The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Hello Blue
Sun and 88 today. The air is almost too heavy to breath. 
Passing storms each day, we have had lots of rain. In August when we could use some the lawn will turn brown.
No special plans, no train news.
I notice the post count is down hope it's because everyone is enjoying summer.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning folks

It is hot as blazes with a current temperature of 87 going up to 93 and not a cloud to be seen. I darn near melted bringing the trashcans back around from the curb after the trashmen picked up the garbage.

Didn’t do much yesterday. Still recovering a little bit from my tumble. Besides it was too hot. Wife wasn’t feeling well probably from the heat. No modeling either.

Have to take the wife to our primary doctor for a regular check up in a few. I hope later to do some modeling.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and humid are the weather words for today. 85 is supposed to be the high and that wouldn't be bad at all if the humidity wasn't so high.

Got all my chores done yesterday. Got a text late in the afternoon that baseball game had been cancelled due to a lack of players on the other team. Gym this morning and late this afternoon I committed to getting the trains out so I guess that's what I'll be doing. Neighbor's mom and sister are visiting from New York.

I'll be leaving here on Friday morning for Rapid City to visit my daughter and her family. Should be back home the following Thursday.

Frank - glad to hear you are improving.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, well, rain up north and to the east, some to the west, I hope it's helping the firefighters, but nary a drop around here. Maybe today will be better.

Quote:Don - you must be exhausted having to actually flip a light switch. I do hope you took a nap to recover.

Well Tom, it was kind of stressful, even finding those light switches was a chore, thank goodness I was able to get the router working before I was drained of energy. I used the same names and passwords for the Wi-Fi and all the devices started working without reprogramming. Applause The big secret, pushing "reset" does not reset some things, holding it for 30 seconds does.  Waiting Nowhere in the manual does it even mention the reset button. Nope

I have to ask, are we becoming too dependent on technology? Think about it, I have at least 17 devices connected to my Wi-Fi, including my TV's, Alexa and thermostat, you can buy smart refrigerator, coffee makers, garage door openers and doorbells to name a few and they're all there ready to help, sometimes without even asking. We have pre-kindergarten kids that are more computer savvy than I was when I graduated college. You see a whole table of folks in a restaurant, all with their heads in their cell phones or tablets. You see folks texting while driving, regardless of the laws. I'm just wondering, is all that technology such a good thing? I wonder what future generations will be like, so totally dependent on their electronics rather than their own abilities. Then I'm reminded, there wouldn't be a Big Blue Trains if it wasn't for at least some of this technology....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
I'm here. 90 degrees and sunny.

A little slower this AM. Climbing back up though. Meds help.

Get my shower and I will feel a lot better. Going without supplemental O2 a lot and blood ox staying up. Would not go outside today.

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning folks

It is a very hot 88 heading up to 95. We are still under a Excessive Heat Warning until this evening and are at risk for severe storms through to tomorrow morning. We need the storms to break the heat.

The wife’s doctor visit ran long yesterday but we expected that as they had a lot to discuss and coordinate. Afterwards we went to the nursery and picked up a couple of plants for some hanging pots. We then stopped to get a quick late lunch which turned into an ordeal. Food took an exceptionally long time to come to our table. We had to send our appetizers back because they were cold. I was served a baked potato which was cold. Never had a baked potato that the butter did not melt. This was our first and probably last time we go there. After watering the plants in the evening my wife planted the new plants.

I did not get any modeling done. I truly hope to do some today.

I need to run to the pharmacy and PetSmart. The wife has a couple of things to return to Kohl’s. I am trying to convince my daughter to take her so they can have some girl time.

Don, I understand what you mean by technology. With all my aches and pains if I can get technology to help, I am for it up to a certain point. We don’t have as much as do. We have Alexa which we use mostly as an intercom, for shopping list, and caller id. We have a video doorbell which I have come to appreciate in many ways. I can control the air conditioner in our bedroom with my smartphone. I have thought about getting a few other devices. Like you I too wonder where technology will take us and the effects on future generations.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

The humidity continues unabated. Highs have been in the mid 80s but with the humidity at around 60% it doesn't take long to work up a sweat. Weather conditions will apparently continue for several more days.

Yesterday was fairly routine. Gym and a bike ride. Then I got the yard mowed and the sidewalk cleaned. Got the trains out in the late afternoon and ran for about an hour. After supper I went back out and ran for another half hour until a coupler fell off. Decided that was enough for the evening. Today is laundry and packing. Two bike rides planned for today. First will be my regular ride. After that I want to do a calibration ride for the new speedometer on the other bike. The bike trail has mileage signs posted which appear to be fairly accurate. Probably my last post for a few days. Off to Rapid City to visit my daughter and her family. Lots of activities planned.

Frank - keep up the good work. Prayers continuing.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning, good morning and welcome to July. Watching the TV weather report, really pouring rain a few miles to the west of us, big cloud of dust and rain coming in from the southeast. None of that ever made it anywhere else in the valley. Oh, we got the wind and dust, just not a drop of wetness. Temps still around normal, 100+, heading to 110+ mid next week.

So much for the weather, today is the day that all telephone providers have to block numbers that don't correspond to the number that would show on your caller ID, expecting that will eliminate robocalls. Yesterday, they went all out, I must have gotten close to a dozen calls, all with spoofed numbers, all hung up when it went to voice mail.

