The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Happy April Fools Day, gang

Speaking of which, Mother Nature played a prank on me. Got to 77 yesterday afternoon. This morning it's 30 with 30 mph winds and a covering of snow on the grass. Supposed to get to the mid 40s this afternoon so the snow should disappear pretty quickly. 60s tomorrow.

Pleasant but windy day yesterday (40 mph). Storms to the east of me. Got a call from my grandson in Hawaii yesterday afternoon. He sounds god. Seems to be relaxing into his job as a military policeman.

With the snow on the ground I'm not sure if the scheduled soccer games for the great-grandkids will occur this morning. Only other plan for today is laundry. I did manage a bike ride yesterday morning before the wind picked up. I think it was about 5 miles but the odometer died so I'll need to put a new battery in. Also rode the bike to the gym but that's only about a mile and a half round trip.

Charlie - talk about trying to buy your way out of a problem!

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good Saturday morning to ya all, needed a bit of extra sleep this morning, fell back to sleep for a hour and had a really weird dream.

Thank you Tompm, had some friends take me to dinner last night so it was a nice day.

I did finish the shelf for my wooden engine, made some wooden tracks, just no acrylic dust cover like I started out to make. Easier to do and far less complected looking. I'll post some pictures in the engine build thread.

Not much else going on, we didn't get the rain that was forecast the other day, but we might have a wet Easter. Flagstaff is up to almost 14' of snow and we're still looking at local flooding here. Had to recuse two people that went around a "road closed, flooded" sign and got washed away. Gas and eggs are still at the gouge level, $4.49 for gas, $2.89/dz for large eggs, down from a few weeks ago, but still over twice what they were a year ago.

Have a good weekend, stay warm, stay dry and stay safe.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Odd things are happening.
My computer won't read the SD card from my camera, so there are no photos of my kit disasters.
I managed to bodge the coupler pocket on the Oscar enough to fit in a Kadee MK8. (Not MKD8). This has a narrow enough mechanism -- the really old one -- to fit in the pocket after bits of pocket were trimmed away. However, there are two mounting orientations. With the boss on top, it's too low. With the boss below, it hits a bit of the platform above it.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Greetings, gang.

39 and partly cloudy. Supposed to get to the mid 60s but windy again (30+ mph).

As expected yesterday's soccer games got canceled due to snow and high winds. I did get an old 8mm film repaired yesterday. The film is a 1905-ish ride on some commuter trains in NYC. Next step will be to convert it to digital format this evening. Once I get my high speed internet later this year I will upload the video, probably to

Up first for today is to watch the F1 race from Australia. After that I need to measure the wheel on my bike so I can install the new battery and calibrate the speedometer. Too wind for a bike ride but I will probably take a nice long walk this afternoon.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning
        We had a storm move through yesterday with high winds. Monay people are without power from the wind causing trees on the wires. 

     I had help yesterday so we sorted through the stored train junk and I pitched a bunch of material I thought might be useful for a layout. Now that my boys and I have all pretty much completed our pikes it is time to get rid of it. I found 3 more boxes of buildings, about half need to be built. I also found some switch locks that may go for sale on ebay.  I did not sort through the thousands of family and railroad photos I need to scan. There are two short traks to install on the yard trackage and all the wiring has to be done. I shall work on that today. 

     Tom, are you using a movie film scanner to do the 8mm. I have seen one that is less than $300 and it has some good reviews. I don't have many movies on film but my cousin has a bunch from old family get togethers.  If however I could locate the films of a friend that died I would bite the bullet and get one. many hours of late PRR and PC stuff but no one seems to have any knowledge of where it is. 

     Currently it is 32 with a high of 51 and mostly sunny for today. 

Good morning folks, nice day yesterday, got up to normal, low 80's. By Tuesday we'll be back down into the mid-60's, and could hit 90 by the weekend. I checked the rainfall for the year, and we are close to 3" at the airport so far, almost what we got all of last year.They are still releasing water at the local dams, a pity they can't pump that up to Lake Mead where they need it the most. It's not just a trickle, lots of folks can't get the where they're going because of flooded creeks and washes. I can remember when there were only two ways to cross the Salt river that runs through the center of Phoenix, a bridge to Tempe, and one on Central Ave. All the other roads ran through the riverbed, and some still do. There's a track that runs over the river near Tempe (that's the one where the train caught fire a few years ago), and they initiated passenger train service one year until the riverbed dried out. Now we have bridges on most major roads and light rail running over the river. In Tempe, they have dammed up the river to create a lake for boating and fishing.

Today is Palm Sunday, I remember when we were kids, we'd pick one guy to go to church and come back with enough palms so we could all show our parents that we went to mass. I don't think they ever caught on to that. I guess we figured that since our parents weren't going, why should we. Time changes us all.

