The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning.
       Don, I sure hope the tax payers are going to foot the bill for the flyover. The ticket prices could not possibly defray that cost.  

I only worked in the train room for just a few minutes yesterday so very little got done. I think I have room for a yard with 300 feet of track (5 tracks each about 60 feet) but I will have to have a removable bridge to get from the main to the yard. A second level is not feasible.  

       No big plans again today. I will not be watching the stupid bowl but I may watch some of the golf. 

(02-11-2023, 09:15 AM)Charlie B Wrote: Good morning.
       Don, I sure hope the tax payers are going to foot the bill for the flyover. The ticket prices could not possibly defray that cost.  

I only worked in the train room for just a few minutes yesterday so very little got done. I think I have room for a yard with 300 feet of track (5 tracks each about 60 feet) but I will have to have a removable bridge to get from the main to the yard. A second level is not feasible.  

       No big plans again today. I will not be watching the stupid bowl but I may watch some of the golf. 


You can be sure of that Charlie, on our dime. The flyover cost will be around $80K, but that doesn't include getting to Luke, maintenance and getting home. Still, a pittance compared to the fact I hear dozens of F16's and F35's over my house all day, sometimes in the evening. Luke is a pilot training base and I never mind the noise. The unique thing about this is that all pilots will be female. They landed at Luke AFB a few days ago and I'm guessing that they're doing a few practice runs while waiting. They say that they will be timed to get there on the last note... And everybody had better be standing when it happens, on the field and in the stands.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
And everybody had better be standing when it happens, on the field and in the stands.

It probably won't matter to TV viewers because they more than likely will be airing commercials during the anthem and flyover. We will probably get to see it as a breaking news headline Monday morning.
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and 33 headed for even sunnier (is that even possible?) and a high in the mid 40s.

Yesterday was my Amazon day. I finally found the correct display case for my Trix Big Boy. Then I was adding a new song to my mp3 player when the screen went belly up. Back to Amazon and a new mp3 player is on its way.

This morning as my first load of laundry was finishing I walked into the basement to find a small lake over the floor drain. Drat! (Or something like that.) figured I was done until Monday. With all the trees between the house and the main sewer line it's not uncommon to have this happen. Thought I would at least give it a try with the drain snake and lo and behold it actually worked for a change. I will need to call next week to have a preventative call by the plumber as the growing season is approaching. Would be nice to be ahead of the game for a change.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, Tom, hate to one-up you, but the sports nuts will be going even nuttier, 75 yesterday, 75 today for the big game and the final round of the Phoenix open. Good thing because tomorrow it will drop into the mid-50's with showers making it a bit shaky for a few thousand private jets to take off. Picked up some Mexican food for supper last night and even that place was more crowded than usual. Local folks avoiding the big restaurants. I know, if you fly in on a private jet, stay at the Mountain Shadows at $2,000 a night, you're not going to go to Mr. Taco and eat out of plastic take-out boxes.

Gas is down a few cents, Costco down the street is now at $3.19, most others $3.25, not worth driving to Costco, I can save 80 cents and it costs a dollar to drive there and back.

I'm not sure what I'll do today, maybe watch a bit of the game, so much hype that I won't watch the local news for a few more days, not until everyone clears out of town and there's nobody left to interview. I might try to watch the flyover from the house, if I don't see them, I will when they land since the landing pattern to Luke is over my house. Beyond that, who knows, maybe a stop at Harbor Freight or Lowe's while everyone else is home watching the game.

Have a good day and enjoy the Super Bowl game or the Phoenix Open if that's what you're going to do.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Watching the Super Bowl. Got the best seat. Waiting for my squares to win. Don't care who wins the game.
A busy weekend. First chance I've had to relax. 
Had a family funeral on Saturday, then our club meet in the evening.
Today we had a club train sale, anyone would be welcome, but it was only offered to train groups.
Temp today went to 60, felt like spring, very weird for February but I'm lovin it.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
We had a furnace tech out this morning.
The furnace has been loud lately and coming on for short, repeated bursts.
Then there was a message on the thermostat about "line switch open".
The tech immediately diagnosed a clogged filter. I'm shocked as we had a new one less than a month ago!
But taking it out made the furnace run better. Tech showed me that it was covered with fine white dust, like drywall. But we haven't done anything with drywall.
The problem is that with a clogged filter not enough air gets through to be heated and blown around the house and the pipe leaving the heater gets hot.
So we purchased a new filter -- nearly $60. We have an odd size -- 4" thick.

The other recommendation was duct cleaning.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Greetings, gang.

Clear and 25 going to increasing clouds and 49. Rain tomorrow and a snow storm on Wed. night/Thur.

Got nice enough yesterday to sit on the porch for a while. Same plan for today and tomorrow. Otherwise just a dull month for activities. Just under 3 weeks to the first F1 race of the season.

SJ - condolences on your family's loss.

David - that's a pretty price filter!

