The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good afternoon everyone. 
         It started out on the cool side but has warmed nicely here I have moved some material and I am getting ready to pour a slab and walkway out our back door. My grandson is supposed to come sometime his week end so I will put him to work. He wants to learn how to do a lot of this so it helps us both. 

          I got my garden in early this year, and got away with it so far. The potatoes and tomatoes  are doing great in both gardens and I have cucumbers planted several places and doing well.  I have cabbage, onions and strawberries in the raised garden as well as tomatoes and peppers. 

Here is a picture of the potatoes and tomatoes in the ground level garden     
And the beans, corn and cucumbers are doing well too.      .

and to bore you a little more, the raised gardens.     

Gas here has reached the point that it costs more to drive the 10 miles to save 20 cents so I am just buying here unless I need to so out of town for something. I am opting to have a lot of things shipped that I would have gone to get.  It costs 7 dollars to have an item delivered from the Walmart 12 miles away and at 15 MPG on the truck that is 7 bucks worth of gas  so I will remain  in the comfort of my home (Delivery is free if you spend 35 dollars or more.) 

It does seem that most of the powers in charge don't care about the peons, what was the quote? "Let them eat cake"  Many items in short supply. 

Enjoy the rest of the weekend, 

Attached Files Image(s)
Good Morning Everyone, I went to Pittsburgh on June 2 for a follow up because I've been having severe pain in my right foot that I had surgery done to last November. I talked with my doctor ( same doctor who did my 1st surgery ) and he compaired my MRI image before my surgery and my most recent one on April 25. Well it turns out that when I slipped on ice back in Feb, I ended up tearing the Peroneus Brevis Tendon. The doctor gave me two options, 1 he releases me back to full duty and I live with the pain the rest of my life or I have a 2nd foot surgery to fix the tendon. He looked at me and said that first option is already out the window. So my surgery is set for July 6th but I won't know what time to be there until July 5th. This is just another set back for me and I will be off of work for at least a month again. The doctor was not happy with the P.A when he seen the tendon was torn because when I talked to them back in May, they told me they was not concerned about it. I kept telling them that something was wrong and this P.A was not listening to me. It took for my doctor to come in on this last visit for something to be done. He said I should have been out there in May and had this surgery scheduled and done by now. He was not happy with the P.A and neither was myself or my nurse case manager. The only thing good about this is that I won't have to worry about slipping on ice a couple months after surgery.

The doctor checked my ankle and he agreed with the P.A that it was stable but he looked at her and said it can be as stable as it wants to be but as long as there is a tear in that tendon, he is not going to be able to apply pressure or stand on it for long periods of time. I looked at the doctor and said that I am unable to do that. I can only press on a big medicine ball for no more that 25-30 seconds before I have to stop. Also therapy had me doing an exercise where I had to pick up my left foot and stand on my right but bend over and act like I was picking an item off the floor. While doing this exercise my ankle would give out every time and cause more pain. I told the doctor this and the look on his face was well, not very happy. He told me to stop therapy right away to which I did. I thanked him for being at this appointment and that I will see him in a little over a month. I am to continue with my work restrictions as set forth from before, so I am still dispatching with the medical transportation company I've been with for almost 2 years now. I wanted to give you all an update as I haven't been here much lately and that is the reason why because I come home, relax and do nothing because of the pain.

I hope you all are doing well and are enjoying the weekend. Take care my friends.
I can smell a steam post ten blocks away and when I do clear the tracks because the steam express will be hi ballin through
Greetings, gang.

60 headed for 78. Much improved over yesterday's 64, windy, and rainy.

Speaking of yesterday, I spent it all outdoors. I left here about 7:30 yesterday morning and drove an hour and a half east to watch the great-grandsons baseball games. Finally got home around 9 last night. Very long day and I fell sorry for the kids having to play for that long. I'm sure they were tired by the time it was over.

Nothing major on the agenda for today. Need to water the new grass seed and maybe do some laundry. Bike ride this afternoon.

Matthew - sorry to hear about your struggles. I hope the surgery takes care of it.

Charlie - nice looking gardens. Personally I'm too lazy to do all that work. I just go to the farmers market on the weekend and pick up a few thing.

All stay safe.

Gas price here holding at $4.64 but unfortunately my car takes 91 octane which was $5.10 when i filled it up on the way home from baseball last night. That was a quick $68.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, speaking of yesterday Tom, I spent the whole day inside. Friday, I drove to the Post Office and coming back the sun was in my eyes which were blurry to begin with and I came close to hitting a 15 mph school zone sign in the middle of the street. I was going about 40 at the time and the sun just blurred everything. I decided to stay home until that eye gets some vision back. Left eye is doing good, but I don't want to drive one-eyed either. I have an eye chart on the wall, and at 10 feet, I still can't see the big E at the top. It will get better I'm sure, just need patience and something to do other than watching TV.

