Removable Cement to Fasten a Template to Aluminum
I made a cad drawing of the small control panel for my grandsons HO layout. What is a good removable cement to fasten it to an aluminum panel that will not stain the aluminum. I thought of using good old fashioned rubber cement, but not sure if it will stain the aluminum or not. Anybody out there with experience in this sort of thing?

Thanks for any help.

Any day I can run my O gauge trains or ride the full sized ones is a great day.
Can't answer the question about rubber cement per se, but if you printed the template in reverse, and attached it to the back of the control panel to guide your cutting/drilling, it would not matter if it left a mark...

MasonJar Wrote:Can't answer the question about rubber cement {i]per se[/i], but if you printed the template in reverse, and attached it to the back of the control panel to guide your cutting/drilling, it would not matter if it left a mark...


Andrew, I never thought of that, comes with age I guess. Actually I don't need to reverse it as it is exactly the same either way. Just a simple panel with switches and lEDs, 20 holes total. If I drill with wood backing the holes should come out pretty clean so I will give it a try. Will let you know how it comes out, probably won't get time till Thursday to try it.


Any day I can run my O gauge trains or ride the full sized ones is a great day.
Thought I would post the results. The rubber cement came off with no problems. It worked great for attaching the drilling template.

Any day I can run my O gauge trains or ride the full sized ones is a great day.
Got a picture?


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