The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Greeting, gang.

Cloudy and 35 headed for still cloudy and 45 but not as windy. Only 25 mph for the winds today and that should be the last windy day for the week, so sayeth the National Weather Service.

Very quiet day yesterday. This morning I'll head to the gym to swim and this afternoon I'll head to Menards as I finally got my rebate back from the water softener. I need a few things for the house and yard and there may be enough left over to pick up a trinket or two. Also hoping I get the call that my new glasses are here. It's been two weeks.

Gas price last Monday was $3.94. By last night it was down to $3.71. I'm curious to see what it jumps to this morning. Around here it seems like the best time to fill the gas tank is late Sunday evening or early Monday morning and yes, I did fill the tank last night.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone and welcome to another workweek, or as us old folk say, "just another day in paradise"...

Watched parts of a few USFL games over the weekend, didn't know they were on until late in the second quarter. It was refreshing to watch a game without the choreographed dance routines in the end zone, no chicken walks, camera grins or chest pounding, just football. A very good start in my opinion. The stands were virtually empty, but for some reason, all the games are being played in the same stadium in Birmingham. I guess the NFL has a tight grip on many local city stadiums. I wish this new league success...

Heading up to Prescott this morning, my friend needs to either pick up the guns he bought or resubmit his background check papers. They've  had his application in limbo for a month now, the Feds never say why, they just say, "delayed" and may or may not respond from that point and do not allow a follow-up. He took the CCW (concealed carry) class when he saw that I bought the same gun and took it home minutes later since I had no Fed check delay because I have my CCW.

Under the heading of, "stupid stunts", two pilots took two planes up here in Arizona and attempted to jump out and switch planes. One made it, the other one didn't and so he and the second plane just parachuted to earth safely. What's really stupid is that they had a big name sponsor.

Hope you all have a safe and easy day today.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good afternoon folks

It is 54 heading up to 60.

We had a rough weekend. Started out fine. We were doing yardwork on Saturday afternoon when someone decided to do some burning. Unfortunately the smoke sent off my wife's asthma in a big way and we had to do some heavy duty treatments with the nebulizer. Sunday morning we again encountered the burning and had a second go around. Today fingers crossed no smoke.

My daughter and her boyfriend got the netting off the fishpond and I did some skimming to remove any leftover floating debris. I got some blocks under the legs of the new bench to prevent it from sinking. I watered the plants as needed.

Nothing got done on the layout or workbench due to the breathing issues.

This morning I had a meeting with some folks regarding a construction project. A friend of mine called me the other day to see if I would be interested in taking over a project. Since I had never intended to fully retire I told him I was interested. Covid screwed up my previous plans to go back to work so I feel it is time. If all goes well I would be onsite in a few weeks.

The wife needs to go to her work and drop off some paperwork they need to fill out for her disability retirement for the retirement board. AFter that I need to hit the produce market and the grocery store.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
A few warm fronts coming through.. In the 50's all week except for tomorrow... Rainy & 70
Next week... 60's every day, but Mid week... 70's and rain.... Loads of fun here Smile Smile
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Good morning all, it's a bit wild with some of you guys with high temps around 60 and we're looking at close to 100 here today. Went up to Prescott yesterday, there was pretty heavy smoke most of the way from the fire south of Prescott. We could see smoke hugging the ground as far south as Wickenburg, about 100 miles away, but odd that Prescott was clear of smoke.There is about a 20% containment on both fires up north.

My friend got his guns yesterday, a month ago his background check paperwork was put in the, "delay" mode, never to reappear. Yesterday after they resubmitted it, it took about 30 minutes and passed. You figure that one out....

Got a busy two weeks, something scheduled every day except for next Monday, so I doubt that I'll be able to touch my layout for a while. Glad that I finished my challenge though.

I hope you all have a good and fruitful day.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and much warmer today. Barely made it out of the 30s yesterday. Supposed to be near 60 and in the mid to upper 50s pretty much all week.

My new glasses finally came in. Also got my May issue of MR. The original never showed up. This is the replacement and took two weeks to arrive. Got a phone call last night from my sister-in-law and her husband. They are planning to use me as a motel Thursday night. They are on their way to Nebraska and decided to grace me with their presence.

