The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning all, here we are, hours away from NFL football. I did watch a bit of college yesterday when I could, and yes, Arizona State was on one of the ESPN stations last night. Fortunately, I went to sleep early so I didn't have to watch them get trounced.

Temps are still around 100 for a few more days. We may try to go shooting this week, we have a choice, tomorrow will be hot, but no rain. Later in the week will be cooler, but possible rain, so we need to figure out which day is best.

One thing about tomorrow is that the sunrise and sunset are exactly 12 hours apart. I thought that was what defined the first day of Fall, but I guess not.

Not much else going on here, we are about a week away from the start of the annual snowbird trek which runs from early October until May. Lots of huge RV's pulling cars, SUV's, small trucks, trailers and boats. I did see once, a RV pulling both a car and a boat, and that should be illegal just about anywhere. Waiting

Take care, enjoy the day and if you have a team that you consider "your team", I hope it wins. For me, I have no vested interested in any team so I usually pick the underdogs as I switch from one game to another.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and it depends on who you believe for the temperature. The NWS says it's 55 but my outdoor thermometer says 62 and no it's not in the sun. Supposed to get to the low 70s today and be somewhat windy.

Yesterday was very nice. My neighbor got married. At 60 years old. For the first time! We're all very happy for them. He did most of the wedding planning. He's a big M&M fan so that was the theme of the wedding. Even the minister's sermon was based on the various colors of the M&Ms. Reception afterwards was lots of fun also. This afternoon is football for the great grandkids.

Don - I agree about the price creep. I did see an interesting headline on one of the news sites the other day about the price of oil dropping below $80. Not sure why the price of oil is going down but the price of gas is going up. Must be that lame excuse about switching over to "winter blend." Then in the spring the price goes up again as the switch over to "summer blend."

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good evening. 
         Are they still playing football? I don't watch any contact sports anymore, I just lost interest. I really never was much of a fan. I do watch golf now and again. I don't play and have no favorites but sometimes it is just a good pastime. 

         We had a terrific storm around 5 AM this morning. It didn't fully awake me but I had dreams about a severe storm so that must have started them.  It rained off and on all morning. I worked in the motor home for a while. I am installing a diesel fuel heater straight from China. They sell a bunch of these things to RV folks and a friend bought one a couple years ago and recommended them.  

         My daughter and I made a quick run to Rural King to get some weed killer.  I buy 2.5 gallons of the concentrate and mix it 100 to 1 so this will last me another 12 years. I have a large 12 volt sprayer that I hook to the lawn tractor so it only takes about 2 hours a year to keep the drive way and the fence line weed free. 

          It sounds like you had a good time at the wedding Tom.  I haven't been to a wedding for a long time. Most of the grandkids don't bother with a wedding any more, they just live with someone until they tire of them. Even the folks that get married don't seem to stay together anymore. I am coming up to our 60th next May. My dad wouldn't go to our wedding, He said it wouldn't last so he said he would go to my next one.   Icon_e_biggrin

          Did a little work on the trains so now some relaxing and a little reading before I go to bed. 

          Good health and a good week ahead.
Apparently (that's the way it looks to us) the atmosphere bends the sun's light so that we see it for a while longer than we should. The radio said that on the equinox the daylight would be 12 hours and 10 minutes.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Greetings, gang.

49 and dark at the moment. Supposed to be sunny and 70 later with more windy conditions.

Yesterday was pretty quiet. This morning I need to make a quick visit to Menards then it's back to the gym for some swimming. Otherwise a very quiet week ahead.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning good people, got through a few football games yesterday, Arizona went down as expected, don't give them much hope this season. What will happen is they will fire the coach instead of any of those overpaid jokers who like to dance rather than play good football. Just saw where one team renewed someone's contract, 64 million for two years, (I just saw the headline and moved on). There goes the $15 hot dogs and $7 Cokes.

Got a weed problem, out front are ground covering weeds, I took my flame thrower to them yesterday and a whole lot easier than digging them up. In the back, that's a whole different class of weeds, I cannot get back there without a machete, if I use the flame thrower, I'm sure the Surprise Fire Dep't will be paying me a visit. Eek Those suckers are huge, at least five feet tall. Usually we don't have a weed problem in the summer, the heat and no rain, but this year, lots of rain, lots of weeds...

Filled up at QuickTrip yesterday, $4.19, Costco is now $4.16, not worth driving there to save a few pennies. I'm sure we can expect everyone else to go up too.

Have a great day doing whatever you will be doing, enjoy the time and stay safe.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is 58 and heading up to 73 today.

I worked Saturday so that put a speed bump into things at home. After I got home I took the wife out to mail an item she sold on one of those websites. We then went to buy some mums and do a little shopping and ended out trip with a nice dinner. Sunday was catch up day around the house. Did some laundry. We pulled the plants from the raised garden on the front patio and planted the mums we got on Saturday. Also took down the window boxes as some of the plants were not looking good. Then the rain came and chased indoors. we began the long process of bringing up the Halloween decoration bins from the basement.

