Ocalicreek's 2010 Spring Bash Challenge
Geezz, Galen ... really nice job! I'll have to bookmark this thread so I can review it when I take on the two that I bought new the summer I got out of the Army (1970.)

Really just a super modeling job. Those Tru-Scale - Silver Streak kits were right up there in the ranking of detailed "craftsman" kits of the day, and produced a model almost on a par with the Central Valley kits. Of course, the Central Valley kits had those great-rolling trucks! Big Grin

You've done a splendid rebuild on this car, the kind of work that is the stuff of magazine articles. Thumbsup

Once again, more modeling skills that give me pause when it comes to taking part in this summer's challenge!

You've got a beautiful model there, Galen! You've done yourself proud! Worship Worship

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln
Thanks! You are too kind.

I have the model on a display track in my office, where I can admire it and dream about all the modeling I'd do if it weren't for all the work I do...which I enjoy - don't get me wrong, but the models...they call to me...

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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