The Mogollon Railroad
Thanks Ralph - that's a big compliment! To be honest, your steel mills and factories made out of parts and odds and ends are a big inspiration for me to get off my butt and put my creative mind to work. Honestly, I couldn't tell you what those pipes are for. I just know they look cool, and I've seen similar in photos Smile
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Hi Kevin, the layout is coming along very nicely. I've been checking in for a while now, but recently I'm not able to view any of your pics from the middle of page 13 on. Is anything up with your pic server, or can you help me
Out on this end with whatever might be wrong? Been on a Malcolm furlow kick of late and it reminded me of your layout. Look forward to your progress. -bill w
Well, it looks like I am going to have to move the layout from it's current location in a spare bedroom to my workshop outside. The layout is 4x8, and the outside workshop is only 7x7. Yikes! I'd rather not tear the whole thing apart and start over, so I am thinking of re-configuring it as an around-the walls shelf layout. I'd basically save the town and yard as-is, and then re-configure the rest. I've drawn it out and I think it will work. The shelf will be about 5 ft off the ground, allowing room underneath for my workbench and storage. I'm tall, so this is not an issue, but I can see needing a stool to aid in my modeling efforts.

In preparation, I insulated the ceiling in my workshop and built a small evaporative cooler. It's the hottest part of the summer here, and so far those two improvements make the room tolerable. I haven't decided yet if I will keep some standard gauge, or just go with all HOn3 right now with maybe short piece of inoperable standard gauge just to show an interchange. If I didn't include standard gauge, I would have more room for scenery and open up more operation potential with the HOn3.
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Yikes! Why is the RR getting kicked outside? You taking on a roommate? Forgive me if I missed something... I've been gone for a while.
TN - I got married Smile
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nachoman Wrote:TN - I got married Smile

And this has started already? Crazy Misngth

I sorta, kinda, thought that might be what had happened. However, since it was the spare bedroom (and assuming there's no premature marital rift that would banish you to it), I'm gonna guess that somebody's expecting to soon hear the pitter-patter of nachokiddies little feet.

Anyway, congratulations to you and Mrs. Nacho. Thumbsup Thumbsup Applause Applause Applause Applause

I think five feet is a bit high for working on, unless you're about seven. See what height your arm is when straight out -- you want anything close to you below that.
Or else you need a bench 18" high, wide and a couple of feet deep so that you don't step off it when admiring your work.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
The partial upper level of my layout is at 59". I can see it fine while running trains, but to throw turnouts or do manual uncoupling in areas not fairly close to the aisle, I use a step-stool. It's also useful when working on the upper level, too. Misngth

[Image: Layoutconstructionviews-August-September2014005.jpg]

The 5' is about as low as I can go considering the work areas underneath. There will be no issue seeing the trains. My only issue will be during construction.
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Here is a photo of my workshop with part of the completed shelf which will house the layout. I've since organized my tools and workshop better. Yes, the layout is a bit high, but it's not really in the way at all. I'm actually liking the challenge of this.

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The high shelf layout.........
Well, at least you don't have to squat uncomfortably, or get a headache from bending over to get an "eye level view". Cheers
Looking good so far.
I picked Cheers up a package of Bachmann Maple Trees, at my local hobby Cheers shop. They are pretty decent representations of smaller Maples. The new modules will benefit from the addition of those, and a few Cheers more pine trees.
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
The high shelf layout.........
Well, at least you don't have to squat uncomfortably, or get a headache from bending over to get an "eye level view". Cheers
Looking good so far.
I picked up a package of Bachmann Maple Trees, at my local hobby shop. They are pretty decent representations of smaller Maples. The new modules will benefit from the addition of those, and a few more pine trees. 2285_
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
I was originally thinking of doing things the same way schematically, with a narrow gauge town connecting to a standard gauge main line via a grade. The way the layout currently is, the grade is a constant 4%. While a winding, looping track is visually interesting, the grade is operationally not satisfying. In it's reconfigured form, I would still be stuck with a 3-4% grade and less room for sidings and scenery.

Soo...I think I have decided on a compromise. I will keep the narrow gauge and standard gauge completely separate, and just "pretend" that they meet up. No more dual-gauge track. No more grades. I will have a siding on the SG that I will "pretend" is the NG interchange, and a siding on the NG that I "pretend" is the SG interchange. In reality, the two will be separated vertically by 3 inches.
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I started making a narrow gauge bridge from scrap-box parts. What happens when I finally run out of scrap parts to make things with?

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nachoman Wrote:I started making a narrow gauge bridge from scrap-box parts. What happens when I finally run out of scrap parts to make things with?

Not bad at all! ;-) Exactly what I'd expect from your narrow gauge line!

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