The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
(09-09-2022, 09:21 AM)Charlie B Wrote: Good Morning all
        We have a beautiful day here and I went out and took the tape and paper off the motor home, put the mirrors on it and then when I went to move it it had a dead battery. That isn't a big surprise because it hasn't been driven to keep the batteries charged.  I'll charge it enough to get it started and moved out of the middle of the drive way. Once parked in the right place I will put a good slow charge in both batteries.


don't know if they still offer it but harbor freight at one time had a solar Maintenace battery charger I think like in the 1-to-1.5-amp range 
Greetings, gang.

54 and rain at the moment with some occasional thunder and lightning in the area. Supposed to get to the upper 60s later.

Yesterday was pretty quiet. I did get the propane tank filled and also made a quick stop at the grocery store. This morning is laundry and this afternoon I plan to go to a talk about the Iowa connection to the Titanic. Could be interesting (or a dud).

Charlie - thanks for your prayers. My son can be pretty closed mouth about his daughter sometimes. I haven't heard anything for a while which I'm hoping is relatively good news.

David - I hope your friend is ok.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all
        Worked in the train room for about 4 hours last night. I have really neglected it for the last year but coming back into the mood. 

        Jim a solar maintainer would involve mounting it and I will not put any holes in the roof. sooner or later they leak.  I took everything off the roof that wasn't needed by me and repaired all the mounting holes before I sealed the roof. The reason the battery went dead was all I have been doing is starting the motor and letting it run such a short time that it doesn't have time to recoup before I am shutting it down. I do have a maintaining charger that I can hook up to it but the charge lasted over a year so I never gave it a thought. The house battery is Isolated from the main battery and I can install a switch that would let the house battery provide a boost to start the engine, Just another project left to do. 

         I am going to my sons this afternoon to help him with a window project. He needs some custom made trim so I need to get measurements and make some templates so I can cut and plane the pieces. 

         Don, I looked at the National Hurricane center this morning and Kay isn't even on the map anymore I hope some folks got some rain but no floods. I lost my good weather app and haven't found a good replacement. NOAA weather was good at one time until the government found out it was too easy to use. Navigating any government site is unnecessarily complicated.         

         I hope everyone enjoys the week end. 

Good morning all, yup, got in an extra hour or so sleep. It was a bit noisy last night, I guess hurricane Kay did sneak in Charlie, just about every rain sensor in the valley shows rain. We got a bit over 1/2" here, and there's still a "flood watch" in affect for another hour. Haven't had the TV on so I don't know how much damage the storm did, but I'm sure they'll let us know. There'll be reporters standing next to a downed tree and one ankle-deep in water showing a flooded street with barricades, you all know how that goes. I guess So. Cal got hit pretty bad, I-8 that runs from just south of here to San Diego got shut down for a while.

College football today, I really hope they just play football and not put on dance routines like the pros do. What bothers me the most is that the peewee league kids are picking up on this.

Actually back working on my log cabin. Made a jig for cutting notches, well, I had a good start but ruined it, so I'll try again today. Trying to get more active and yeah, I'm feeling a bit better everyday, especially after that one-hour massage yesterday.... Awesome 

Take care everyone, have a great weekend, stay safe and stay dry....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good evening friends
        No one has checked in today. I hope that isn't bad news. 
         I have been putting some decoders in a few locomotives and managed to spend 4 hours getting a drop in to work properly. It was a locomotive purchase used for a good price. It had been "Fixed"  The hardest thing to find was the washers that hold the contacts to the tender trucks were under the contacts and the hole in the contacts was around the screw head, not under it. Talk about intermittent contact. There were many other issues but it runs great now. 

        Rain here and muggy

        Good day all
Good morning all, I guess a bunch of us didn't check in yesterday, I got sidetracked doing other things and still didn't get all done that I wanted to. Going to try again today. Lost my Internet connection for a while, when it came back, all my WiFi devices came back except one. Need to open the app, oh, I need a password. Got no stinkin' password, half-hour later, I got a password. Now I need to switch my Internet to the device, need another password when I switch back, another half-hour and I have my Internet back, now Alexa can't find my device, need another password and I was just about ready to throw my cell phone against a wall.... Another time waster yesterday, one smoke alarm is beeping, needs a new battery just that it doesn't beep long enough for me to find which one. Stand in the hallway for ten minutes and no beep, walk away and it goes off again. Now you know why I didn't post yesterday....

Got woke up about 2:00 with a storm passing though. Suppose to be a good chance of another one later this afternoon. Temps in the mid-90's for a few days than back into the triple-digits and no rain.

Did watch a bit of football over the weekend, watched the Arizona Cardinals get whomped at home. You would think that when you pay someone 10 million a year, that you'd get your money's worth. We now have players getting 150 million-dollar contracts and they still loose games. How can teams afford this? Well, they raise ticket prices, the league charges TV stations more, who charge advertisers more who in turn charge the consumer more. So we ultimately are the ones paying for these outlandish salaries of players who don't do what they're getting paid to do...

So much for that nonsense, have a great day today...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

48 this morning headed for 78 this afternoon. Warming trend for the remainder of the week.

Another guilty of not checking in yesterday. It was just a blah day. Finally by late afternoon my mood improved, helped by the running of the Backyard & Southern's crack passenger train - the Afternoon Special. Ran for about 2 hours along with a nice fire in the fire pit. Nothing major planned for today other than to clean out the fire pit.

