The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning, folks

It is 54 going up to 60. It is kind of dreary but not raining at the moment. We had some decent showers overnight which has made the project site nice and muddy.

Saturday was a tough day for me. I was stiff and sore and not too mobile. Once I got myself going for the day the wife and I did run some errands and go for a nice drive through Valley Forge Park. We had a nice early dinner at Cracker Barrel on the way home. Sunday, we took all the furniture out of the foyer and gave the floors a good heavy cleaning. I ran a few loads through the washer and dryer. I also did one of those chores we should do more often and that is clean out the refrigerator. Amazing how much stuff collects in there.

I did work on some trains. I painted some details on a Roundhouse kit of a Western Maryland caboose. I changed out the wheels and couplers on a few Athearn blue box kits of Heinz pickle tank cars. I fixed some damaged ladders on a Roundhouse kit of a PRR 26 ft tank car. I still need to change the wheels and check the coupler height on the tank car.

Not much planned for this evening. I do need to run to the pharmacy and grocery store. I want to reorganize the bin of gondolas. I have some kits I would like to build and some cars to tune up.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good afternoon, running a bit late posting, but we went out shooting early this morning. Temps were fair, a bit chilly until the sun was up for a while, but the biggest problem was the wind. Most of our targets had blown down before we even had a chance to shoot. It didn't let up, had some real gusts. We had a few gun issues at first, but none the less, we never had a bad day target shooting regardless of the weather or any other issues we have. I do have one project though, my new gun jammed and I need to take it apart to find out why.

Saw an article where a woman has been arrested for not checking everything through the Walmart self-check. Not one or two items, but around a $1000 over a few month's period. Apparently someone saw her, but Walmart is now incorporating a detection system and will alert someone when this happens. I was wondering how long they would trust everyone not to sneak things through, or in some cases, switch tags from an less expensive item.

Not much else going on, there's about 10 different things that today is dedicated to, the one I picked is, National Bologna Day. That speaks for itself. Saw some football yesterday, but didn't stay with any of them for very long, same went for Saturday and tonight's doesn't do much for me either. Maybe next weekend....

The Hobo Camp thread has been a bit lean lately, just wondering if the good weather has folks spending time outdoors fixing things up for the winter. Hope everyone has a good day today and a great week.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good evening. 
      It was a great day at Wilderson. I got another 20 feet of leafguard installed and also got a new battery tray installed in the motor home. I did get half the ice breakers installed on the front roof on Saturday but had to take yesterday off to recover from doing it. It is just plain ridiculous how much climbing a ladder hurts my leg muscles. I did however think about working on trains last evening but decided an early bedtime would be advantageous. 
hi all. well, its Monday again things are about the same ant hardly listen to anything on tuba or Roku too much political mudslinging did haul out the fly-tying material to refill boxes before next summer planning on a Colorado road trip in July and august as we haven't been up for the last 2 years as far as modeling  putsing along have hit a lull.
stay safe and warm Jim.
Greetings, gang.

35 and sunny headed for 55, sunny, and a little breezy with 20-25 mph winds.

Had a great weekend at the train show. Lots of fun with friends and picked up a few trinkets. Weather was great with highs in the 80s but the wind (up to 40 mph) kept it from being perfect. Good turnout. We covered our costs the first day so Sunday was gravy. Tear down went well and we were all home before 7. Some years we didn't get home until almost 9. I had off and on sprinkles/light showers on the way home. The car will definitely need a bath. Grocery shopping today.

Gas price when I left town Friday was $3.69. When I got home yesterday it was $3.34. I'm beginning to think that whoever sets the gas prices is closely related to a kangaroo.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, we did go shooting yesterday, a bit chilly and very windy. Most of our targets blew down before we even had a chance to shoot at them. We use plastic bottles with some water for ballast. When we did hit them, the water leaks out and the wind blew them into the brush. The only thing left were the golf balls. Regardless, we did enjoy the day. I tried to cool down the truck cabin but the A/C wouldn't turn on, then I realized it was set for 78 and it was 66 outside. Temps for a while are suppose to be in the 70's.

Gas prices here are set by a clown juggler. Right now they vary from $4.19 (Costco) to $5.10 (Shell). Prices all over Arizona are well under $4.00 except in the Phoenix area, so you wonder who's pocketing all those extra bucks....

Get my house cleaned today, so I'm just going to take it easy and rest a bit. Busy week this and next with appointments. Banner Health is the largest medical provider in the area, Hospitals, imaging, urgent care, a fleet of different specialists and more. They recently broke up their different providers into separate cost centers, so if you go get an x-ray, then see two different doctors then stop by the hospital for a test, you get four bills, none of which gets mailed to the same address and if you have issues, you need to call different numbers to talk to someone about them. Sounds like the government.

Nothing else going on right now, should have time to work on my log cabin, this one is different than the other so there are different challenges making it a fun project.

Take care, enjoy the day and stay safe....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning, folks

It is 59 heading up to 67. It is a miserable, dreary day. Weather forecast when I went to bed said cloudy as does the current forecast. However, I woke up to a Dense Fog Advisory. There has been a misty rain and fog all morning thus far. The project site is a mud pit again.

Did not do much yesterday. I made a nice beef vegetable soup that I used leftovers from a roast we made over the weekend. Added some veggies, noodles, and broth and then let it cook in the crock pot all day. It really hit the spot when I got home from work.

