The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good afternoon folks

Just got home from getting my first COVID shot. It seems like we spent the day in the car. Logged about a hundred miles. An hour to Levittown, half hour to get the shot, a stop for lunch, and an hour to get home. I got the Phizer shot so I return in three weeks, the day after my gets her second shot. At the moment the only side effect is my arm is sore.

Last evening, I tacked down the track. This is temporary until I can outline the track zone for the roadbed. I looked at my supply of roadbed and did a few calculations and I think I am way short. Each loop is about 40 feet. There is a third smaller loop plus sidings and spurs. My guess is I need at least 150 to 170 feet. I currently have 72 feet. Guess I know what my next order will be.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning all, nope, not a trace of rain the past few days, so those soothsayers were all right, even those that forecast a 57% chance. We are starting to get dust storm warnings, a bit early, but there was a serious accident around Eloy because of one a few days ago.

We all get email and snail mail with offers that seem very attractive, they bait us to possibly buy something we never planned on buying. Well, I think this takes first prize for audacity. I just got and email from a company that I've bought from before. The email prompts you with, "up to 87% off". I am always cautious about the, "up to", but thought that I'd take a look anyway. Started scrolling down the list, this is 14% off, another item, 20% off, still another at 8%. I continue until almost the end of the list. Guess what's a whole 87% off.... a 2020 calendar. Eek  Yeah, no kidding, last year's calendar is on sale, so hurry before they're all gone..... Nope

Heading out to Flat Iron Mountain this morning for some target shooting. Temps suppose to get into the 80's later in the day, but it'll be nice regardless.

Everyone, have a great day....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

27 headed for 51. Supposed to be sunny but there is a cloud parked directly over this county. Hopefully it will move on soon.

In the mail the other day I got another one of those stupid "your warranty is about to expire" notices. The interesting thing is that it was for my son's car but the envelope was addressed to me. I put the new plates on on the 19th of last month. In less than 2 weeks they are already sending me a notice. How do they get that information so quickly?

Busy day ahead for me. Need to pay bills and make a grocery run. Then I'm going to ride over to Webster City (about 20 miles east of me) to look at my son's storage locker. Need to see what's in there and see if the approach to it is clear and dry enough to get a dumpster in there. I know it's a grassy approach so it could be iffy. Could be lots of mud. Going to skip the gym today and just go for a nice long walk this afternoon.

Don - how many calendars did you order for friends and family members?

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks

It is a cold 22 heading up to 38. No rain in the forecast until next Friday.

I got my first COVID shot yesterday. Thus far the only side effect is my arm is really sore. I don’t think I have ever got a shot and had my arm this sore afterwards. We will see what the next few days hold. My wife didn’t feel any side effects until 2 days later. She had a headache, a slight fever, and chills for a couple of days. Three weeks is shot number two.

I spent some time examining my collection of locomotives that need work. Most are Athearn blue boxes that need some assembly. I installed the railings and couplers on a Bachmann Spectrum Reading SD-45. I also spent some time staring at the layout. I am at a stand still as far as doing any further track work until some track arrives. I am thinking of having a small engine servicing area in the city section near the passenger station. I have a coaling station kit, and a sanding and fuel facility kit. I would need a small engine house and a water tower. I looked online and saw a few possibilities.

Today I need to make a grocery store run.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Cool morning here but sunny. Heading to the county seat for our second covid shot. We need to be there before 3 PM. 
Still working on photos. Almost done. 
Hello Blue
Sun 23/41 for today.
I have had both shots my only reaction was a feeling of lite headedness. 
For some reason thou my stubborn wife is saying no to the shots. I gave up trying to change her mind.
Happy Friday the 13th.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
42 and sunny.  Going into the 50's.  A little lower than yesterday.  Off to the dentist for 6 months checkup.

Enjoy the day.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Greetings, gang.

32 and sunny headed for 51 and sunny, or so they say.

Grocery shopping went well yesterday but I ran into a bit of a snag in the afternoon. I went over to Webster City to check on my son's storage facility. My key wouldn't open the padlock. I went to the local hardware store and picked up some WD-40 and soaked the lock but it still wouldn't work. I've used the key before so I know it's the right one. I have a call in to the owner to see if the lock has been changed for some reason. If not I'll have to take a bolt cutter over to cut off the lock. When I got home I didn't go for a walk as I was hoping for a call back from the owner. No such luck. Maybe today.

