The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good afternoon folks

Been a long busy day. Took wife to see pulmonary specialist. Lungs checked out. Sleep apnea is the root of many of the issues she is having. CPAP has been submitted to insurance. Hopefully she will have it in about a week. Bleeding has seemed to have stopped. She will keep monitoring it. She has a follow up appointment with the OB/GYN next week.

No modeling the last few days. Hope to do second coat for the mortar lines on the Union Station kit. Next will be starting assembling.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 62 at the moment headed for sunny and 94.

Yesterday didn't go quite as planned. Only swam a quarter mile. My leg started cramping. Also had a sore muscle in my back. Not doing any bike ride this weekend and hope everything heals up. Grades school football this morning and college football this afternoon. Also have a short preliminary race coming on in a few minutes. The full race is tomorrow at the same time. Also need to do laundry.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, today is Saturday and as usual, I got to sleep in a bit, no, a lot late, almost two hours. Today is 9/11, I posted something here that I hope has some meaning about this day, please read it.

Drank that drink yesterday than makes my innards show up during a CT scan and skipped breakfast as I was told. Got there, they had me down for the wrong insurance, "we'll need to reschedule you since we need your insurance's permission first". That, of course, ruined my morning, and now I'll have to drink that concoction again ruining yet another morning.

Still working on my last pewter vehicle, need to add decals and then clear coat it. I took out all the other cars I acquired over the years and realized that all of them came from swap meets and someone did a lousy job of painting them. They glued all the parts together making repainting difficult at best, plus they all seem to have non-scaled wheels making them sit just about flat. I now accept the challenge of trying to make something decent out of them.

Going to stay indoors today, yet another hot one. still well into the 100+, up to 110 for the next few days.

Take care, prayers for all those in need, have a great weekend everyone, have fun and stay safe.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Cool 82 in the sun.  Here. Watching 9-11 ceremonies. Wanted to hear President George Bush's speech. He told it like it is. Outstanding. All need to hear it.

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good Sunday morning to ya all. it's getting boring, talking about the weather. Some prognosticators show 110 for a few more days, all show 100+ through the end of next week. Can they really guess further than that? Some even show 2-3% chance of rain, just to be right if it happens to rain. Not a chance..... Nope

Finished my last pewter vehicle, cleaned up all the others that I had, about 20 of them, they all need larger wheels to give them a chance at looking close to prototypical, so that's my first task. If I can't do that, I could have the makings of a decent auto junk yard.  Heading over to Walmart's craft dep't or Michael's to see if there's something there that I can use. I was surprised the other day, Walmart's jewelry dep't has neck chains, around $20 for stainless, but not in the length I needed. She suggested going to the craft dep't, and I found chain kits in different sizes and lengths all for around $3.00. I made the one I needed and still can make two more with what I have left. That particular store had a larger craft dep't than the one I usually shop at, time to change stores.

Have a great day, too soon to do any outdoor BBQ so those ribs I have stay in the freezer for a few more weeks.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Partly sunny and 68 headed for partly sunny and 78 with a 20% chance of rain.

Watched a very entertaining F1 race this morning with a surprise winner. After lunch I'll be heading out of town to watch another grade school football game. The rest of the week looks to be pretty quiet.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
87 in the sun. Lazy Sunday. TV Church.

Hope all have a good week. Tomorrow. Social worker, PT and then take Caddy for service. Got email yesterday saying they offer free pickup and delivery. Why didn't you tell me earlier? Could have already had it done and not leave the house. undefined

TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Slept good and then wide awake.  Now up.

Social Worker coming at 10. PT guy has not sent text with his schedule. ???

Caddy scheduled for service this afternoon.

Prayers for Gulf Coast.

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 60 at the moment and it's supposed to be that way for the remainder of the day. High in the lower 80s.

Yesterday's football game was fun. My great-grandson's first tackle football. As is typical at that age there was more protective gear than person. Lots of fun. Not much planned for today.

Frank and Don - hope you're both continuing to improve.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone, Here we are at Monday again, they used to say, "another day, another dollar". That had to be a very long time ago. I watched a bit of football yesterday, "another day, another $150,000", is more appropriate for them. Just wondering, if a player makes $10,000,000 a year, do they get paid weekly through the year or on weeks that they play? I'd hate to see them run short at the end of the week. Waiting 

Forecasts for today, 110, 108, 107, just plain hot. My shooting buddy should be back in town this week, still too hot to go out for a couple of weeks. Got enough ammo to last a while, things are easing up a bit, pricing is still way out of line though. Cabela's use to sell a 50 round box of 9MM for $10 and there was plenty there. Now you jump for joy when you find some for $25 and I see some selling for as high as $90.

Thanks Tom, I'm doing OK, still some pain and discomfort, and can't lift over 15# for another month (thank goodness that I work in N scale) Icon_e_biggrin , but all-in-all, I'm doing better each day.

Have a great day everybody, have fun and stay safe.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is 73 going to 86. We have a return to summer temperatures and high humidity this week with most days in the upper 80’s. A change from this past weekend of 70’s and little humidity.

Wife is coming along. No bleeding issues this weekend and the breathing is getting better. Hopefully the CPAP will come soon. She went shopping and was able to walk around the grocery store some with no breathing issues. First time in a few months she could do that. Pulmonologist showed her a different way to use her inhaler and really has made a difference.

Did not get done the things around the outside of the house as planned. Replaced the sprayer on the kitchen sink. The old was leaking where you press to turn it on. Every time you used the sink there was a puddle from it.

I finished the mortar lines on the Union Station kit. I installed the windows and “glass” on the center part of the structure and assembled three walls.

I have to run to the produce store, the pharmacy, and the grocery store.

I hope to continue working on the station kit.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Hello Blue
Cloudy and 64 this morning. A chilly damp breeze as well.
My wife is busy canning tomatoes this morning. 
We had a busy weekend. Saturday. First club meet of the season held outdoors on a modular layout. Sunday rode with #2 son and DIL to a small town outdoor flea market. It was overcast but warm. On the way home we stopped at a farmer's veggie stand and got the tomatoes along with some other fresh goodies.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
hi all . well another week down the drain , done some modeling finished the companion car for the piledriver (tichy 40 FT. flat ) nice looking car but the kits are a bugger to build with my eye problems , the worst part is i have 5 more kits to build as 40 ft bulk head flats with upgrade brakes. other than that still hot and muggy here .
Good morning good people, starting to cool down, only 108 yesterday, today suppose to be around 106. Like Jim says, hot and muggy. I've had the electric company (APS), raise my thermostat at least three times in the past few days. They sent me a smart one if I allowed them to do it. That's fine, I can set the temperature from my cell phone and so I can override their changes if I want, so I'm OK with that.

Got a couple of appointments today, finally got the OK on my CT scan, but it's late enough so I can eat breakfast, then drink that "glow in the dark" stuff as a mid-morning snack....

Got to see my great-grandson yesterday, 3 months old and weighs what he should at 9 months. Got more hair than I do as well. Destined to either be a bouncer at a nightclub or a football player.

Take care everybody and have a great day.... Cool
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and coll at 61 humid degrees this morning. The high is only supposed to be in the low 70s. Warming trend starts tomorrow (maybe).

Pretty quiet day yesterday and today looks to be much the same. Headed to Walmart shortly and that's about it.

Don - new grandson sounds like a sturdy little guy. In a couple of weeks I'll be hitting the road to Omaha for my great-granddaughter's first homecoming. Kinda makes a guy feel a little old!

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)

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