The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
72 and warming fast. Suppose to get real breezy this afternoon. Slept till 8:30. Animals slept later. Wiley was the first to get up and out. Finally got Lucy up and out. Had .3" during the before light rain. Must have blown as cushion in chair on porch was wet.

Was going to outdoor Church but animals and batching [Mom and I share duties] it ate up my getting ready time. TV Church.

Enjoy the week ahead.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Greetings, gang.

45 and cloudy. Supposed to get to 65 and sunny this afternoon.

Exhausted. Very long, stressful day yesterday. 25% of planned out-of-town guests had to cancel due to covid. So lots of extra food. In addition the weather did not cooperate so most of the private part of the day was spent indoors. The public gathering was at a local park. That location was picked because of long range forecasts from last week. If we had picked an indoor site the weather would have been beautiful. Darned if you do and darned of you don't. Oh, well. Lots of rest will occur today (and probably tomorrow as well).

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue
Well after a week of 70s this one will be 60s.
Quite a few April showers.
No train news.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good afternoon, almost evening now. Just been puttering around all day, fixing a few broken freight cars, built a test track, I think I need to run all my engines since they've been packed up so long, not sure if they all won't need a bit of attention. So far I'm batting 50/50, one ran, another one didn't. I just need to find things that I can do sitting down, still lack energy, standing is not my favorite thing to do right now. We're headed out target shooting tomorrow. Fortunately, we normally sit down when we do shoot. Also, my shooting buddy will set up the targets, so that helps. Got to get fired up to start on my challenge, I just need someone to push my "start" button..

Temps are still in the 90's for another few days, back to normal until next week when we are into the 90's again. The heat comes on early in the morning, by noon we need the A/C. Way too early for that, shades of last year. Really hot and really dry... Maybe if I have the truck washed again, I did that last week and there was just enough of a trickle to screw up the wash job, but not enough to qualify as rain.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Sunny, breezy, and cool are the primary weather words for today. 40 at the moment headed for 50 this afternoon and 30 mph winds.

Everyone is home safe. I did manage to get the pre-emergence crabgrass killer down yesterday. Only about a 15 minute chore. Lots to do today. Need to call about a magazine subscription I had ordered for my great-granddaughter last year. She had been getting National Geographic for kids. I switched her to Girls Life. She got 1 issue and then the company switched her back to National Geographic. Also need to find out what happened to my son's 401K. Should have been here by now. After I make arrangements for my son's interment I will need to order a head stone. Also need to call the plumber for the drain. I did sleep well last night but I still plan to skip the gym today.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks

It is a dull and dreary 48. No rain predicated but it is very cloudy. High is supposed to be 49. We had some thunderstorms roll through last night.

I did not have a good weekend. I apparently ate something that most likely had tomatoes in it that I was not aware of. This sent off issues with the painful bladder syndrome starting Saturday afternoon. I still have some lingering effects this morning. The biggest issue to deal with today is the lack of sleep I got over the weekend.

The wife and I did run some errands on Saturday. We went to Bed Bath and Beyond to pick up a new corner shelf she ordered to replace the one that kept falling off the wall. These are the types that have suction cups to stick to the tiles. We also stopped to grab a few garden things at the local hardware store. Spent the rest of the afternoon working in the yard and the gardens.

Sunday, we did a pharmacy run. The weather was too wet to try to do anything outside.

I finished painting the keystones, capstones, and bric-a-brac on the wall sections for the Engine House and sealed them on Saturday. On Sunday I worked on trying to develop a working trackplan for the engine facility yard. I have not gotten it quite right yet.

Today I am going to try to catch up on some sleep. Later I may make a PetSmart run. I hope to work on the Engine House. If the missing switches appear then perhaps I will work on the yard.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
73 and sunny. A little cooler today. Grass to mow [its jumping]. Still babysitting. Wiley barking at 7:30.  Lucy woke me at 2 AM to go out and pee.  Icon_rolleyes  Red hots for breakfast. Dishes washed.

Enjoy your day.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Thanks Frank, I have so far. Got up real early, had breakfast at the truck stop and spent a good two hours target shooting. it's getting disgusting, shooters leaving their crappy targets for others to clean up, now people are just using it as a dump. I did see one person that was cleaning up someone else's trash. We go back with more than we came with, but don't have the room for some of those larger targets like couches, washing machines and TV sets.

Moving right along on my challenge, well, that means that I've actually started physically working on it. it is no longer just a dream on a scrap of paper. How far along am I? Well, let's just say that I've started and leave it at that.... Icon_rolleyes
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is 44 and the weather does not know if it is going to rain or if the sun is going to come out. High maybe 61.

