The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 71 at the moment. A thunderstorm just rolled through dropping almost a half inch of rain. Off and on periods of rain through out the day with a high supposed to be near 90.

Yesterday was fairly routine until I decided to see if I could find some more Corona (not the virus). It's been in very short supply around here. Went to Walmart and lo and behold they had some. Brought home 2 12 packs. With the 6 I had in the fridge that should keep me going for a month.

Busy sports weekend ahead. Nebraska football at noon and Formula 1 racing resumes tomorrow after it's summer break.

For those who are interested the Railroad Line forum is back in operation. I forgot to mention it yesterday.

Prayers for those in the path of the latest hurricane, the folks in Afghanistan, and of course our own members and their families as needed.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue
76/90 for the day.
A crazy summer of storms. Yesterdays rain filled half a coffee can with water in less than thirty minutes.
Streets flooded but drained off quickly after it stopped raining.
I just haven't been in the mood for trains lately. Got some that need to be opened and lubed but I've just been too lazy.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning all, ahhh, Saturday, got to sleep in. I guess since I'm retired I could sleep in everyday, just that I've gotten up early for so much of my life that I can't break the habit. Plus, there's my social time when I go to breakfast at 6:00 during the week. We have a few more days of 110+/-, then by Tuesday, we're down into the 90's and a decent chance of rain for the rest of the week. I think they're counting on getting some of the remnants of Ida.

Got my Trainmaster order, a day early. I can now put a fence up to protect the water tower from those graffiti-minded kids. I also bought a couple of DMP buildings. It's been a long time and now I remember why, the windows are molded into the walls, making painting a whole lot more difficult. Does anyone have any tricks they use for painting these kind of kits other than a small brush, a steady hand and lots of patience?

Mikey, I though about sitting down with her and having a heart-to-heart, but frequently, she unlocks the door and leaves. If she does stay, she's got her head in paperwork rather than talking to customers or refiling coffee cups. Supposedly, this is not her first rodeo. We still have no clue as to her name, nor doe she know any of ours. When Brenda was there, on the back of each check was an individual, "thanx Don, or thanx Bob, or Chuck or Doug", just a Brenda touch. Now, it's the cook that comes out and chats with us when she can.

Take care, have a great weekend and yes, prayers for all those in need, especially those in Afghanistan and those in the path of the hurricane.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good afternoon folks

It is a rainy 70 going up to 77.

The pre-admission testing went well for my wife. The hardest thing was getting the records from her ER visit earlier in the week. Different hospital system.

I ran some trains last night.

Today we are not doing much. The wife feels a little exhausted from the testing. I might try to see if she wants to go for a ride later. At some point I would like to finish weathering the passenger station platforms.

Don, we have our favorite breakfast place that we used to go to every other weekend before covid. Covid hit them hard since they were only a breakfast lunch joint with a small dining area. They were closed for a while but eventually opened for takeout four days a week. We would ordered from them at least once a month. When things reopened and my wife felt safe enough to eat out we started going back. The first few times we sat outside. They had commandeered a portion of the parking lot and set up a tent for outdoor seating. Eventually when it got too hot we ventured inside. One of the owners who always talked to us before covid came to our table and greeted us warmly and thanked us for coming back. Owners like that are why I go back to certain places.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Feel better today.  Yesterday was a drag.  Back in the office now.  Prayers for NOLA and the Gulf Coast.  Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning everyone, just a few more days of 100+ temps, then at least a week in the 90's. Apparently, there's another hurricane off the Baja Peninsula that is the one that's going to bring us some rain. Not as nasty as Ida, but still can cause some damage in Mexico. Has a lot of land to come over before it gets to us.

Tom, we started eating breakfast out back when the kids left the nest and we were working together. I noticed that no matter where we went, there was always a group of folks that were at that particular restaurant on a regular basis. We made many friends that way. Even if it was a chain restaurant, when you see the manager jump in to clean up a table, fill up empty coffee cups or just stop by to chat, you're in the right place. When the wait staff greets you by name and knows what you normally order, you're now a regular. When you see the waitress is super-busy and the owner sitting in the corner going through paperwork, then you have to wonder what is she thinking. You can only take care of your customers while they are there, you can do paperwork anytime.

