The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning everyone, going to warm up again starting today, low 80's today, 90+ by Friday. The only things that are keeping the snowbirds from going anywhere is Spring Training here and the snow back home wherever that is... April usually triggers the annual migration back home.

Gas is still holding at record highs here, no one has dropped even a penny. It doesn't seem to have any affect on the traffic, still congested and then you know why gas prices aren't going down. Something about supply and demand.

Got an easy week, just one appointment and maybe a trip to Walmart. Do have to clean the garage up, lots of sawdust after the bed frame project was completed yesterday.

Just an update on Pat, his progress is exceptional according to his doctors. Open heart surgery is no walk in the park, but he is recuperating at a faster rate than most others.

Have a great day, and for you folks not living in the desert or south of the equator try to stay warm and dry.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good afternoon folks

Temperatures are down some from what they have been. it is 54 and going up to 59. Today is the last dry day as Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are supposed to have rain.

Took it easy yesterday. Wife was still having pain from the gardening over the weekend. Her therapy went well. She said she felt better leaving therapy than when she got there. Before therapy we picked up online orders at Home Depot and Kohl's. Afterwards we hit the grocery store.

I did not get any modeling done. I did some online organizing of my model railroad stuff that is on the computer.

The puppy has to go over to the vet to get another vaccine.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Big Grin 
Good evening everyone. 
        It was cloudy here all day with a few sprinkles with the high in the 50's. It looks like rain tonight. 
I have sealed off one on the yards and reseeded with Blue grass. I will keep the dogs in the side yard. They don't like it because the dog door to this area is off the porch so they have to ask to be let out. The back door to the yard I am seeding has a dog door. 
         I got a set of the original spark plugs for the motor home from Ebay. There were several sets available for a fair price including shipping. They were the genuine Motorcraft plugs the vans came equipped with. During the 1981 model year they changed the plug type and it was not for the better so I was glad to find the originals. 
          GERN closed today at 1.25 up 6 cents.   Icon_e_biggrin
           I am still working on slides for the historical society. The oldest one has been from 59. It has been interesting because what I have been scanning pertains to the Beaver Creek area and the canal that ran from the Ohio River to the middle of the state. There were over 50 locks all made of cut stone, many are still in fairly good shape.  In 1832 the canal company tried to get the state to outlaw railroads because they knew it would put them out of business and they were right. it seems there were only 2 or 3 canal boats that made a trip the whole length before the canal was abandoned. It must have provided a lot of jobs during construction but was doomed before the first stone was laid. Here is one of the locks at the local park taken 50 years ago.     
            I pray you are all healthy and stay safe. 

Good evening all, I haven't been here much as some personal issues have happened in the past two weeks. I myself am fine it's just something that can't be said out in the open here. Other than that things have been going ok. I have been enjoying the nice weather we have been having but it's supposed to rain and have thunderstorms tomorrow. I have been busy rearranging things in my apartment to better suite me and my 12 year old daughter. But I hope everyone is doing well. Take care my friends.
I can smell a steam post ten blocks away and when I do clear the tracks because the steam express will be hi ballin through
Glad to hear Pat is doing so well. But then, he's just a young kid, isn't he?

My output is really slowing down -- last two days saw 2 pairs of Kadees put on 3 cars (well...)

We should get ice blowing out of Texas or somewhere like that tomorrow morning.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Good morning good people, things are stirring up in parts of the country with storms and tornadoes. I hope none of you are affected, and prayers for those that are. It's hard to imagine losing everything because of some event like a fire, flood or storm.

Today is another free day, going to head up to Prescott with a friend. There's a gun store up there that has a few good deals. I'm not in need, but he'd like to take a look. Maybe work on my challenge a bit when we get back. Sometimes, it's nice to be retired.

Take care and have a great day.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and breezy in the remote reaches of northern Iowa this morning. The rain has let up and the high is supposed to be near 40. So far about 3/4 inch of much needed rain with possibly some more along with some snow still on the schedule for today and tonight.

I had a pretty good day yesterday. I was able to get the basement wall repainted and the water softener installed. I used a"waterproofing" pain on the walls. It's not completely waterproofing but does help. The interesting part is that 15-20 years ago when we painted the basement walls my wife picked a pleasant yellow. When I bought the new paint I asked if it could be tinted. The color choice was limited but one of them was yellow which looked pretty close. After painting yesterday the only way to tell where I painted was that the wall looked a little cleaner. In other words a perfect match. Needless to say I was very happy. Nothing on the agenda for today other than a trip to the gym.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good Morning.
      45 degrees heading for 54 with rain. 
       GERN is down 4 to 1.21 this morning. 
       Still working on the historical slides. I find it uncomfortable to see things I remember like yesterday as being noteworthy of including in a historical collection. Sad

       With the rain I shall continue working on the slides. 