I finished assembling a Walthers Rutland wood boxcar kit. The previous owner assembled the body but did not put on the couplers or trucks. I changed out the wheels and added screws to another Heinz pickle tank car. I now have six of these cars. I also assembled two Athearn Special Edition blue box B&O 50 ft plug door boxcars.

Tonight, I have physical therapy. Nothing else on the agenda.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Hello Blue
Sun and 70s today, then the rain is coming later to take the warm weather with it.
Gas is down because of the coming election, let's see what happens after.
No train news. I spent a few days in the hospital (Kidney stone) and can't seem to get my life back to normal.
Not sure where the stone is. I never found it.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Greetings, gang.

33 and clear headed for 56 and partly cloudy. No rain in sight after Monday's 1/4 inch of drip and drizzle.

Undecided as to what to do today. Trying to decide whether to go to the gym or just start on leaves. The yard needed to be cleaned up before I left so there's quite a few leaves needing to be sent to the city compost pile.

Gas price yesterday morning was $3.34. After lunch it jumped to $3.59. Instant 25 cents gallon profit for the gas stations.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everybody, a chilly one too. Yesterday's low was 48, high 75. Hard to believe we were close to 100 last week. Switched my thermostat from "cool" to "heat", but so far it hasn't turned the furnace on. Need to find the schedule on my cell phone, that may take a while. Icon_rolleyes

As for gas prices, no change, we're days away from the mid-term elections and not one person running for any position is saying that they will investigate why our gas prices here are well above the rest of the state and the country (except for California). Nay, they're too busy telling us what a scumbag that their opponent is. It seems to get worse every year, they're really nasty. There's a couple of offices where they are running unopposed and I'm surprised that they don't have a commercial about how bad they themselves are. Nope I know that's facetious, but it wouldn't surprise me based on the quality of folks that are running for office.

Got a nice clean house, cleaning lady must have swept up two pounds of wood shavings from under my work table where I'm building my log cabin. Just about finished, some cleanup and paint touch up and it's ready.

Enough of that for now, Take care, be careful and enjoy the day.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning.
        Rain here in Southeast Ohio.  
        I finally finished the gutter leaf filters and ice breakers on the front of the house yesterday. I only had half of it to do but it was over my metal car port. I finally decided the best thing to do was remove the section of metal closest to the house so I could use my ladder and it was easier than I had hoped. My grandson was coming to help as soon as he was done work and when he got here I was reinstalling the metal car port roof. I did however develop a few muscles I didn't know I had.

       I am planning a trip to Canada and I know my CC is good there but while on the bank website they said they would send me a text if their bots suspected fraudulent activity. Of course I thought, never using a card out of the country that that would raise a flag, and if the text is unanswered the card would be locked.  Well, I know my phone will only work out of country with wifi and they don't send texts via wifi so I called the bank and was blown off because there isn't anyone there that is smart enough to know a work around so I will have to take more cash then I like to carry. If you don't have a cell phone with a large monthly service fee they are useless for the most part and I only carry one when I travel, the rest of the time it is turned off. Even with a good phone these stores want you to install their app and I refuse to do it. They don't need to be able to track me or my purchases. 

       Now I have had my rant for the day I hope everyone else has a great day. With the rain I may work on the trains. 

Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 46 headed for cloudy and 57.

Stayed from from the gym and cleaned up leaves instead. Went better than I expected. Took about 3 hours start to finish. This morning I'll take the leaves to their final resting place and probably go to the gym. This afternoon I plan to wash the car. Not much else going on today but the weekend looks busy. Saturday is college football. Then on Sunday there's a train show about an hour away followed by Formula 1 racing in the afternoon.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning good people, not much going on here except politics. Just can't wait until election day is behind us. There's not quite as many election posters on the streets now, the storms and wind that we had the past week took care of a lot of them. As for the dirty ads, that won't stop until after the elections, then the name-calling stops and most of losers congratulate the winners for a great campaign but really don't mean it.

Temps right at 80 for a week or so, gas at many stations have plummeted like a rock, down two cents to $4.77, some now as low as $4.69.

So much for now, nothing on the agenda for today, took some photos of my log cabin and see where I have more cleanup to do. Should be able to squeeze that in today...

Take care everyone, stay safe, they're going crazy on the freeways, two more wrong-way drivers Tuesday night and another driver dragged a state trooper while trying to escape Monday night.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Sun started the day at 33, going into the 50s for a high.
I agree the political battlefield is very annoying. What happened to "if I'm elected, I promise". Eggs at the store I have mentioned before were $2.49 a dozen I wonder when we will be calling a dozen of anything just a 10 count. Every other food item has shrunk in its volume size. Gas was holding at $3.99.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning all, today is the day of all days, it's, National Chocolate Day, hooray a great day for chocolate lovers. Me, I've got some brownies, nice and chewy and moist.

No change in anything, gas prices and temps are just like the past few days. Political commercials are steady and annoying just like the ones for Camp Lejeune lawsuits. They're spending millions to get you to sue the government for something that could have happened 50 years ago. Must be big bucks in it for them, as usual... I heard of a case recently where the lawyer took 100% of the settlement as his fee. I wasn't aware that the money first goes to the lawyer and he takes his (or hers) cut before they hand over what's left.

We're upon another weekend and Halloween is but a few days away. Kind of scary, no, not Halloween but the fact that we're so close to 2023 and I seem to be stuck back sometime in February. Have a great day and a fun weekend, just be careful and stay safe...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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