Yours look very good.
I built two of the flatcars as logging flats a few years ago.
I recently built the Tichy wheel car. It uses the flat car as it's starting point. I lettered it in CN livery.
I built the Tichy wheel car as a basic flatcar in MoW service, adding some low, removeable sides...

[Image: Morelayoutviews003.jpg]

...then did the wheels as single-level loads to fit both 40' and 52' gondolas....

[Image: Freightcarloads006.jpg]

[Image: Freightcarloads009.jpg]

[Image: Freightcarloads008.jpg]

[Image: Freightcarloads010.jpg]

There were enough for two 40'-ers and one longer car, plus a few loose ones leftover as "scenery".


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