       Prayers for everyone. Give my best to Pat. How is his progress Don? 

Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and cool again this morning outside my window. Supposed to be 43 by this afternoon.

Pretty quiet day yesterday. After the gym I stopped at the grocery store. On the way out I ran into a neighbor. She lives across the street but with a busy life she seldom has time for a chat. We stood and talked for about 10 minutes. This morning is a trip to the gym and this evening is a concert by one of the great-grandsons.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone, right now we're in the low 50's, heading to 86 this afternoon. They say we'll hit 92 tomorrow. Spring has sprung....

Went up to Prescott yesterday to look at a couple of guns. We have a choice of going up I-17 which alternates between being the Autobahn and complete stops with lots of hills and slow trucks, or we can go the back way through Kirkland. The back way takes us through some beautiful scenic areas and into Skull Valley with 100-year old buildings (including a single-pump gas station), and Yarnell Hill where the start of the firefighter's memorial begins. There are abandon tracks along the way with an overpass that still has the Santa Fe logo on it. Hardly any traffic that way as well, so you can guess which way we go anymore. It's just a pleasant ride and takes about the same time as using the freeway and  you arrive less harried.

Charlie, Pat is doing remarkably well. He's not a young fellow, but not that old either so his age does have a lot to do with his recovery. He's going to try to go to work on Monday and see if the doctor won't let him start driving soon. It may be a while before he goes back to his cartoon strip though.

Time to go to breakfast, I guess Brenda's again, even though the new owner won't even say, "good morning" to anyone. We only go there because of the staff, we used to go because of Brenda, so did a lot of other folks....

Take care and have a great day.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Cloudy and 50 today.
Got some rain yesterday, a short thunderstorm in the evening followed by a rainbow.
Peeolgist visit this morning. PSA was good but said some blood in the urine. Couldn't give me a definite reason. Didn't seem concerned. Next visit in a year.
No train news.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good afternoon folks

It is a chilly 48 heading up to 53.

Yesterday I finally got everything together to get my passport. I lost my previous one so I had to apply as if I never had gotten one before. Afterwards we picked up an online order at the mall which is a birthday gift for my son.

We had our new couch delivered this morning. It is going to take some getting used to as I had the old one broken in just right.

I cleared some a bunch of roiling stock off the layout.

Wife has physical therapy today and then we need to run to the pharmacy and grocery store.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Evening All, Things have been getting a little easier here. I have a lot of friends and family helping me and my 12 year old daughter out. I now have to have a budget and can't frequent the hobby shop as much as I was in the past. Today was a beautiful day here until about 1730ish when the rain moved in and the temp dropped about 8 degrees. We are to get some more rain over night and tomorrow it's only supposed to be in the 40s. They are calling for SNOW this weekend. Yes I said SNOW. Mother Nature needs to make up her mind as to what she wants to do. But I hope you all have a wonderful evening. Take care my friends.
I can smell a steam post ten blocks away and when I do clear the tracks because the steam express will be hi ballin through
I did manage though to get my shelf put up and get my lego trains on display. Not all are finished but I'm going to try to finish them up this weekend. 
I can smell a steam post ten blocks away and when I do clear the tracks because the steam express will be hi ballin through
And a good Friday morning to ya all. Looks like we're in for some crazy weather. Low 90's today, around 95+ tomorrow, then in the high 60's on Tuesday with a good chance of rain. They still leave enough wiggle factor in so it may not rain everywhere, or at all. What's amazing is the almost 20 degree drop in just a few days.

Matt, seem like you're going through some rough times right now, we hope the best for you and your daughter. Good that you have friends to help you.

Gas went up ten cents yesterday, $4.69 is the lowest in town except for Costco and Sam's Club which are $4.42. Gas was lower up in Prescott when we were there a few days ago. The lowest in Arizona is in McNeal at $3.99. Where's McNeal, I had to look it up, it's near the Mexico border.

A friend of mine has guests and he's taking them to the Musical Instrument Museum today. I've never been there, but I understand it has lots of iconic and historic instruments, some played by legendary musicians. They have timed entry, so you buy a ticket for say, 10 AM tomorrow, that's about when they expect you to be there since they're trying to limit the number of people there at one time. Not surprising, but they also have concerts, jazz, rock, string quartets. Couldn't find any that I'm interested in though, maybe my taste in music is too boring for most folks....

Take care, enjoy the day....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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