The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
My bedside clock also has a dead segment. It's the one that distinguishes an 8 from a 9,but it's in the minutes digit, so not a big error.

I changed the smoke detector batteries today. Used to do it when we changed in and out of Daylight Saving, but when they shorted the standard time to 3 months, I switched to the equinox. The batteries still showed over 9 volts because our detectors are wired into the house.
I have a little lighting unit in a service station that has a welding flash in it. This takes 9V. But I don't run it to 4 batteries worth a year. I need something else that takes 9V.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Greetings, gang.

27 going to the lower 40s. Got about 2 inches of snow overnight.

Quiet but pleasant day yesterday. Today my sister-in-law will be arriving and will be here until Sunday morning so participation here will be spotty at best.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone, looks clear and dry outside right now, not so in many parts of the state. Creeks and normally dry rivers and washes are flooding big time between the heavy rain and the release of water from local dams. Don't know how this is affecting lakes Mead and Powell, but it has to has a positive affect on their levels. A shame we can't redirect the water up that way rather than just letting it flow into the desert. Still having are normal stupid, "I can drive through that flooded wash", rescues as their vehicle floats downstream. There are people who are never found, covered by silt, others are found miles away, all because they just ignore the risks and think that those barriers aren't to be believed.

Found a clock at Walmart that has 3" numbers, going to go pick it up this morning. It's weird how we depend so much on our electronics anymore, down to as simple as an alarm clock. I remember when I was delighted because I was able to get an adding machine. I remember trying to balance my checking account manually and if I got within $100, I'd be satisfied. (it would even out next month)... Now, Quicken does all that work...

Gas prices have gone crazy, many stations jumped from $4.19 to $4.49 overnight. Even Costco is up to $4.15 today. There's one ARCO station that I go past a few times a week that's still under $4.00 (cash price), but I filled up the other day at Costco. There are still stations in some remote places that haven't gotten the message yet and are still in the low to mid $3.00 range.

I hope you all have a fine day, do something you enjoy doing, but stay safe and stay dry if you're still fighting the weather...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue 
Mostly cloudy for the day. Hi in the 40s.
A visit with the pee doctor yesterday, told me I still have a couple stones in my kidneys. I already knew that. Then some grocery shopping with my wife, she went from normal walk to slow motion as we entered the store. I didn't think I would ever see the light of day again. For reference a Dz lg. eggs was $2.29 and gas most places was $3.49.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning folks

It is currently 42 with a cold rain falling. They say our high will be 58 but the temperature has been falling all morning so I am wondering if we have already hit our high.

We had a concrete pour yesterday and it was supposed to be nice with a slight chance of rain. Of course the slight chance became 100% and the temperature never quite made it out of the 40’s until long after we were done. I got one of those chill the bones cold feelings and never got rid of it. This morning the chill is back after my trip up to the project site. I might skip the next trip since there isn’t much going on and the ironworkers and carpenters were talking about calling it an early day.

I did not get much done around the house or on the workbench and layout. Between the chilled feeling and the achiness in my joints I did not feel up to anything. I did help the wife with vacuuming the stairs. I did enter some information into the computer on some of the cars I recently tuned up.

Half this weekend is supposed to be a washout which means little to no work outside. I am hoping Sunday I can at least feed the crocus and secure the arbor that blew over in the high winds last week. Inside there are Easter decorations to be done.

I would like to continue painting the walls for the Morgan House kit and work on the base for the Union Station and perhaps the road layout around the station. I have some decoders to install. I hope to be able to run some trains. Lastly there is some information I need to enter into the computer.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning, the rain is gone, but the flooding continues. Releases from Roosevelt and Bartlett Lakes are still flooding normally dry washes and rivers. People trying to cross Tonto Creek wind up having to be rescued. They found a truck downstream and the search team recovered the two occupants further down. Why someone would try to cross a raging stream is beyond me. I remember when there were only two bridges crossing the Salt River through the center of the Phoenix Metro area. I also remember when they were building a new bridge and a water release wiped out the bridge as it was midway through construction.

Temps are heading back into the 70's, should be nice enough to go target shooting on Monday. The rest of the week is busy with appointments and a "procedure". Got my new clock with 3" numbers, one guy I had breakfast with wants to buy one, he's legally blind. His wife drives him to breakfast.

Today is, "National Chocolate-covered Raisin Day"..... come on.... Waiting Wonder who came up with that???? Well anyway, have a great day and don't eat too many raisins.....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Cloudy, windy and 52 degrees.
Went to the club house last night. A good turnout, I counted 24 attending.
Didn't do much today, was kinda tired, but did a couple lube jobs. Of course I had to test run them.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning everyone, today starts the last week in March. So far this has been an unusual year so far, wetter than normal and cooler than normal. We're into the 70's, but should be in the low 80's and we still have flooding. So far no bridges have been taken out, but that's happened a lot in the past. Better than dealing with tornadoes, really bad situation there in Mississippi. We wish them the best and prayers for everyone there.

