A few updates
Packey, our honorable and most studious webmaster has been tinkering in the background. Two things that he's got working now:
  • Email notification of new posts in subscribed threads, PM's and anything else is now working. If you still aren't getting them, check to make sure you are still subscribed to these threads, and that you've set your control panel to request notifications for PM's

  • We think we've solved the oversize photo dilemma. We've added a modification that any picture that is larger than 800 pixels wide will be scaled down to 800 pixels. That is, any newly uploaded (attached) photo, or any link to a photo no matter where it is will be scaled down so it's fully visible without scrolling or having part of the image cut off. This way you can keep your linked photos from Photobuckets or other photo-sharing site as large as you want, and we will automatically scale them to size for viewing in posts here. There will be an arrow in the upper left corner of the image that you can click on to see the image in a separate window, or click anywhere on the image to got to it's original location. This applies to any newly uploaded images and any old or new linked ones.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Thanks to all for your updates !

Gratulation for enlarging of large pictures! And thanks also for working E-mail notification for subscribed threads.
Cheers, Bernd

Please visit also my website www.us-modelsof1900.de.
You can read some more about my model projects and interests in my chronicle of facebook.
Great news about the rescaled pics ....thanks a bunch to Packey et al .

To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.

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