ezdays Wrote:
FiatFan Wrote:I also tried to quote the previous reply. I thought it had been deleted for straying a little too far from the standards of the forum.

We are set up to do a double embedded (or nested) quote. I think there's a way of doing multiple posts, I'll have to try it and see how it works.

ezdays Wrote:
MountainMan Wrote:I* just visitied the "former forum with no name" and the banner advertisement in large letters at the top of the index asks me if I am "dreaming of a bigger sexual organ that starts with "P"? Have I tried VIMAX?"

No, Cooter...could you show how it will look in G Scale?

Oh, yeah...we left just in time. The Adult Depends, Viagra and Energizer Bunny pacemaker batteries are just around the corner. Nope
I've been fortunate to have been spared all of that. As a staff member, I was exempt (probably the only perk I got, since they took away me and Mikey's email addressess), but even then, I had Firefox squelch all ads. Occasionally, I had to use my laptop and a pseudo-name to find out what people were talking about with the ads. Yeah, when that "former forum with no name owners" decided to place ads in the posts, and defended it by saying, only those that were not registered could see them, we counted that as the last straw...

Russ Bellinis Wrote:
nachoman Wrote:The ads wouldn't have been so bad if they were on-topic. It's a train forum, how about ads for things train or model related?

Be careful what you ask for. I used to go to quite a few Yahoo boards that covered various aspects of model railroading. I discovered that because "model" was in the title of the board, every porn site and nude model's web site latched on and sent spam. I think there was more porn in some of those sites than there was model railroad content.

Sumpter250 Wrote:
Quote:Then the Old Gauge, which displays the word *enis in large letters at the top of the index page, should be inundated with porn within a very short time, right?
"All books are indecent books,
though recent books are bolder,
for smut, I'm glad to say,
is in the mind of the beholder.
When directly viewed,
Everything is lewd,
I can tell you things about Peter Pan,
and the Wizzard of Oz, there's a dirty old man!" - Tom Lehrer, "Smut"

It doesn't seem to be too difficult to accomplish. Thumbsup
doctorwayne Wrote:It doesn't seem to be too difficult to accomplish. Thumbsup

Nope, but one thing we allow that the old forum under vBulletin didn't, is that we will nest up to two quotes when you hit, "quote". by that I mean, if you are quoting someone, and I quote you, both quotes will show in my post.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
You're right, Don. I thought that we could do the "quote within a quote" over there, but I just checked, and it doesn't.

doctorwayne Wrote:It doesn't seem to be too difficult to accomplish. Thumbsup

Show-off! 357

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)

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