We have an overload of people here right now in Surprise. We have Spring Training games, and across the street to the east we have a music festival in the park. than across the street on the west side they have something going in the Performing Arts Center. Drove back from the Post Office and it looked like downtown NYC with folks walking around an waiting in long lines. Traffic, well they have streets closed and they've got shuttles from shopping centers and parking lots a mile or two away.

Got some changes to make in my display case, simple enough to make it all today. I've been hesitating because my design was too complex and I changed it from an acrylic case on a shelf, to just a floating shelf. The more I looked at what I had started, the less I liked it. Fortunately, I can still use what I've already cut.

Take care, and have a great day.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good Morning
       It is 47 degrees heading for 52 and a dry day.  We had very strong winds yesterday with damage all around. It blew over one of my wifes fence sections used as a decorating item. I think it will be an easy fix. Others around were not as lucky. Once again my back up generator was not needed. Before I bought it the power would go out once a month or so. I have only needed it once in the last 3 years ant that was only on a four hour outage. I am not complaining.  2285_

       I have a new outside light to install and that should be a 10 minute job if I take the right tools with me. 

       I ballasted 8 linear feet of the yard track last night so that is another 48 track feet done.  I hope I can get the north end switches installed tonight. 

       Have a great week everyone. 
Greetings, gang.

Some light snow and 28 degrees in the remote reaches of northern Iowa this morning.  Maybe the low 40s this afternoon.

The house is quiet and the dust has settled.  Sister-in-law is on her way to Nebraska.  Maybe one more visit from her before May when the return to Michigan.  She apparently didn't trust my cooking because we ate out every single meal while she was here. 


All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Greetings, gang.

22 now and supposed to be in the mid 40s later.

Not much going on this week. Niece and her family arriving late Tuesday and leaving again Wed. Just another day at the motel. Gym this morning and wash the car.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, current temp outside is 47, heading to 72 this afternoon. Nice, but still well below average. Heading out to Tonopah to do some target shooting. Temps there about the same, usually chilly when we get there, and shirt-sleeve before we finish up. Biggest issue is maybe the wind.

Got a busy week, several appointments and a procedure on Thursday. Beyond that, nothing else going on that I'm interested in. Tomorrow is the last day of Spring Training games, meaning some easing up of the traffic. Lots of other stuff going on though to keep the snowbirds entertained and staying around. May 1st is the usual start of the migration north.

I hope everyone has a good week and that they have decent weather to contend to. Our only issue here is the flooding, even though it's been a few days since it rained, we still have those releases from the local dams flooding normally dry rivers, creeks and washes.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks,

It is now 53 going up to 62 with rain later this afternoon.

Saturday was a raw, rainy day. We did some cleaning around the house including the infamous laundry. We did venture out to Target and Petco to grab a few things. Sunday was far better with sun and mild temperatures. I got the arbor put back up and secured. I reattached an ivy blanket that goes over the fence behind the pond that hides our neighbor’s compost pile. The blanket was blown off the fence in the recent storms. We got some planting in the pots in the front yard done and I feed the crocus, daffodils, and tulips. I had to do an emergency cleaning of the oven after a spill smoked up the kitchen and set off the smoke detector while my daughter was making dinner.

I did not get as much done with modeling as I had expected. I did get about half a wall painted for the Morgan House kit. I entered and/or updated a bunch of rolling stock into my inventory program. I discovered a couple of locomotives that I did not know are actually DCC ready. On the flip side I found a couple that I thought were DCC ready are not. Looks like I need to take another look at a bunch of locos. I ran a consist of two Atlas B&O GP40’s. I had some issues with a power draw while running them aka the fuse got bright. After some fiddling, I let them run for awhile and the issues faded. I then began adding cars to the train with no issues. If all goes well, I will have a new video to make.

Not much planned for today. I need to bring the bins with Easter decoration up from the basement. I may work on cleaning the oven some more.

I would like to finish painting the wall for the morgan House and perhaps work on the mortar lines. I hope to run some trains.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
hi all, well its Monday again things are about the same here, got to go a town run later as my can of spray glue is dead, hate the thoughts of having to go into town too many brain dead snowbirds driving at 15mph down the middle of the road in the 45 zone.
I've been fiddling, slowly, with Walthers Oscar. There is a coupler pocket under the steps casting. It's the old "universal" pocket that takes a Mantua or early X2f or ??. It has posts in the wrong places for anything I use. I nipped them off, but it's a very small fraction of a mm too narrow for the thing in a Kadee #4.
I'm not yet up to filing .05 mm off each side.

Tomorrow we have our ducts cleaned. I took the plans of the house and marked all the ducts and returns on it. I also cleared off a bunch of shelves under the layout that are in front of grills. Some of them are still partially blocked by layout legs. 8:00 am tomorrow.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.

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