The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Hello Blue
We have sun with 12/32 for the day.
I'm happy to say this latest snowstorm will miss us. Of course there is plenty of time for mother nature to get even.
Got some laundry going and waiting for the dishwasher to finish.
Nothing new in the train dept.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning all, I was going to shovel the snow off my driveway when I couldn't find my shovel. But then I realized, it was around 73 out and all that was just a dream... Icon_e_biggrin

Tom, I understand that there was a limited, "first edition" of the Bronco that was selling at around $70K, one sold for almost twice that, so I guess they are scarce. The cost of used cars is really getting out of hand, but that's crazy unless your job description includes playing with a ball of any kind, baseball, football, basketball....

Speaking of balls, they are spiffing up the fields getting ready for spring training. We are just about six weeks away from the first games. You can buy tickets right now, but they're still debating whether they're going to play or not.

Got kind of a busy week ahead, but I'm committed to finishing my woodworking projects, after which I'll jump right on doing trackwork... honest...

Have a easy day today, got football playoffs, see all the new dance moves and TV commercials...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 18 outside my window this morning. Supposed to be 30 today and 40 tomorrow. Then it gets a little chilly. -13 by the weekend. Not as bad as yesterday's forecast for the weekend when the low was predicted to be near -20.

Looks to be a pretty quiet day and week.nothing planned other than routine trips to the gym and some occasional grocery shopping.

Don - thanks for the info. I was not aware of the limited edition Bronco.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, a holiday for many today, no mail service and garbage pickup is shifted by a day.

Another trickle down on gas, many stations now down to $3.68, but Cheveron is holding at $3.85. Gotta try and get to the car wash today before it starts raining again.

Tom, not sure what a "limited edition" of anything entails, but you can be sure it's designed to excite the collector. We used to collect Rockwell plates, not for the collector value, but we just like anything Rockwell. These are "limited edition" plates, limited to "150 firing days", meaning there could be 150,000 of that plate out there and so, unlike cars, there are no bidding wars that increase their value. To be sure, when we downsized, many of our "collector" plates went to the Salvation Army.

Time to finish up on my woodworking projects today, got a busy day tomorrow, but might do trackwork on Wednesday. Now, I don't want anyone to get the idea that I'm pushing off doing trackwork because I don't like it.... even if it's true.... Waiting

Have a good day today, prayers for all in need.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good afternoon folks

It is 34 going up to 46 and it is windy. This is far better than the overnight temperature of 7 Saturday night Sunday morning. We had some snow for a couple of hours last night but it turned to rain and everything is gone now.

We got all the Christmas decorations down expect for the tree. I need to get the bins up to the attic and get the Christmas ball bins down.

I tuned up an Accurail boxcar by replacing the truck pin with a screw and adding a screw to the coupler pocket. I added roadbed to the layout. I will post pictures later. More roadbed and freight car tuning up in the future.

I need to run to the produce store and pharmacy.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
I replaced a length of track. I store a couple of express train locos on it. I had just bought a few code 83 rerailers and found that my code 83 wasn't where I thought it was! So I took the storage track up and put 2 rerailers in it plus a piece of normal track. I had the bright idea to add a holding section at the end with a push button. (All this took 2 days of modelling time -- short periods.) Then the dead section didn't work.
I checked it out and I have a packet or Normally Closed push buttons. And no normally open ones.

Can anyone use 4-5 NC pushbuttons?
For what?

Today we were snowed in. The plows eventually came to us and did the driveway and street about 4:00. We only went out as far as moving the garbage bins to behind the car so that SWMBO can get them to the curb tmorrow morning.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Good morning everybody, talked to my SIL in upstate NY yesterday, lots of snow, more as we spoke. For us here, all of a sudden we're back in the 60's with possible rain. The forecasts differ so widely that I can't have confidence in any of them, just that I will skip the car wash.

Finished my woodworking projects, got one appointment today, but maybe there'll be time to do something on my layout. Just cleaning off the clutter might be a good start. Got to cleanup the garage too, lots of sawdust, just too messy to do today.

Saw parts of the game last night. I could see from the get-go that the Arizona Cardinals didn't have a chance, then when the QB was getting sacked in the end zone and lobbed a pass to the other team for a four-yard touchdown run, I decided to switch to "Forged in Fire".....

