Deleteing your own posts?
shortliner Wrote:Ab-so-lute-ly right, Don - You don't go into somebody elses house and tell him how to run his life! Just exactly the same applies here - you are invited in, and you accept the invitation, you accept the rules of behaviour that come with it - If you don't like them, or aren't prepared to accept them, don't come in - or you can expect that the owner and his friends (Mods) will throw you out
Yup, I agree, our house, our rules. If someone were to bring a bottle of something to drink to our home, I would expect that they would want to share it with everyone else. And when they left, I wouldn't expect that they'd want to take it with them, even if the bottle was still full. That's not a rule of the house, just common good manners.

That having been said, our intent here is that we all have a good time and we enjoy being here. We learn, we share and we meet friends with common interests. We don't want to make things difficult for anyone but the spammers and we think that so far, that's where we are.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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