Pro sports is not the only area with outrageous salaries. The Nebraska football coach got fired yesterday and will get $16 million. Wish I could get that much for doing a lousy job.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks

It is 69 and heading up to 82. We are supposed to get some storms later today.

This the first time I had chance today to sit down in front of the computer and post. Weekends are tough for me because I usually don't get computer time until late in the afternoon and evening.

This weekend was semi productive. It did involve a lot of running errands. Saturday we headed to Delaware. I got gas, stopped at the hobby shop, and Target. My wife and I stopped for dinner at one of our favorite places. Sunday was a pharmacy and grocery store run. We did some gardening and some cleaning around the house.

The stop at the LHS was for some Evergreen plastic tubes I need to repair some screw holes that no longer hold the screws due to being stripped or too big. I entered more cars into my inventory program and reorganized my tank cars.

This after I have an appointment with the orthopedic doctor. Hopefully I can get some answers to what is going on with my back.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Morning Blue
Sun & Clouds this morning. Rounds of downpours overnight. Hi today of 70. 62 now.
Saturday was college football and our club meet. Sunday was the Lions game on TV, was napping by halftime.
My favorite college teams all won but it was like they were all playing "token" games
Nothing on my menu for today.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning 
         I am glad we all survived the week end. 
          I just reinstalled the grill in the motorhome and all I need for the outside is to locate my box of marker light bulbs. I have no right front marker light and I haven't put the meter in the socket to see if it is a bulb or a bad socket. I have a spare socket if needed. 

          Tom in Pa, what software do you use for your model inventory? I have started one using a spread sheet but I would like something a little better, and It would have to have a place for location so I know which set of drawers to locate it in. That would also be useful for locating small parts I use for building. 

           We have a 20% chance of rain for the next 2 days so just enough to make things interesting.  I have gutter guards to install at some point before the leaves start to fall. 

(09-12-2022, 08:09 AM)Charlie B Wrote:           Tom in Pa, what software do you use for your model inventory? I have started one using a spread sheet but I would like something a little better, and It would have to have a place for location so I know which set of drawers to locate it in. That would also be useful for locating small parts I use for building. 

Charlie, I am using MicroSoft Access. For me it is the easiest database program since I used it at work. It can be a pain sometimes but it has a lot of flexibility. So if I wanted to add a category for location I just add it. Since you have a spreadsheet you may be able to import the spreadsheet into Access. The hardest thing is creating the input form. Below is what I created for my Rolling Stock. I have a seperate file for Locomotives.

[Image: Hk0hJwz.png]

[Image: nauurH1.png]

The locomotive screen needs a great deal of work to make it look like the rolling stock one.

Due to file size I had to create a database for rolling stock and another for locomotives.

I really like it. The data is searchable. I can get a listing of just Tropicana reefers or all 40 FT Boxcars. I can do the searches on the input form or make a report. This is great because it helps me from getting duplicates.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
The Fire Dept here recommend changing the smoke detector batteries twice a year. They used to suggest at the change between real and daylight time, but that now means one set is only for about 4 months. I now do it at the equinoxes.
This gives me a lot of partially used 9V batteries. Need something that uses them ...
I have a lighting unit for a small garage that takes 9V. It includes a welding torch and washroom light that goes on and off.
I also use them to test locos -- posts are pretty clse to HO gauge.
Our detectors are also hardwired into the mains. I think that the batteries hardly get used at all.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
hi all. its Monday again things are about the same here hot and muggy humidly is in the 70% plus range we did get one 2-inch Arizona rain here yesterday. not much in the modeling world bn having a lot of eye migraines doc says there's not a thing that can be done about them. try staying safe and dry.
Greetings, gang.

Another sunny pleasant day scheduled for today. Clear, light winds, low humidity and 80 for the high.

Yet another quiet day yesterday. Biggest activity was watering the 20+ house plants. Off to Walmart and the grocery store this morning.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning good people, looking at the rain map, there were scattered showers all over the valley, the closest to us was about about five miles to the north and just enough to measure, meaning my truck is probably just pockmarked with mud. Just one unusual warning, "There is a marginal risk of severe weather today.", says one report meaning that they don't have a clue what's going on.

That smoke alarm still finds odd times to chirp, fortunately, it kept quiet all night. Rightfully, I should change all the batteries out twice a year that would make the fire dept and the battery manufacturers happy, but I've got 9' ceilings and it's not easy climbing tall ladders at my age, so I wait until one goes and replace it. I changed them all when we moved in to this house almost five years ago, and this is the first one to fail. You are right David, the batteries are just in case of power failure and by then, you can be sure you'll know that something is happening, but the code says you need battery backup and so here we are... chirp, chirp, chirp...

No appointments for the rest of the week, I hope that gives me time to go back and work on my log cabin. Everything else is caught up so I don't have any excuse.

Gas is on it's was up, Costco is up to $3.88, I see lots of stations now well over $4.00, but Tucson is running about a dollar cheaper. I see grocery stores aren't just raising prices with inflation. If something was $4.99, it's now $5.99, I guess it's easier and they can get away with it. A can of soup at Walmart that was around a dollar a few months ago is now $1.68.

Take care everyone and enjoy the day.... Icon_e_biggrin
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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