Speaking of calls, just a thank you for a quick response from Trendnet, my router manufacturer. I was on the Trendnet website trying to see how to get my router working, and got a popup, "can I help you?" A few minutes of chats, they asked for my phone # and said a tech would be in touch. Got a call a few minutes later, hard to understand the guy, but they did call. I had to leave for an appointment and told them to call back. Well, they did follow up yesterday. I thanked them and told them that I had fixed the problem. Just unusual that they provide such quick support like that and were ready and willing to help me get back online, no questions about warranty, just they're here to help. Hard to find that today. Worship
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning.
         We are finally getting a nice soaking rain and the new gutters are getting a test. 
         I worked on a couple locomotives last night and with the rain I may be able to work on them some more today. Nothing planned but enjoying the day. 

         If anyone enjoys Jean Shephard's humor someone posted a great copy of "The Great American Forth of July and Other Disasters" on youtube It reminds me so much of growing up in the 50's near a steel mill town. Lots of laughs, and lots of fun. 

         Frank, I am hoping you have a great day and a good week end. Maybe you can gain back 20 pounds or so. 

Happy weekend.
Hello Blue
After a few days in the 90s and humidity at 190, we have eased off to a comfortable 70s for today.
The ground has been so wet the mowers had to come back today and do the lawn. Too much rain.
No special train news.
Hope all is well with the group.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning folks

It is 85 and not as oppressive as yesterday. It is heading up to 86. We had a shower last evening and are expecting more today. According to radar it is raining in Chester County and heading our way.

Did not get much done yesterday. Did a few chores but it was just too hot to do much. I did get downstairs and cleaned the layout and work bench some. In the evening I took the wife to get her hair cut and the pharmacy.

Today I have to run to PetSmart and the grocery store and try to fit in the laundry. I still hope to make some train time later.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning all, another dry one here. The TV lady said there was a storm just to the north of us, and another coming up the southeast, both missed us by miles.

Speaking of TV news, half the broadcasts have have been about the Phoenix Suns going to the NBA finals for the first time since 1993. I guess that's news, I seen pictures of folks in bars and restaurants jumping up with high fives as "their team" won. The newspaper headlines said they were "heroes". Sorry to disappoint them, it is a business, all about the money, and the real heroes are the ones digging through the rubble of that collapsed building in Florida and the ones fighting those wildfires. I could never understand what heroic act a sports player could do on the playing field other than maybe tackle a streaker Waiting .... Maybe if they decided not to play, but to go to Florida or Arizona or New Mexico and grab a shovel instead of a ball....

That's my rant for the day, it's the start of a holiday weekend, they're firing off firecrackers already as soon as it got dark last night. I hope they all stay safe and don't start any new fires, we've got enough going as it is. Ya all have a really great weekend even if you don't celebrate the Fourth of July... Icon_e_biggrin
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good afternoon. 
     I was mowing grass but I am now on a rain delay. Now the grass will be too wet to mow until this evening and it is a nice cool day so I hate to waste it. 
      We are doggie sitting a grand dog, a Shar-Pea that my grandson adopted 2 years ago. He got her because she was attacking the parties other dog so being the smart kid he is he said he would take her if she got along with his 3 little children.  He was darned lucky. My wife checked her out before he committed fully and she has a wonderful gentle disposition, in fact our vet says he has never met a Shar-Pea as sweet and gentle as her. Our dogs, Bonnie, a Samoyed, and Clyde, a border collie get along swell, though Piper does not appreciate being herded by a border collie. It's fun to watch. Of course we have 3 that will probably go nuts if the fireworks get hot and heavy. Bonnie is terrified by storms and fireworks though getting better. I think maybe her hearing is going. She is almost 11. 

       I finally got the decoder installed and the shell back on the RS12. What a nightmare. I can't begin to know how many hours I worked on a 20 minute job. 
so, I decided to put the clear coat on it last night so I could get some decaling done and for the first time in my life, the clear blushed. Now slow drying finishes are not supposed to blush but this one did. I went to bed very POed but this morning when I looked at it I think it will be fine because what little blush that didn't come out can easily be hid with some weathering.  I finally got the details back on the K4 smoke box and applied some graphite paint so maybe I can get that one running this week end. 

     Praying for good things and good health for everyone. Have a happy Fourth. 

Good morning good people, rise and shine. Well, I rose, but not so shiny, just the fruits of being old. A friend of mine used to say that it's better than the options. Unfortunately, he ran out of options a few years ago. Icon_cry

Looked at the rain map, lots of rain to the east and north, a bit to the west and south, just no rain within a five-mile radius. I see on this and other maps of our area there's a place called, "Bumstead" just to the south of us. Never, ever heard anyone mention that name other than in the comic strips. We have lots of towns and places with names of imaginary people such as, "Tonto Basin". There's even a town called, "Canyon Day" up in the Apache reservation, but why one for "Dagwood" although that could also be another town somewhere out west. Waiting 

Trying to finish up my small hospital on my layout. Got some wiring to do, added a helicopter landing pad to bring it into the 21st century. Then on to something else.

Not much else going on today, just hope you all have a great and safe weekend.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Made it back to the PC. Went through 1 million emails. 79 degrees and sunny. Was going to have some fun on PC this afternoon. Well, neck is hurting so bad that ain't happening.  Actually better. Backing out on some meds. Trying to eat.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC

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