Mathew, so sorry about you foot issue, that's got to be a setback for you for sure. Keep us posted on your progress. I think that there are far too many PA's and NP's in this world and not enough doctors. It's good that they're there, but they don't have the training and experience that doctors have and frequently make the wrong call.

Take care everyone and have a great and safe day....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello all......

Matt - Hopefully the surgery and recovery will go well....

Prayers for those that need them Smile Smile
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Good evening all. 
       Don, I didn't think you were supposed to drive so soon. I hope you make a quick vision recovery.
       Matt, I am sorry to hear about your foot but at least the doctor will set you straight. Just do what they tell you until the healing is complete. You have many years left that those feet have to get you around. 
        We had a beautiful day here. My grandson came over and we poured a slab below the back door.  He wanted to kill some more time so we changed the passenger door on the motor home. I have to change the locks and interior from the old door but This one has no rust. I got both front doors for $50 each and they included the windows and vents too.
I have every thing I need to paint it when the body panels are all changed. I have 2 front fenders too and the cowl panel. There is no rust on the body and the undercarriage is rust free too.  we might be able to afford gas to go to the state park that is 12 miles away. 
        The steel roofing for my front porch is ready to pick up so i will do that in the morning. A good job for tomorrow evening.  It is only 5 x 18 foot. 
         I got the new starter on the old mower and found the battery to be stone dead. It wouldn't charge so I ordered a new battery from Walmart yesterday, and I needed a new ceiling fan for my bedroom so the 2 items gave me free delivery  so they delivered them today while we were pouring the back slab. It doesn't seem to matter to Walmart that it was Sunday, and they delivered to the right house this time. The last two times I had to track the items down at the neighbors. I let Wally know I wasn't happy and they said it wouldn't happen again. We shall see, I have another order coming tomorrow. 

Cheers to all and a good week ahead
Greetings, gang.

D-Day, the 6th of June, 1944

Some light fog in the area this morning with very high humidity. Got almost a half inch of rain overnight. 62 now headed for 72 later on. Gonna be unseasonably cool all week.

Yesterday was a pretty quiet day. Today will see slightly more activity. Gym this morning and then after lunch I'll put down the next application of fertilizer. Also need to pay some bills.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone, Been in the low 100's heading up to possibly 114 by the weekend.  Still zippo as far as rain goes. Not sure how much rain we've had so far this year, but I'm guessing less than one inch.

Thanks Charlie, they never said is was too soon, it wasn't with my left eye, but this one seems to see way more light. I tried to go to church yesterday and I can't drive heading into the sun so I got to the end of the block and turned around. I need darker sun glasses for sure.

Yes, today is the anniversary of D Day. I wish folks would stop shooting at each other and at innocent people and remember what it took to give them the freedoms that they have. I turned the TV on the other day and it was at the end of Charlie Chaplin's "The Great Dictator". This is the first time I heard his speech, it's worth listening to. Stop the wars, stop the fighting, be happy with what you already have.

The Dictator's speech

Got a free day today, can't do too much, but I'll do what I can. Been screwing around with my control panel to the point that I've got some more wires broken off. Maybe finish that today... Waiting 

Take care, have a great week....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning.
        A beautiful day here in South east Ohio.  A chance of storms moving in tonight.  I picked up the steel for my front porch roof. It was a 17 mile drive each way. Gas locally was $4.95 but 6 miles away (enroute) it was $4.79 so I bought $40. worth. I am not driving the truck much so I don't want the gas to get old sitting in the tank.

        I repaired a couple more of my saw horses because the two good ones have a mower deck on them waiting for a blade engagement cable. Then I put the roofing on the saw horses and predrilled it for the screws. The screws are drill screws but I have found the it leaves a slight dimple in the roofing because of the pressure you have to use to start them.
I only had 6 sheets to drill  and 24 holes to a panel. I left them stacked and banded and drilled all six  panels at the same time and for once in my life I got my drill bit properly sharpened and it took less than 10 minutes to do all the drilling. (I don't need glasses for the most part but I can't see to sharpen a bit anymore even with my optivisor.)

       The back door concrete is a nice improvement. It makes it easier for my 12 year old dog to use the dog door. There was a 3 inch step down from the threshold .  