Gas was down to $3.08 yesterday.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, in about an hour, we should hear the roar of jet engines taking off from all the local airports. I remember when we lived near the Scottsdale airport after the first Super Bowl/Phoenix Open weekend, planes taking off at a steady rate from 6:00 AM until noon. I'm sure it's the same at Glendale, Goodyear and even Sky Harbor. Exciting end to the Super Bowl I hear. Don't know, I fell asleep about midway through the fourth quarter. Really must have needed my beauty rest... Icon_cry

Temps hit 79 yesterday, a 20 degree drop forecast for today with showers on and off most of the day. Busy week for me, appointments today through Wednesday, maybe target shooting Thursday or Friday.

I have opened a second auction yesterday, a 1971 copy of a 1879 railroad book. Bidding runs for ten days on this so don't hesitate. I am closing the current auction today since there appears to be no additional interest in the document offered. If you intend to bid, get to it because it will close at midnight EST.

Take care, everyone have a great week, temps on their way up for everyone will help.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is 40 heading up to 56.

I did not watch a minute of the game even though the hometown team was in it. Been there, done it too many times with them. Once again, they lived down to my expectations. Hopefully my daughter will not have a busy day at work today. She works for a domestic abuse center and days after a loss are usually not good for them. With the way this game ended it could be bad. She got a text last night after the game saying be prepared. A sad note to the way things are. There are several cases of the “green” flu today as about half the workers are out.

We did all of our running on Saturday. However, we forgot to go to the produce store. I will need to do that today or tomorrow. We did some cleaning around the house and other chores including the never ending laundry.

On the layout I did a track cleaning session since it had been some time since the last one. Ran one of my IHC 2-6-0 Mother Hubbards aka cammelbacks. It was running a little rough. Additionally, a set of problematic crossovers were acting up again. After some thought I decided that they were redundant and given the fact I had never used them I removed them. I feel this gives me better options for the area where they once were. Went back to running the locomotive. Still having some issues. Took a good look at it and found the metal spring, as they call it, was loose and not holding the front trucks in place. Since I had to remove the trucks I decided to remove the bottom of the locomotive to check out the wheels and any gears I could see. Things were slightly oily. I did a quick cleaning of excess grease and oil and put a drop of oil on the gears and closed things up. I reattached and tightened the “spring” and reattached the truck. I will need to do a more in-depth cleaning and oiling of the locomotive. I put it back on the layout and low and behold it ran beautifully. I then added 17 cars; seven 30 ft flats with tractors, two 36 ft boxcars, seven pickle tank cars, and a caboose. The locomotive pulled them effortlessly even at low speeds. Once I download and edit the video and photos, I will post them.

Today the wife and I have therapy. I need to repair a couple of Christmas ornaments before we can put the last of the stuff away.

If I get the chance I will go downstairs and stare at the layout as I contemplate what to do next. I could do some ballasting, work on laying out some roads, plan a creek. I may just run some trains.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
hi all. well another week went down the drain and things are about the same clot is acting up again so its more sitting , but that gives me a chance to build more buildings fir Ludlow finished the main road in town most of the rest were still dirt in the late 50's. other than that not much has changed though we did get a rain last night .
Tom: yes, the filter is atrociously expensive. I didn't know what we were getting when they changed our furnace.
The size is (nominally) 4"x16"x25". There are two types at that "size"; one is just over in all dimensions and ours is just under. The larger one won't fit the slot.
No comments about the foot the ball game. I can never figure out what they're trying to do.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Good morning all, and Happy Valentine Day (also Founder's Day here in Arizona), to you and your loved ones. As for Founder's Day, that is when Arizona became a state, 111 years ago being the last of the 48 contiguous states admitted to the union. So much for history, today is all about candy, flowers and love....

It did rain a bit yesterday, driving around yesterday and had to constantly change my wipers, slow/fast/off, the rain was spotty,  heavy, then nothing, then heavy. Temps got up to 59, that's 20 degrees cooler than the day before. Same forecast for today, then back to sunny again.

I accidentally caught a glimpse of the Stupid Bowl halftime show and I was appalled at what I was looking at and changed channels, they call that entertainment? Pat says that was tame for today's routines, I told him I was glad to remain old fashion.

So much for that, today is a busy one, no need to get in line for Valentine goodies, not even to hog down some candy for myself. I've not been too careful what I've been eating in the way of sweets and I'm paying the price. They make Valentines day too close to Christmas and Easter. It's a conspiracy of the candy companies.

Anyway, enjoy the day.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Happy Valentine's Day, gang.

Cloudy and 42 after a brief shower a while ago. More rain on the way later this morning. Could get as much as 3/4". The ground is still frozen so the water will just run to the storm drains. Winds could get to 35 mph later also.

Went out early yesterday morning with the intent of filling the gas tank. Price was down to $3.02 at Walmart. On the way I passed one station that had gas at $3.05 and across the street it was $3.29. By the time I went home it was $3.29 at both places. Looks like I time that one right. Later on I needed to run to the grocery store for a half gallon of milk. Milk is getting very expensive as it cost me over $34.00.

Not much planned for today other than sit on the porch and watch it rain.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue
Sun and 50 for today. Totally unreal.
I saw gas on Sunday from $3.09 to $3.39.
Ran some trains yesterday, first time in a while. Been taking some to the club to run though.
Two of the grandsons are taking grandma to breakfast soon and letting me tag along.
Not much going on here at the house. A shooting at a Michigan collage. I still say the media hype makes things worse by giving more animals the same idea.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)

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