Got to take it easy today. I'm feeling better each day, but still can't overdo it. Have a great and fun day.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

70 and cloudy going to 80 and sunny with somewhat lower humidity.

Interesting bike ride yesterday. No one on the bike path on the way out of town and halfway back. Then I ran into some kind of organized walk with about 200 people on the path. Lots of calling out "on your left" with a typical number of people not knowing which way is left and darting in front of me. Had about a mile and a half of that. Otherwise a very quiet day. My team did get humiliated on national tv - again. After 20 years of disaster I'm about ready to give up.

The F1 race is currently under a heavy rain. Lots of confusion going on. After the race I'll go for a bike ride and that should conclude the major activities planned for today.

Frank - glad to see you up and about.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Day recuperating.  Sleep tight.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 59 this morning in the remote wastelands of northern Iowa. High for today (and the next several days) is supposed to be right around the 80 degree mark. Looks to be a very nice week with intermittent chances for rain.

Yesterday was fairly quiet. F1 race was a disaster with no one able to make a decision. Finally led the cars around the track in a heavy rain for two laps so they could call it a race. Should have just canceled it. Gym this morning and maybe power wash the patio this afternoon.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning good people, another new week here, another new month just around the corner. I saw a cartoon the other day where the woman is appalled that they have the Halloween candy out already, but then heads over to another counter to pick up some Christmas wrap. Typical and probably Walmart is already set up that way. I did get a Memorial Day sale flyer today from Harbor Freight, I'm sure there's lots more around since, gasp, that's but a week away.

Today is the last of the 100+ days for a while, probably not the last one for this year, but I even see one day this week in the 80's. Also going to be a wet week, let's hope so, our water resources are down to a level that they'll be triggering water restrictions soon. We have had a wet summer which is helping, but we do need all the rain we can get, we are starting to see sink holes, and that's a sign that our groundwater is low as well.

Got a few appointments this week, lots of time to work on my layout, just hope I have the energy.

Have a great week, be careful, stay safe and do something that pleases you....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is 80 going up to 85 with a 50% chance of thunderstorms. We are under a Flash Flood Watch.

It has been crazy already. The wife is trying to figure out if she has a doctor's appointment tomorrow. Called the office and they said no and BTW we have to cancel the appointment you have an move it back three days. She was confused knowing someone had called her on Friday saying she has an appointment tomorrow. After some searching found out the office that called her was a different office in the same practice. She called the number that called her and left a message. I swear it's not the doctors that will kill you but it's their office staff that will.

I finished the passenger station platforms. I started working on the mortar lines on the Union Station kit.

I need to make a pharmacy run at some point today.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Back in the office. Dogs at groomer. Did some walking without O2 for exercise. Will keep that up. Feel pretty good today.

98 degrees and 106 heat index.

Have a good one. 
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
hi all . had to run to town and guess what  ? i saw some snow birds winter must be coming .  picked up some super clean will see how it works . not much else going in its 107 out now.
Good morning folks

Temperature is currently 71 heading up to 82.

Not much happened yesterday. Did a few chores around the house and ran a few errands. Spent a good part of the day helping the wife confirm and coordinate her upcoming doctors’ appointments.

I did not make downstairs to work on the layout.

Today is grocery shopping. Afterward maybe some modeling.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning everyone, cloudy yesterday, but it didn't last and decided to get hot just one more day. Today, they're saying some heavy rain later today into tomorrow morning. The hurricane hit Mexico yesterday and is heading our way as a storm. Temps in the mid to low 90's all week.

Wow Jim, snowbirds this early. They must be confused or lost, the rule is, not before October 1st, send them all back Waiting .

Got lots of time this week to work on my layout. I hit it in short periods with plenty of rest in between, the doctor wants me to be active and I am feeling better each day, just have a bunch of incisions to heal after being operated on by a doctor-assisted robot. The effort now is to get the insurance company to agree that they need to pay for all that. My doctor's office manager is dealing with it now, I don't need that extra stress and concern she says.

Frank, sounds like you're doing fine, keep it up my friend. Don't know if you have one of those fancy new watches, but I understand that they monitor your heart, take your pulse rate and even your O2 level. My son's MIL has one and it told her that she was in aFib. The doctor didn't believe her until he did his own tests, he is now a believer.

Take care everybody and have a fun and safe day.... Icon_e_biggrin
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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