I did get some train time in. I built four Athearn blue box kits; a Lehigh Valley 3 bay open hopper, Michigan Alkyl Chemical Tank Car, and two PRR GATX 50 FT box cars (a two car Special Edition set). I also built an Atlanta & West Point 40 FT Steel Box car Accurail kit. I changed out the couplers to Kadees on a Jersey Central Athearn NE caboose, and a BAR State of Maine boxcar.

Today I need to get gas on the way home from work. I will continue with the Halloween bins and laundry. I have several things to build and tune up as far as rolling stock goes. Maybe I can test the E6 Atlantic.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Hello Blue
A chilly, damp, October morn. Hi for the day, low 60s.
Football season is here for sure, but I just have certain teams I want to watch.
First run of Hocus Pocus on TV last night so I guess the Christmas ones can't be too far off.
No train news, I do have a lot of engines that need maintained but I just can't get in the mood to do them.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
hi all. well, another Monday is here, been cool enough in mornings to do a bit of outside work mostly on the drip system as far as modeling i did spend enough time cleaning the work bench so i can see part of the top, need to work on layout as soon as i get outside stuff caught up.
stay safe Jim.
Good morning everyone, we did go shooting yesterday, got hotter than expected, 105 for the high. We left at 5:30 to beat the heat, and by 10:00 it got too much. Today should be the last day in the 100's, but you never can go by their forecasts. According to the NWS, our average temp for this month is 101.8, just a bit higher than normal, so we have nothing to complain about.

We did have a good time target shooting, it's been five months since we last went. The big disappointment was the junk that was there. Someone just dumped a load of garbage right where folks stand to shoot, someone else left the hulk of a stripped down pickup truck. Don't know if it was stolen and stripped or what, but someone decided to use it as a target. If they shut the area down to shooters, I can't blame them. It's private land and most shooters bring home more trash than they came with, except a few that don't care. Icon_mad Icon_mad Icon_mad

Got an early morning appointment and that's it for today. Need to rest anyway, always come back from shooting a bit tired.

Have an enjoyable day today everyone and stay safe. If you live on the coast of Florida, get out of town, if you live in my area, stay cool. Prays for those in the path of Ian....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is now 65 up from the earlier 55. They say we will reach 70.

Yesterday I got all my running in after work. Today I have more. I need to order a birthday cake for my daughter, hit the pharmacy and the grocery store. I also need to pick up my wife's anniversary gift.

I got the weights painted on some Athearn blue box boxcars and for a Train Miniatures of Illinois/Bev-Bel 3 pack of 2 bay open hoppers. I did get to test the new BLI E6 Atlantic. It ran very smoothly. I was not able to run any cars behind it. Hopefully I can do so before the week is done.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

Another sunny and cool day in store for me. Right now it's 29 degrees outside my window so the first frost is officially here. High for today is supposed to be in the mid 60s.

Quiet day yesterday. Took the bicycle to go to the bank and then stopped at the grocery store on the way home for a loaf of bread. After lunch I took a 12 mile bike ride after not having been on the bike for a while. Big mistake. Definitely feeling a little uncomfortable this morning. Nothing major planned for today. Gearing up for a trip to Omaha this weekend to watch my granddaughter's kids playing soccer. Always a fun trip.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all. I'm beat, this triple-digit weather has gotten the best of me. They say one more day and we'll plummet into the 90's Icon_rolleyes . I shouldn't complain though I hope Ian doesn't do the damage they say it could. Prayers for those in its path.

Speaking of surprises, gas jumped as much as 30 cents yesterday, $4.49 is common, Costco is $4.36 but Gas Buddy isn't keeping up with all the changes, so you don't know for sure until you get there... They also say that you can expect gas to go up even further thanks to Ian.

Pat came over yesterday with a weed wacker and a hedge trimmer, I could hear the weeds laughing. Icon_e_surprised The job is bigger than both of us. Need to find a lawn guy that shows up when they say they will and won't require a second mortgage to clear the weeds.

Got one appointment today, not much else that has to get done so I may be able to see what it'll take to get the chinking done on my log cabin.

Ya all have a great day, stay safe and cut back on your driving. I don't know any other way to get back at the oil companies. And no, there is no way I'm going to buy and electric vehicle only to have my electric bill go sky high instead. Nope
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is now 55 which a good bit warmer than the 43 early this morning when I got out of the car at the job site this morning. High is supposed to be 67.

I took it easy yesterday. Apparently a little too easy as I feel asleep after I got home and missed therapy. Later I moved some laundry around and put the recyclables out to the curb. I did make a grocery store run after dinner. I stopped at the bakery and ordered a birthday cake for my daughter whose birthday is tomorrow. No trains.

Today is our 31st anniversary. Nothing special planned. We will get take out from our favorite Chinese restaurant. We will have our anniversary dinner on Saturday night at a fondue place called the Melting Pot. The other celebration we plan is to go on cruise in December.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Hello Blue.
I'm cold already, might not feel warm again till spring. 54 now 60 for the day.
My wife has two sisters that live near Naples. One decided to stay put, the other has flown out as she needs electricity for her oxygen machine. 
I'm watching the weather channel and thinking it's a miracle some of these weather people haven't been killed. They should be ordered to get inside and stay inside. As you know it's something those idiots do all the time. No train news, had 2 doctor appoints yesterday and got a flu shot.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)

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