        Have a grand day, and everyone stay safe and cool.  Don, stay out of the sun for a while. 

There cataract sun glasses that do a very good job. They fit over regular glasses and have extra dark bits at the side. (You may or may not have glasses now.)

I have a model garage that has a welding light in it. I put out a sign "Do not look at the welding torch without protective glasses" and provide a pair of cataract glasses. One young boy asked "Are those real welding glasses?" and left in a huff before i could say that it wasn't a real welding torch either.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
(06-06-2022, 07:41 PM)BR60103 Wrote: Don:
There cataract sun glasses that do a very good job. They fit over regular glasses and have extra dark bits at the side. (You may or may not have glasses now.)

I have a model garage that has a welding light in it. I put out a sign "Do not look at the welding torch without protective glasses" and provide a pair of cataract glasses. One young boy asked "Are those real welding glasses?" and left in a huff before i could say that it wasn't a real welding torch either.

Good morning all, my vision is clearing up as the swelling goes down, it's just the bright light that's going to take a while to get use to. . Thanks David, I went to Walmart and found a rack of glasses like you mentioned, they were tagged as "glare glasses to fit over regular sun glasses". I bought a pair and they seem to help. I'll see if I can find some specifically for cataract removal patients, although, these may be all I need. I'll find out when I go to breakfast, I have to drive east, looking into a rising sun. Funny story, I wonder if that kid will ever realize what was going on... What you need is a scale sized welding helmet lying there. Waiting

Finally got my control panel mounted without drilling into the face of the panel or the frame. Now I have some wiring to re-solder and I can go back to laying track. Applause 

Take care everyone and stay safe, it's getting dangerous out there, shootings, road range, grocery shopping....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and 58 headed for sunny and 77 with only light breezes. Looks to be a chamber of commerce day. Possible strong thunderstorms tentatively scheduled for tonight.

Active day yesterday. Rode the bike to the gym for a good swim and workout. Then payed bills. After lunch I rode the bike to pay the drive-by bills and stopped at the grocery store for a couple of things for supper. Today I'll be hitting all the grocery stores to fill up the empty spots on the shelves. I may take a nap this afternoon as I didn't sleep well last night. After supper is more baseball for the great-grandkids.

Gas price dropped 8 cents to$4.56.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue
Cloudy this morning, sorry fellows but we had more rain overnight. I didn't hear it. 70s for the day.
Gas here in lower Mich. is halfway to 6 dollars and rising each day. It sure will spoil many summer travel plans. 
Two years of covid and now gas is too high for travel.
Don't have any great news but I do try to check-in from time to time.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning
         Rain this morning followed by rain this afternoon. A day off from outside work. 

         I bought a solar flag pole light from an ebay dealer and after charging the batteries it worked for 1 day, but it was cloudy so I gave it a chance and still no good. I replaced the batteries and still wouldn't work so I requested a return. Instead they offered me a 50% refund which I refused. This morning I got a full refund with no mention of return. They must figure it is cheaper for me to throw it away here rather than them having to pay return shipping so they can throw it away. Several years ago I got a Bachmann S$ with sound for $99 and it didn't work. The seller gave me a full refund and told me to keep the locomotive. When looking close at the box I saw it had been returned through Amazon as defective so I figure the seller may have bought one of those take you chance grab bags. I called Bachmann and told them what I had and the fellow I talked to was a friendly PRR modeler. For 45 bucks plus the 9 bucks postage to send it back they made it brand new and the sound is great. 

          I am working on a brass AS 616. It had a big open frame motor but it only drew 3/4 of an amp on DC but it would only run a couple feet with a decoder so I have found a donor from a newer Athearn to try to make fit.  I have a lot of extra motors for steam locomotives but no new double ended shafts for diesels. I think I shall order a few to keep in stock. 

          I am glad you found some sun glasses Don. I just bought a couple pair of polarized sun glasses because like you i have problems with sunlight. They work great, but are way darker than I need. They should work great for fishing though. 

(06-07-2022, 08:54 AM)Charlie B Wrote:           I am glad you found some sun glasses Don. I just bought a couple pair of polarized sun glasses because like you i have problems with sunlight. They work great, but are way darker than I need. They should work great for fishing though. 

Does this mean I have to take up fishing now???? Nope 

Reminds me of a Keaton movie, "Johnny Dangerously". As a kid he had little money so he gave his mother an ash tray as a birthday gift. She replied, “Bless the saints! It's an ashtray! I’ve been thinking of taking up smoking, this clinches it.”
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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