I never made it to Menards yesterday so I'll be heading there this morning. Maybe a bike ride this afternoon.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
hi all . new week same old bull ,  still on Benadryl though not as often eyes watering so bad cant do anything much on modeling.
Sunday it was 82 degrees, today it is 45.
Hello Blue.
DIL took my wife to Sam's Club for a few groceries she got home at $95. Geez
No train news except TCA York starts Thursday. I'm not going. I will miss not being able to shake hands with my York friends.
Too much rain here, wish I could send some to those of you who need it.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good evening folks

It is now 60. High was 67. It has been threatening rain all day. We had a brief 5 minute shower about an hour ago.

We have been chasing down paperwork for my wife's disability claim. She has been on the phone making sure correct dates have been inputted and we had to run out to the school district office to pick up paperwork. She sees the doctor on Thursday and can give him the paperwork he needs to complete.

Regarding the possible job according to my friend they are haggling over salary. Being retired I can be a little flexible with it.

I assembled most of the fruit stand last night. I still have the sign to add and then paint the various crates and barrels of produce. I still need to track down some decals or dry transfers for the signing I need for both the fruit stand and hot dog stand.

I am thinking of switching up and working on some rolling stock. I have several Tropicana reefers to build and was thinkin about starting them as a change of pace. I will need to change a number on one of the cars. Of course the style is Gothic and I only have Roman and Billboard number decals and dry transfers. Another thing to order.

I still have things to do around the coal yard, track to ballast, and wiring.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

Clear at the moment but clouding up later with rain chances tonight through the remainder of the week but temps will be at least in the upper 50s. Hopefully warmer next week.

Had fun shopping at Menards yesterday then took a cooler than expected bike ride in the afternoon. Great-grandson's baseball game was downright chilly. Almost dark by the time it was over. Nothing major planned for today.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone. Was a bit nippy yesterday morning, wore a jacket, shed it by 8:00 and had the A/C on by noon. We did not hit 100 yesterday, but will be in the low to mid-90's for at least the next week. Rain? You have to be kidding....

Yesterday was also hazy, I could smell and see the smoke from the fire outside of Prescott. That fire has burned around 6500 acres and has almost 750 firefighters on the line. We pray for their safety. Every time we go to Prescott, we pass by the memorial to those 15 that perished fighting that wildfire near Yarnell a few years ago.

Saw a drop in gas prices yesterday, some stations down to $4.53, a few are still stubbornly hanging at $4.69.

Got a busy day today, so I'm off to breakfast. Take care, and stay safe...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good afternoon folks

It is 48 heading up to 55.

We picked up paperwork from the school district for my wife that she needs for the doctor's appointment tomorrow. We planted the tomato plants and did some weeding.

I did not get anything done on the layout or workbench. Not sure why I just seem to run out of time.

I need to do some cleaning chores and laundry.

I hope to work on the fruit stand later and perhaps decide on my next project.

We might run to CVS later.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 40 and it's supposed to rain for the next several days. Kind of a yucky forecast.

Got a call last night my sister-in-law and her husband may not be here until tomorrow. Either today or tomorrow they still plan to spend one night here. If they don't show tonight I'll be able to go to a baseball game for the great-grandkids (if it isn't rained out).

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, according to the TV gal, we did get to 99 on Tuesday, not so  much yesterday. They did hit 100 in Tucson though which surprises me since usually we are hotter and they are wetter.

Today my cleaning lady shows up, I'll be loading my guns while she's here since we're heading out to do some target shooting tomorrow. We are giving the truck stop one more chance before we find a different place for breakfast. I think they're having problems holding on to personnel. Poor service and lousy food is not indicative of a truck stop.

Gas prices are all over the map, Costco here is up five cents to $4.34 while a few miles away it's down to $4.25. Traffic is easing up a bit, many snowbirds have bailed out already so gas should be lowering, but I still see a Cheveron station at $4.99. I wonder who goes there?

No sensational news to report from here, we've been seeing political ads everyday since the first of the year and the elections aren't until November. I'd hate to be a politician running for office right now, or ever for that matter....

Take care, stay safe and enjoy the day.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Sun and 55 for the day. Frost early this morning.
The crew I would have traveled with arrived safely at York yesterday afternoon.
I would have liked being there, but my old body runs at a slower pace than those younger guys.
No special plans for the day.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)

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