I hope everyone has a good day today.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Last warm day for a while. 25 now headed for around 40. Then the wind shifts as that ever popular (or not) cold front moves through with 30 mph winds and lows well below zero for a couple of days.

Off to the grocery store this morning for bread, milk and a few other items. Otherwise a very quiet day again.

Don - I always thought the so-called limited edition vehicles were a marketing gimmick. Put a 50 cent sticker on the car and charge a few extra grand for it.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue
We got gloomy. 35 for today and tomorrow then nothing above 32 for the rest of the month. That is Jan. in Michigan.
Home from getting blood work before my doc visit next week.
With Covid cases so hi in Mich we have found temporary club quarters in an office bldg. so that the host doesn't have thirty+ visitors in their home. We have no plans for a permanent club layout as we enjoy each home layout. We have set up our module layout and one member has a Std. Ga. module layout so we can play trains.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good Morning
         We managed to gather 14 inches of white rain. I spent a couple hours with the snow blower and the neighbor plowed with his plow equipped quad which was at its full limit. 
Our Samoyed is happy as can be but border collie Clyde isn't so thrilled. His job is to keep the squirrels in the trees and the deep snow adds to his efforts. 
         The snow blower did let me know my wrists are not healed enough to run that beast for long periods.
          Cold fronts coming through soon.          Charlie
Good morning folks

It is 30 heading up to 46.

I am up early because we are dealing with a new puppy. We got a 10 week old King Charles Caviler yesterday. At the moment she is eating. The cats are not sure of her. One cat is interested in her, one does not like her, and the other we are not sure of how she feels. Going to be fun times as it has been awhile since I have dealt with a puppy. We had to drive about an hour and fourty-five minutes to get her in Wormelsdorf, PA which is between Reading and Lebanon. Strange how weather is. We have no snow and they have about 3 or 4 inches on the ground.

Needless to say I got no modeling done yesterday. I am hoping to get some done today.

I need to run to the pets store and grocery store later today.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

Rather cool this morning at 3 degrees with an anticipated high of a blistering 5. Even worse tomorrow and Friday.

Very quiet day yesterday. It did get warm enough to sit on the porch with the aid of my space heater. Then about 4 yesterday afternoon the temperature dropped 10 degrees in an hour. Not uncommon in the summer when a thunderstorm passes through but unusual to see in the winter. Nothing major planned for today other than the usual trip to the gym.

Tom - congrats on the new puppy.

All stay safe,

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all,
We have 40 degrees but it is to plunge this afternoon. I have to do a little snow removal before that happens. 
Tom, I am glad you got a new pup. The King Charles are a great dog. We always crate trained our pups and it made house training so much easier. Most were trained before they were 2 months old and we generally took the crate down before they were a year old. When we have a visitor and set the crate up our oldest (12 years) will head right for it. She always loved the crate as her secure place. We always left the door open after they were house trained. 
I am not so pleased with snow this week. Usually I am not bothered but my hands after the surgery don't handle the snow blower they way the used to. I hope this is a temporary thing, they were swollen pretty bad after about an hour with it. 
I am keeping everyone in my prayers and hoping ya'll forgive me for the negativity, I will get over it. Wink
Good morning all, well, we did get rain yesterday, 0.01" at the airport, not enough to register anywhere else. We got enough to spot the windshield, but all-in-all, a bust. It was a bit chilly yesterday, today hovering around 70.

Having problems with getting my Model Railroader magazines. They offered me a year's subscription for $29 and I jumped on it. The invoice they sent me was to pay on their website, I asked for a paper invoice to be able to mail them a check. They have yet to get back with me and have stopped sending me issues. I do not want them to get my credit card number because they will use it to renew at the current price, which I believe is now $49. Every issue now is thinner and thinner. I expect that very soon they will do away with paper magazines and only offer on-line issues. Balancing a computer on my lap where I read the magazine is not an option. Nope

Actually starting to clean up my layout so I can get into doing trackwork. But I do have to work on my guns first since I'm going target shooting on Monday.

Tom, glad you got a new dog, I'm debating about getting another cockatiel but I found out what they're going for now days, and maybe settle for a few goldfish....

Take care everyone, stay warm and stay safe.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
hi all , feal like crap got booster shot yesterday and to day i ache allover  , all i want to do is sleep till i roll over on arm that they put shot in . 

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