How many from here have you met in person?
Like the question says how many of us have met face to face?

I haven't met anyone, yet. I would like to meet all of you.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
I've met two. Pete (sumpter250) and Drew Allison who has since gone blind and is no longer active in the hobby sadly. His Allison Feeds is still a major customer on my Nantahala Midland and a couple of Pete's Sagaponack, Montauk & Cindy's Harbor boxcars are still plying the rails here as well.

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
Let's see,
Sumpter250. came to visit me back around 2003 when I was in Wickenburg
Ray M (Marinaccio) was there at the same time as Sumpter250 and stopped by our new house after we moved to Surprise. Plus I've met him and his family several times at different train shows
I met Chief Eagles when he was here a few years ago for the grand opening of a Bass Pro Shop.
TrainNut and Woodone has been to my house several times and I've been to theirs and we've been to several shows together as well. TrainNut is on MRR hiatus for now, and Woodone has been busy doing DCC conversions, but does stop by here once in a while.
I met Nachoman at a train show and another time when we were exchanging a tour car.

That's all that I can think of for now.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Tyson Rayles Wrote:I've met two. Pete (sumpter250) and Drew Allison who has since gone blind and is no longer active in the hobby sadly. His Allison Feeds is still a major customer on my Nantahala Midland and a couple of Pete's Sagaponack, Montauk & Cindy's Harbor boxcars are still plying the rails here as well.

That's a shame about Drew, I new he was losing his sight, and assumed that was the reason he disappeared, but I wasn't sure. Both of you were extremely helpful when I first showed up on the scene and both of you really had set the standards high for me to shoot for. So far, after all these years, I've never quite gotten to that level, but I've never forgotten, and am still trying. Big Grin
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
I have met Dr Wayne, Nutbar, and Sgt. Carl, railcop, and csiguy.
Wayne has been down 6 or 8 times and we railfan and have a good time. He has brought CN nutbar with him a couple times too.
Since I live well off the beaten track, I'm sorry to say I haven't met anyone from here. Nope
I hosted Stein and ran trains on my layout with him the summer before he died.
All these people...

 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  
Brakie, Catt, and Sumpter250.
As Don mentioned, He and I have gotten together a few times and I met Pete while at Don's once.
I have also met TrainNut and Woodone at train shows.
Did I miss anyone? Icon_lol
Ray Marinaccio
e-paw Wrote:All these people...


I think you should post a list of names and let's see if we can match names to faces....

T & A Layout Build
Most of the Gaugers I've met no longer seem active.
Robin (matthyro) has died. He would come around at shows.
Spitfire also used to drop by.
Tingoat had mad narrow-gauge modules at shows. There are fewer big shows in the area than there were.
Interurban quit on us. I haven't seen him for a few years.

Did I leave anyone out?
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
"Both of you were extremely helpful when I first showed up on the scene and both of you really had set the standards high for me to shoot for. So far, after all these years, I've never quite gotten to that level, but I've never forgotten, and am still trying."

Good to know I was of some use Don but Drew was the one that had the better "eye" for form, texture and colors. You are also selling yourself short, you have gotten a lot better. We are all still learning, it's part of the appeal of the hobby I think.

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
I thought about that Scubadude but was concerned that someone may not want to have a name to there face on the internet. So I will leave that up to them, if they want to say who they are. I will at least say that I am the one in the middle with the hat.
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  
Unfortunately, I have not met anyone. I think there is only one other "Gauger" here in Michigan as far as I know.

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