The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning folks

It is a humid 83 already this morning. Going up to 96.

Have a problem with one of the plants we moved in the window boxes. Half of it appears to not like being transplanted. I will have a look at when I get home this afternoon. We pulled up the rug on the front patio and took it down to the curb for trash. Somehow it got stained or mold on it that would not come off. It was an outdoor rug so this has got my head scratching.

I finished cleaning and lubing the second loco and gave it a test rn. It runs very well and like the other seems to have more pulling power. I teamed it up with the first loco and down they run well together. I probably now have a dozen more to do. I test ran a couple of new Bowser Executive Line ALCO C-628 in the ALCO Demonstrator scheme. Boy do they run smooth and quiet. I have two Reading ones sitting in their boxes and I can't wait to test them.

I have physical therapy tonight so I am not sure what I will be doing later this evening.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Hello Blue
Sun is bright this morning. 71 with low humidity. Windows are open, A/C is off for now.
Out early for some blood work. Gas was $3.99 and I think I saw a 3.79 but was in traffic so only got a quick glance.
Wife if out playing in the flower beds. Grass is turning green and growing again as we have had plenty of rain.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning folks

It is 83 on its way to 89.

Went to physical therapy last evening. We are still in the trying to figure out everything that is wrong phase. We currently have neck, shoulder, hip, and now balance issues.Everything is on my left side except for the hip. The therapist was wondering if I hit my head in the accident but I do recall doing so. After I got home I water the plants. And of course a couple of hours later a good old fashion thunderstorm rolled through soaking everything. I saw this morning a tree that got struck by lightening a couple of blocks from the house. The lightening peeled the bark off one side of the tree from the ground up to about 20 feet of the 30 to 40 foot tall tree.

No trains yesterday. I am hoping for tonight.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

Another Chamber of Commerce day underway in the remote reaches of northern Iowa this morning. 66 now headed for the mid 80s this afternoon with a comfortable level of humidity.

My sister-in-law has gone but left behind a memory I will always cherish. We found the film of my wife and I on our wedding day. She put it up on her facebook page. I'm still trying to find a way to post it myself. My usual sources don't work. Youtube wants my phone number before I can log in. My personal web space provide by my isp says I don't have access to it. Grrr! Not much planned for today other than a bike ride.

Gas price jumped to #3.59 from $3.42

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning Blue.
        We have a beautiful day here and I am hoping to get something accomplished.  
        My onions had quit growing so I dug them yesterday, I got a bout 5 pound, nothing real big but boy are they good. Right now they are on sale in the local store for 88 cents a pound, I think mine were a total of $5 for the sets so I think growing onions (except for the green ones) is kind of foolish.  My potato plants have all died. I will dig them over the week end to see if I did better with them.  I have lots of tomatoes and no matter what, there is no better tomato then one eaten right off the vine. 
         Hoping to hear from Don soon. 
          Tompm, when you are in an accident sometimes you just don't remember what happened. More than likely you did hit your head.

          Fiat fan, You can save movies and photos to the Internet Archive. I have gone to Rumble for my videos, Youtube was placing too many adds on mine. I understand the need for ad revenue but they were getting carried away and want you to go premium.  My cousin has had a lot of my uncles movies transferred using legacy. They do a great job with the transfer but all they do is the transfer. I have been trying to color correct and edit them. I am trying to locate some film taken by a friend that passed away 30 years ago. I think I know who has them and I will see if I can get him to send them to legacy if I offer to pay. They are PRR and PC from the area and about 1000 feet if I remember. 

         I have to return a cable modem and pick up some primer and mineral spirits today, and more work on the motor home
Good morning all, just a quickie. I got home yesterday, tired and beat up. I know when they have you asleep, they do all sorts of thing, moving parts of you in directions that they're not suppose to be in. My surgery went OK, the doctor says 99%, so there's a bit of leakage around my stent. They'll do a CAT scan in a month it see if it sealed itself otherwise they he may have to go back and reset it. He changed some of my meds in hopes that works.

