Do You Keep ALL Your Mrring Magazines ?
Be Honest , Now ! Goldth
I'm not a pack rat type who has to keep everything because One Day I might use it . In cleaning up my train room and work area I came across more magazines and articles I stored for that rainy day , ......10 years ago ! Never opened them once . I can;t believe how many train mags I've collected and never looked at again . Sooooo OUT THEY WENT . Now , I'll miss them I suppose . Goldth

To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.
I held onto copies for along time but then started pulling out the articles I wanted to save and put them in a folder. That takes up much less space and lets me keep the pages I might actually use some time.
I cleaned them all out a few years ago... Haven't missed them yet Smile
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~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
I have had mine for 30 years, currently they are at my sons. Someone suggested taking them to a VA hospital. I think that is a good idea, Maybe spread a few in the local doctors office when I go. Let them throw them away and in the mean time it might just recruit someone into the hobby. I tried giving them away at a train show when we had a table. I was successful to a degree with the 3 to 5 year old non modeler group. They are just too valuable to us to just outright throw away.
As for missing them. I doubt it.
I disposed of an awful lot (i claim $20,000 worth) when we moved, at SWMBO's urging. Every so often I think I should look something up ... and I can't.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
After a few months I tear out the articles I want to keep and recycle the rest. I have file folders of "reference" material filed by subject. It has been quite handy quite a few times! Once in awhile the club I belong to gets a donation of magazines. We keep the ones we don't have and then give away the rest at our train show. I also take a stack to distribute at places I visit like the doctor, cafe or coffee shops, even the free libraries I have come across. I keep them in the car along with our open house and train show flyers -- I stuff a couple of flyers in the magazines before "depositing" them in offices. One never knows- it could be what hooks a new modeler or rekindles an old interest!

Detroit Connecting
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I kept the best issues and toss the others since I read MR,Trains,Classic Trains and a occasional Railfan.

Summerset Ry

Make Safety your first thought, Not your last!  Safety First!
When I got back into mrring about 1993 , I bought 10 years of MR and 10 tears of RMC from a guy for $75 ......good deal and yes I did go through them all . I asked the guy if I could see his layout ....he NEVER had one ! He had bought one craftsman kit that he never built !
To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.
Some but I toss most of em'. Eek

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
I aquired a guy's collection of around 50 years of Model Railroader. 20 years or RMC and 10 years of other publications like timber times and narrow gauge gazette. They were all on the way to the dump as he had collected them and found that other then one or two issues he has never looked at them after putting them on the shelf. I combed through them and cut out any article that was of interest to me and stored them in a binder. The remains were recycled. I did save the gazettes and timber times as people collect them. I figured I will stack them up and sell them for $1 a piece to raise money for our Free-mo group. I did save some Model Railroaders for my son to look through but once he is done with them I either give them away or put them in the recycle.

One thing I have noted unless it is prototype information so muc has changed in regards to detailing scenery and other techniques that most of the old articles are just a novelty. Anything worth updating and repeating has been done and is usually available in a compressed book version from a number of publishers.
Be Wise Beware Be Safe
"Mountain Goat" Greg
I did like Gazette and Fine Scale mags , so kept them .....but MR was becoming a bore ....hadn't bought it for many years , or RMC for that matter although it was more interesting than MR . Most of anything I need to know is on line these days anyhow .
To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.
I think for me, the frustrating part is many of these magazines only have a handful of articles I want.

Some of the older magazines I have from the 60s and 70s are great for prototype information, but most of the modelling techniques are a little outdated, and much of the products they are talking about no longer exists or is obsolete.

Some people will tear the page out or scan them, and I suppose scanning them is a good idea, but I just have a problem with destroying or getting rid of books/magazines. I'm sure that if I ever did finally part with some, It'd turn out that I needed them!
Modeling New Jersey Under the Wire 1978-1979.  
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Yes.... :?

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