Anyone here live in Virginia?
Not that it was too catastrophic but I hope none of our members, their families or friends were injured during that 5.8 earthquake this afternoon?

I remember that we encountered a similar event towards the end of June in 2010 when a 5.0 quake originated in Quebec and was felt for hundreds of miles in all directions.
Even though the earthquake was centered in Northern Virginia, we felt buildings shaking in New York City. That was crazy.
Mike Kieran
Port Able Lines

" If the world were perfect, it wouldn't be " - Yogi Berra.
I felt the earth / move / under-my-butt ! Icon_lol

I'm sitting two floors underground, working in Shipping & Receiving.

I felt last year's quake as an up-and-down motion, like when the big trucks hit the bottom of the ramp and bump over the drain grate and the floor shakes.

This time it was a gentle side-to-side motion.

I wasn't sure if it was really happening until someone else mentioned that they could feel it too...
Ron Wm. Hurlbut
Toronto, Ontario, Dominion of Canada
Ontario Narrow Gauge Show
Humber Valley & Simcoe Railway Blog
I'm about 30 miles from the epicenter, didn't feel a thing because I was driving. I think the chaos that ensued after the quake and is still continuing is causing more damage than the quake did. I'm glad I'm not at work in D.C. because the city is going nuts.
Wow! I'm out of the loop! Haven't checked the news yet today and learned about the earthquake here!
Not even close, Phoenix is a far cry from there but I can imagine where people would panic not knowing what the heck was going on, and unlike Californians, not use to being in one. I do remember a good number of years ago we looked out our back window to see the water in our pool sloshing around. Turned on the TV to find an earthquake was taking place in Los Angeles, some 400 miles away. Yeah, tremors do travel some distances away and can cause damage where you least expect it.

Let's hope these folks aren't hit with aftershocks.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
My son & I were each using a computer in our basement in Toronto and felt the house moving for about 20 seconds! I quickly found out that an earthquake occurred in the Virginia & DC area.

A tornado devastated a small town in Ontario on Sunday, so this was a little nerve-wracking.
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It knocked down a bunch of my trees and an bridge on my layout that i never really glued down. Gonna need some HO construction crews. (serious by the way).

I was actually in Staten Island, NY, when it happened. I thought an animal had gotten caught in our building (Deer hide in our woods), but then I realized the sounds were repetitive and the floor was shaking, which struck me as odd since it was solid reinforced concrete right there at ground level. The building I work in is old, but it held, despite some frightening creaks and moans.

For NY people, i wonder what it was like on the bridges, like the Verrazano-Narrows bridge. I've been on that one on a windy day, i can't imagine what an earthquake would do to it.

The best part is, that apparently, calls about the earthquake actually outpaced the earthquake itself. It definitely made me laugh after reading this cartoon a few days ago. Oh the joys of modern technology!

[Image: seismic_waves.png]
Modeling New Jersey Under the Wire 1978-1979.  
[Image: logosmall.png]
That cartoon strip is clever. It gave me a good laugh. Big Grin

When I logged on, earlier, Yahoo mentioned, ( amidst the gigabytes of useless advertizing garbage ) that the Washington Monument had been damaged by the quake.

!! Run for your lives !!! the world is coming to an end !!!!

:oops: wait a minute....if that's true, THERE'S NO PLACE WE CAN RUN TO !!! :oops: Icon_twisted 357 Icon_twisted
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
I live here in Charlotte and felt it pretty well sitting upstairs in our house. It shook our window blinds, and rattled some shelf items too. 2285_

I'm not an earthquake-lovin' guy...I'm more of a solid-earth-shouldn't-be-moving kind of guy. Waveof7 Waveof7

Citation Latitude Captain
Lt Colonel, USAF (Retired)

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