Other plans for today include a trip to Menards and the ever popular laundry.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all. 
      We got our second shot yesterday and we both have very sore arms and light really bothers my eyes but other than that we are fine. I figure a morning nap may help the eyes so that will be tried. I am hoping to get some models painted this week with the temps supposed to be in the 60s for 3 days. 
      Nothing else going on for me. 
Good morning everyone, strange how these shots affect everyone differently. My fist one just gave me a sore arm for a week or so and a light-headed feeling for a few minutes. The second one, I had a sore arm for about two days, but a slight headache even now after two weeks. Others, like Charlie, have different reactions.

Our governor has opened up all places now to 100%, however, social distancing is still in force and local mask mandates are also required. Meaning that for some smaller places, they will not be able to change just yet.

We did go target shooting yesterday. We had a great time, we shot like there was no shortage of ammo. Our theory was that we were there to have fun, shoot as long as we have ammo, stop when the day comes that we run out, or keep going if it becomes available again. Temps were very mild, no jackets, it wasn't windy and a great time with two exceptions. Someone pulled into our line of fire Icon_cry, got out of his car and was searching for something. He continued doing that all along the firing line, then finally drove away  Waiting . The second problem is that my revolver broke in two. Eek If you look at the photos, it split at the top of the frame (A), then there was too much pressure on the bottom (B) and it gave way. No one was hurt, just that it was a fun gun to shoot and it can't be repaired since there are no replacement parts available. Don't let anyone tell you that a .22LR doesn't have enough power to do any damage. I was watching a show of the Mafia, and they apparently use .22's when they need to "wack" someone, less noise, easy to shoot, better accuracy.

Well, back to my train hobby for now, have a great weekend....


Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good afternoon folks

It is 34 going to 36.

I just got a chance to sit in front of the computer as I have doing a few chores and little projects before the energy runs out. I had a slight fever from the shot yesterday, but fatigue has been the most noticeable side effect. It comes in waves, one minute I am full of energy, the next all I want to do is fall down.

Since some track I ordered came I worked on the inside loop. I quickly realized I ordered the wrong switches. I order a couple of #8’s. For the inner loop I need more #6’s. I have uses for the #8’s but not in what I need to do now. I also cut out some building bases from cardboard and began placing them on the layout to see how things fit. I am going to need to revise the track plan somewhat to accommodate the Union Station and platforms.

Not sure what is on tap for the day. I need to go to PetSmart and get prescription dog food some time this weekend.

Don I don't think super glue is going to help.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
54 and sunny.  Some breeze.  Back from Miss Daisy driving me.  No fuss nor backseat driving.  She "screwed" up several times.  Got momentairly lost and I politely got her straight.  If it had been me driving, lots of mouth.  

Got 6 tomato plants [in greenhouse now] and a squirrel proof bird feeder [my old one 20 years old].  It was at Logan's Trading Post in Raleigh.  Its the old Seaboard station where I use to ride trains out off when I was a kid.  Still the same outside and inside.  Is a garden center and restaurant.  The old covered boarding area and etc. are for outside plants and pots.  Neat.  Super popular. A fence divides the garden center from CSX.  A big 4 engine freight came by while we were outside.  [in slow speed due to yard limits as switching yard just past the garden center plus passing through a main part of the City]  

TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
It's still cold up here in the Mid-Atlantic States.... Listen to Tom! He's right! Smile Smile

Well I got the 2nd Pfizer COVID shot on Thursday.... Arm still hurts 2 days later.
Yesterday was not fun, but not too bad from what I'm hearing.

I stayed home from work because I had a bad headache, lightheadedness, overall weakness and tiredness.
I couldn't raise the arm where I got the shot, because the muscle hurt way too much to move.
Today, I'm well. The arm still hurts a bit but not that much.

In 2 or 3 weeks, they say my immunity will be 60%. Hope so!!!!

Looking forward to next week, we're supposed to gain an average of 10 degrees for the high Smile Smile Smile
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Wow Don!!! Sorry about the gun. At least it didn't fail when you really needed it!
Glad you got out and had some fun!!!
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
(03-06-2021, 01:18 PM)tompm Wrote: ...Don I don't think super glue is going to help.

I hope everybody has a good day.

Yeah, you're right Tom, I was thinking more like duct tape for this kind of job. Eek 

I have a replacement on order. Not the fancy finish of the old one, but now days, you don't have too many options. Like trains, you either buy what's in stock, or order ahead and hope they eventually ship.

Good thought Mikey, but I'm just thankful that no one got hurt. It didn't explode as much as it just fell apart when it was fired. We still had a great time out there. Awesome
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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