I took a sleeping pill and got 10 hours in and I'm still tired. Can't drive for four days, can't lift more than five pound for a month. The big thing though is that I'm at least home. I will rest pretty much so I may not be on Big Blue as often as usual. Pat is just two blocks from me and has always been there when I needed him, so I live alone, but his family is just a phone call away.

Take care, I'll stop by when I can....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is a cooler and less humid 79 heading up to 87. We had a heavy rain overnight.

Don glad to hear the surgery went well. Hope the recovery is fast and without issues.

I have to talk with the therapist tonight. Whatever we did Tuesday got me good yesterday. At one point in the afternoon I could barely move I was so stiff and in pain. It took a heating pad and a very hot and long shower to get my back somewhat straightened out. As a result I got nothing done around the house or with the trains.

I am hoping for a better day today.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Don, It is good to hear that you are home. stay seated, and when you have to get up mve slow. You don't need a fall at this stage. I am glad Paacky is there for you. Virtual frieds are great but someone there is even better. 
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 68 headed for partly cloudy and 89.

Exciting day yesterday. I cleaned an oiled the chains and sprockets on both bikes. Yeah, pretty sad. I did take my laptop to my Thursday group last night and showed them the video. They all thought it was pretty cool. Off to the gym this morning and maybe the dragon boat races this weekend.

Charlie - thanks for the tip on IA. I had forgotten about that.

Don - glad you are home safe. Take care and prayers for a speedy recovery.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue
Just checking in. Not much activity here, maybe things will pick up in the fall.
Sun and 70s for the day.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning folks

Big change in the weather. It is a very comfortable 76 and heading up to 83.

Had physical therapy last evening. We talked about all the issues I had after Tuesday's session. We changed up some things and decided to concentrate on the neck and back. Thus far today there are no issues. I did not do much last night after getting home other than taking the trash to the curb.

If the weekends turns out the way they say I will be doing some gardening. I need to trim the weeping cherry tree and do some weeding of the side garden. I should also clean the fish pond filter.

I hope to work on some Tropicana reefers so they do uncouple. Then are a bunch of rolling stock to tune up. I would like to test run a couple of new locomotives.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning all. Just a short one. I hurt and am tired, feels like I was slammed by a bus. Got another ten hours sleep last night,  maybe a nap later on. Feel better laying down, so I'll spend another day in bed. I was hoping to do some work on my log cabin, but can't sit long enough to even get it designed in CAD.

Take care everyone, and thanks for the prayers.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
After a lousy week work wise I finally got the underbody of the motor home coated with coroseal. It should be dry by tomorrow morning. 
I was having a problem with too much moisture in my air line when I was using my DA sander so I ordered a water separator from Harbor freight. I also ordered a dc fuel transfer pump and a little oiler since I could add for the same price for shipping fee. They backordered the water separator.   Icon_mad. Now that will set me back another 4 or 5 days because I bought one off ebay with 4 day shipping. The one from HF may never show and when and if it does ai will return it. 
         My wife found a neat little light and I thought it was so nice I ordered one too. She paid 35 bucks for hers but cheap chuck found it for 24 including shipping, then I found this
          These things are bright and recharge with usb and last over 3 hours. It will be a real plus for working on models and great working under the layout doing the wiring. 
           Don, just take it easy, You will heal in time, don't rush it. We all want you around for at least another 20. 
           Tompm, Same advise. Don't let the therapist make you do anything that hurts. My orthopedic surgeon told me the no pain no gain theory is Bull. 
Cheers, stay safe and enjoy the week end 
Good morning everyone, been sleeping 9-10 hours and taking naps everyday since getting out of the hospital. Most of my time is spent in bed where I'm more comfortable.

Did manage to spend a few minutes on my log cabin design, can't  draw too many details since everything is dependent on what I'm using for the logs.

That's it for now, ya all have a great weekend.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and cool this morning in the remote reaches of northern Iowa. 65 now going to the upper 70s this afternoon.

Pretty quiet weekend for me. I experimented with getting a better quality capture of the wedding video. Of course by the time I was ready for the latest try the camera battery was dead. I'll try again this evening. Nothing planned for today.

Don - prayers for your continued recovery.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)

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