I think I created a monster-suggestions please
Here is Another example from SOUTH BROOKLYN RAILWAY from the site mentioned above. Note that here are quite of number of tracks for locate cars that are ready to be shipped to the industries or to a waiting barge.

[Image: sbk39yardca1913xsmall.gif]
Look at the 149th Street Erie Bronx Terminal which really squeezes the maximum trackage into a small space - You'll find my version, and a couple of other versions, on Carls scrapbook
Painkiller,shortliner et all-I want to thank all of you for your comments. I now feel a whole lot better about my track plan and layout. It is now time for me
to get my head out of where the sun doesn't shine and run some trains and have fun doing it. Cheers
Except for possibly adding some additional scenery the only thing I need to do in the future is to finish off the background.Not sure what method(s) I will
use but that for another day.
Thanks again
"My railroad is a figment of my imagination"

River Witch 14 Wrote:......I need to do in the future is to finish off the background.Not sure what method(s) I will
use but that for another day.....
Have a look at Kingmill. Their flat backgrounds might be a match http://www.kingmill.com
Reinhard- the kind of backdrop that I am looking for may not even exist. I am trying to find one that has trees with a river running horizontally behind the trees
or one with trees and one with a river that I can put together. I'm no good at that kind of painting so painting my own wouldn't work.
I know I can get a backdrop with trees but have not seen one with a river that runs horizontally which I would need to tie into the area with the car float.
"My railroad is a figment of my imagination"

Those backgrounds look good!!!
River Witch 14 Wrote:.... I know I can get a backdrop with trees but have not seen one with a river that runs horizontally which I would need to tie into the area with the car float.
Ah, I assumed your track plan drawing is upside down posted and the car float is in the foreground. You have the car float in the very rear of the layout and need a matching background.
What if there are industry buildings behind the car float too because the the car float is in a basin that attaches to the left into the river? Otherwise would you need trees, river and the other side of the river too. I guess the river would not be visible if you stand at the ground on this side. But the river became visible from an elevated standpoint like your when operating the layout. That is a very difficult situation I would try to avoid. Put the car float in a basin surrounded at three sides by industry (foreground and right side layout, rear side backdrop) and the open river at the left.
[Image: FoodDist_zps49839082.jpg]
[Image: Switcheratcarfloat_zps3307a5ff.jpg]
[Image: EngHouseMarineSupplyTrailerYard_zps34c54f38.jpg]
Reinhard,I have included 3 pictures of the area in question. If you look at the top 2 pictures you will see that the car float basin is open at the top and left side giving access to the river. The tracks
leading to the float run behind the food distributor which is just to the right of the basin. If in real life I were to stand at the bottom of the basin the river would still be visible but if I
were to stand back from the basin the river would not be as visible.
As far as adding industries near the basin there are already 2-the food distributor and in the bottom picture the building with the large "A" on it are as close to the basin as I can get.
The one possibility I can see would be to use a combination of backdrops with trees and building flats on it with the trees being at the top of the basin and running part way down the length of the layout
and the fill in the rest with one that has building flats on it.
Another possibility would be to run a backdrop with trees on it the full length of the layout and then maybe use DPM wall units to create building flats in a few locations.
These are just ideas and to be honest,no matter what choice(s) were to be made at this time, they would exceed my budget which is in the crapper so this can be thought of as a future project. Wallbang
I hope that this information makes things a little clearer for you.
"My railroad is a figment of my imagination"

Looks like you have a nice start there. Hope that my inputs here di not get you off the tracks! Keep posting!.
If you want to see some more info about , and the thinking behind, my version of E149th street see here <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/25093-erie-rr-east-149th-street-%E2%80%9Charlem-station%E2%80%9D/">http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index. ... %E2%80%9D/</a><!-- m --> and here <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/3354-jacks-in-or-shortliners-shortline/">http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index. ... shortline/</a><!-- m -->
The background was added by using Google street-view, printing out the pictures at a reasonable scale, tracing them onto sky painted back boards, and then painting them in

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