Worked on cleaning and waxing the dining room floor and made a run to PetSmart. They had the Guinea pig food but not the dog’s prescription food.

I started adding the glazing to the windows for the Engine House.

Today I may try to tackle the living room floor. I need to run to Rite Aid and another PetSmart. A trip to the grocery store may be in the scheme of things.

Work on adding more glazing to windows. Stare at the engine facility yard and wish for the missing switches or the replacements I ordered to arrive.

My son is volunteering at a vaccine location today and as part of his volunteering he will receive the first shot himself.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy windy and cool today. 36 now headed for 48 with 30 mph winds.

Yesterday was a bust. First call yesterday morning was to the plumber. Said he would call before he showed up. Stayed off the phone and stayed home all day. He finally showed up (no phone call) just before 4. So nothing else accomplished yesterday. Need to add another couple of items for today. Oh, well. What I don't get done today will be waiting for me tomorrow.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Morning all. Being lazy as no farm trip today. Egos with real maple syrup. Now got my ice tea ready for the day. Slept till 8. Physical therapy scheduled for next Monday [earliest appointment]. Not helping now. 

News claims they are trying to get folks to get vaccine. Then the smallest little thing and they blow it up.

Got interrupted with a second call on a CPS issue. Two different folks. Last one is not a family member. Gracious. [CPS= Child Protective Services] Called director of Child Welfare. Voice mail. [not to be discussed, my Daughter filed a formal immediate investigation yesterday as she is now doing Intake at CPS]

Enjoy the day.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning all, maybe today it will be under 90. I'm just about to turn on the A/C to get the stuffiness out, and we're just around 9 AM.

Big complaints here about no-shows. Why make an appointment for something that important, then not keep it? Apparently, lots of folks do just that and they wind up throwing away vaccine because of it.

Still taking things slow, doing what I can sitting down which means I just finished balancing the last three months of all our bank and IRA accounts. I try not to let that go too much beyond four or five months. Did not see the recent stimulus deposit there, don't know when that gets put in. I guess I could call the bank and ask.... My bank is owned by a New York bank, therefore, they seem to be following NY rules on social distancing. Their lobbies have been closed for over a year now, while all other banks here just seem to meter how many people are allowed to stand in line. I remember a world without calculators, cell phones or PC's, so balancing a checkbook required pencil and paper and a command of arithmetic. I was pleased when my balance was within a hundred dollars of what the bank thought I had. Now days, Quicken does all that, and it better be right on. Waiting
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
(04-12-2021, 05:58 PM)ezdays Wrote:  We go back with more than we came with, but don't have the room for some of those larger targets like couches, washing machines and TV sets.

That's not target shooting.  That's trash dumping.

I'm fortunate enough to live in a small town of only 500 that has an excellent outdoor range available.  Resident members get a key and can use it any time.

Otherwise, I live in the outskirts where firing at targets on my own land is allowed so long as I fire towards the large bluff behind me as a backstop. I just let the neighbor know as a courtesy!
(04-13-2021, 12:27 PM)Mountain Man Wrote:
(04-12-2021, 05:58 PM)ezdays Wrote:  We go back with more than we came with, but don't have the room for some of those larger targets like couches, washing machines and TV sets.

That's not target shooting.  That's trash dumping.

I'm fortunate enough to live in a small town of only 500 that has an excellent outdoor range available.  Resident members get a key and can use it any time.

Otherwise, I live in the outskirts where firing at targets on my own land is allowed so long as I fire towards the large bluff behind me as a backstop.  I just let the neighbor know as a courtesy!

That's what some folks use the desert for, don't go to the landfill and spend a few bucks, don't even call the city and have them come by your house and take big things away for free. Just dump it somewhere in the desert when no one else is looking. Some of the more lazy one will dump stuff in the ally behind other people's houses. Then, there are those that actually bring their old furniture, appliances, electronics and other targets (sometimes glass), shoot them up and just "forget" to take them back. We have participated in an organized cleanup and had filled a very large roll-off dumpster to the point that they couldn't pull it onto the truck. All we ever ask is that they take back what they bring. There are those that have "secret" shooting spots that they wouldn't disclose the location of even if tortured for this very reason.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
53 ands sunny. Off to BoJ's for two porkchop biscuits [Wifey and I love them and on special].

Then to Raleigh to get sworn in to a Wake Co Board. The one I get paid. Why I have to be sworn each year???

TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC

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