An update on an update
Packey, our webmaster, says that we are due for a software update, probably sometime in late April or May. We've got a few other things planned when we do this. First, you are aware of the problems we've had with our current gallery software. We've been trimming the contents down these past few weeks, and it will be gone by the time we do the update. We've been lacking a chat room for a few years now and so we hope to bring one back. We could also replace the gallery with something else sometime in the future if we find we can't do without one.

We are also adding and deleting some smilies. We want to keep those that we use a lot, delete some that aren't used much and add some fresh ones that you should like. You will have your chance to have your say in that. We will open a smiley thread for comments. Right now we've added these: Crazy(crazy) Applause(applaud) :wait: (and so?)

So final warning, anyone that still has items in the gallery, download them to your computers, replace them in posts that they're linked to, move them to some other photo sharing site... or just do nothing if you don't need to. Let us know if you need more time or our help, otherwise we will continue to systematically delete albums there until they're all gone.

To summarize, sometime in the next few weeks we hope to be able to:
  1. Update our phpBB software to the latest revision
  2. Drop our current gallery
  3. Add a new chat room that is compatible with our basic forum software
  4. Make a few changes to our smiley collection
  5. And,possibly, (no promises though Nope), add a new gallery if it is deemed feasible.
We will be off-line for a short period during this update and will give you adequate notice before we start. We are still a few weeks away from doing this, but we wanted you know as early as possible.

Don (ezdays) and Mikey (ngauger)
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Yay chatroom! I've missed this feature. The only other site I knew that had a decent chatroom was The Whistlepost, which seems to be gone now.
Modeling New Jersey Under the Wire 1978-1979.  
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Is Tapatalk still on the list? It would be much easier to read Big Blue on the iPhone while traveling.

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