The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning folks

It is 36 with a high of 43. It is raining now at 7 am. When I went to bed the weather misforecasters said it would be snowing by this time. They are still saying we will get 2 inches of the white stuff by the time it stops sometime early this afternoon. We will see.

Spent the day working with the pub and working on getting the Christmas tree decorations off. I assembled a couple of pet gates we got and put them up. There is one more on the way.

I ran a train around the areas I had laid the roadbed. If I can get downstairs I will put down some more roadbed.

I need to make a pet store run and pharmacy run at some point today.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning good people, just two more days to the weekend, been a short weekend for some that had a holiday on Monday. For us retirees, every day is a holiday... Rolleyes

Jim, the booster hurts for one day and that's it. I got my booster in one arm and the flu shot in the other and had to sleep on my back that night. They keep talking about another booster, some say every year like the flu shots. Sometimes these guys prattle on just to show how important they are. Waiting

Temps today in the mid-70's another storm heading here by Saturday, but the last one was a bust.

So much for the news from here, have a great day today wherever you are...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

-11 headed for +2. Wind chill is is -25. Worse tomorrow morning but warmer by tomorrow afternoon.

Yesterday was quiet and today will be more of the same. Right now I don't even have anything to grumble about.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Sun with Hi of 20 for the day. Cold, But the good news is no real snowstorms in the 10-day forecast.
No train news so I'm just keeping in touch. As for Covid boosters I'll get one if offered but I'm not going out looking for it. The drug company stockholders are getting rich at our expense.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning folks

It is a crisp 12 heading up to 27 for what I think is the coldest day of the year thus far.

It is day 3 of puppy training. Housebreaking is coming along. There are some accidents but many successes. We will try to work more on the Christmas decorations.

I glued down a section the third track at the passenger station. I did both the roadbed and track at the same time since the section involved some flex track and a curve. It seemed easier this way to keep the roadbed to the correct alignment. Today I hope to work on more roadbed and track. I am waiting for some more roadbed pieces I need for the switches so I can complete the outside track.

Well 2022 keeps being a disappointment. I just heard Meat Loaf died.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning everyone, we are still around 70 today, give or take a degree or two. Same tomorrow except maybe some rain, at least overcast. Hard to believe, but January is starting to wind down already, almost time for Walmart to get the Easter candy out. I'm sure it's somewhere in the back room.

Got my layout de-cluttered all the roadbed is down, got time today to do some trackwork..... really... Waiting

True story: there's a bank that I drive by frequently that closed a few years ago. About a year ago, they started renovating it. They'd work a bit, nothing for a few weeks and then they'd get a little more done. I always wondered what it was going to be and why it was taking so long to finish the remodeling. Well, a few days ago the construction fence was down, now I'll find out what it is going to be. After a year of wondering, the sign went up..... uh, yeah, we're going to have, drum roll, another Starbucks Icon_e_surprised in that shopping center. Yup, there's already one in the grocery store about 50 yards away, but this new one is going to be a drive-thru.... Yeah, these poor folks were suffering with only one Starbucks nearby, beyond that, then next nearest one is about a half-mile away. Not complaining, where I live, I'm sure I have at least 42 Starbucks within walking distance, so I can understand their plight. One problem with that is that I don't go to Starbucks. Nope

Have a great day everyone, stay warm if possible...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Not sure what the temperature is at the moment. The NWS is reporting around 17. My outdoor thermometer (which I have found to be fairly reliable) is reporting 44 from the shade in the back yard. The thermometer in the sun is showing around 50. I may have to replace the battery in the back yard thermometer. Anyway, got down to -18 yesterday morning then warmed up to the low 20s which is again the predicted high for today.

Laundry is the only excitement for today. Still trying to find the correct setting for the steering wheel on my new Xbox. Getting closer. Will try again later today.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good mid-morning to ya all. Slept late, got up, went back to bed for another couple of hours. Us old folk tire easily I guess. Really chilly out, 60 topping out at 65. I looked at one forecast and it said rain starting in 23 minutes. Gotta head out on some errands before I get washed out.

Not much else going on, I have started to lay out my trackwork, I hope I don't have to move any roadbed, I'm just concerned about the transition from to old to the new section since the two have to come apart to access the wiring.

Working on Lutz's problem with the extra characters, we might have a solution. Anyone else beside him and Wayne getting them (<p><br><p/>), let me know.

Take care, have a great weekend.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
A cloudy 24/28 for the day. NO NEW SNOW. I'm happy about that.
Got together with some of our club group last night. It was good to see them and we enjoyed our time together. Hope no one gets sick.
Got to bed after midnight so slept good till 7.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning, and welcome to a new week. We did get some rain yesterday, not much but more than was forecast. It was chilly here as well, a good indication of it snowing in the high country. Today we go back into the 70's, with a few days as high as 77 by next weekend. This is our payback for living though the past super-hot summer.

Not much going on today, might hit Cabela's, they show they have lots of ammo in stock, got plenty already, but my theory is that you buy it when it's available, plus we're going out target shooting tomorrow. Got a busy week coming up, several appointments, cleaning lady due on Tuesday, still, I'm going to try to get some track down since most of my appointments are in the mornings.

Hope you all have a quiet and peaceful day today, I may watch some football, didn't get a chance yesterday.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

0 headed for the upper 20s and possibly some snow this afternoon and evening, maybe an inch.

Very slow right now and it looks to stay slow for a while. Harbor Freight opens a week from Saturday. I'll be avoiding that place for a while untel some of the newness wears off.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks

It is a warmer 31 going up to 37. It is warm if you compare it to the past few days where the overnight temperature was in the single digits and the highs in 20's.

Got the all the decorations off the tree. Now we need to get the tree down itself. I still have a few window decorations to pack and then that is a wrap on Christmas 2021.

Some model railroad supplies I ordered finally arrived yesterday. Now I can work on a couple of things. Just have to decide on what, roadbed, tune up some cars, test a new loco.

Even though I plan on going to DCC eventually it is beginning to look like I will need to get a new DC power pack. The old Bachmann one I have been using is showing its age and giving me a few minor issues which I know will only graduate into major ones down the road. Since my conversion to DCC is likely a year or more away I wiould like to get something better than the Bachmann one I have.

Not sure what we will be doing today other than the tree and puppy training.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
hi all . still not up to par but getting better everyday  , hip is giving me fits because of the cold damp weather  though I've managed to work on layout a bit .

Tom I just got a MRC 9950 power pack and would recommend one it has the ability to run off a remote witch uses a standard heavy duty phone cord .


That is the one I was considering. Probably be ordering it later tonight from M.B. Klein.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning all, temps right around 70 and higher for a while, "plentiful sunshine", and "mostly sunny" are just a few forecaster's comments.

Going target shooting this morning, Monday's are good, usually only one or two others out there. Weekends are crowded and dangerous. Checked Cabela's website yesterday, lots of .22 ammo (9 different kinds) listed as "in stock at Glendale, AZ", so I went. Asked someone where the .22 ammo was, she didn't know, asked someone else, he looked, said "we had some last week, none today". Web site still shows 6 different .22 products as in stock.... Amazing, disappointing, untrustworthy....

Jim, glad to see you're doing better, slow is OK. Yeah, it's been a bit damp the past few days and it does affect the joints but temps are looking warmer and no rain for a while should help.

Take care everyone, have a good and fruitful week, and by all means, stay safe, it's getting crazy out there.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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