Have a great day today, cannot believe we have snow in the north and 80's and 90's in the south, but enjoy what you are living in....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Frost this morning. 26/45 for the day. 
Some tornado damage in a town nearby. The same evening they tore up the southland. 
Gas is still the same with most @ $3.49.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Charlie - actually I have a rather Rube Goldberg setup. I project the film onto a sheet and capture it with my Canon EOS SL2. I tried projecting the film straight onto a screen but the camera resolution is so high that it was picking up the graining on the screen. Then I use VLC to strip out the noise of the projector. The only investment was about $8 for some film splicing tape. Unless someone digs up some other old family films I'm done with this project.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Tom, did the same thing, I had some device with mirrors in it and the projector went in one hole and the camera in another. I can't remember why it didn't work but I wound up projecting on a white board and recording with a video recorder then downloaded to my computer. The results were acceptable and I sent out  DVD's to whoever wanted them, and a few that didn't.... Waiting I also have a device that converted color slides to a digital jpg. I made a digital slide presentation of our 1960 wedding. That one seemed to work OK. You lose a bit in resolution doing this stuff, but hey, our eyes aren't what they used to be anymore anyway... Nope
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

42 now going to 56 later with lots of clouds. Chances for rain start tonight at 20% going to 80% tomorrow. Then high winds on Wednesday (45 mph).

Yesterday was productive. Got the speedometer all set up and the wind died down enough to take a 5 mile bike ride. Probably another bike ride this afternoon. I also got part of the yard raked yesterday. I want to finish that today so I can get the crabgrass killer down before the rain tomorrow.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, weather-wise here is like tracking gas prices, today, breezy, 30 mph, tomorrow temps in the low 60's, a week from today, temps in the high 90's, a 25 degree jump. According to the NWS, the earliest 100 degree day here was March 26, the latest was June 16. so a few days pushing 100 is nothing unusual. Some years, a mild spring will result in a wicked summer seeing how the record for the latest 100 degree day is Oct 26. All this good info from our Federal Government.

Just filled up at Costco, $4.35, among the cheapest in the Phoenix area, still well over a dollar more than other areas in the state. They do it because they can.

I have nothing scheduled for today, a few phone calls but I'm actually seriously thinking of getting back to my layout and finish up the trackwork. My biggest issue is the transition between the two sections that I need to be able to move apart. Still need to give it thought on how to do it. If I get that done today, I'll be pleased, if it works, I'll be that much more pleased....

Take care, I hope the day goes well for everyone here....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
hi all. Monday again not much news author has been Rasing hell with my hips so most of the time I'm just sitting in my duff 
. do need to go into town again and get a new iPad the old one is getting hot and smells line a transformer that is about to catch fire so back into the snowbird mess.
you all keep safe.'
Good morning folks

The temperature has climbed from 34 at 5 AM to currently 52 at 11:15. We are supposed to reach 62.

We had a wild Saturday with the weather. The storms rolled in just after 6 PM. We had heavy rain, a little bit of hail. For about a half hour the lightening and rumble of thunder was constant. We also had high winds. It literally sounded like a freight train but no tornados. They have confirmed six tornados in our area. One to the south in Delaware, and one to the north in Bucks County, PA. There were four in New Jersey. I think the cell that was over us developed into one of those tornados as it moved east. Other than a few branches and a blown over trashcan we escaped any real damage.

Before the storms hit we had a productive day. We did some heavy-duty kitchen cleaning and floor cleaning. We ran to the produce store, pharmacy, and the warehouse club. I was able to install four new flood lights in the front yard moments before the storm arrived. Sunday was not as productive as we got to the grocery store only and started some of the dreaded laundry.

I did not get anywhere near as much done on the layout or workbench as I hoped. I got some rolling stock put away and reorganized the tank cars. I gave the 42 FT chemical tank cars their own bin. I did some painting on one of the walls of the Morgan House.

I need to stop and see if I grab a few last-minute Easter candy items on the way home. I have some bins to put back in the basement. I am hoping to paint the wall some more and finish putting away some rolling stock. I really need to work on the base for the Union Station.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
(04-03-2023, 09:48 AM)tompm Wrote: Good morning folks

The temperature has climbed from 34 at 5 AM to currently 52 at 11:15. We are supposed to reach 62.

We had a wild Saturday with the weather. The storms rolled in just after 6 PM. We had heavy rain, a little bit of hail. For about a half hour the lightening and rumble of thunder was constant. We also had high winds. It literally sounded like a freight train but no tornados. They have confirmed six tornados in our area. One to the south in Delaware, and one to the north in Bucks County, PA. There were four in New Jersey. I think the cell that was over us developed into one of those tornados as it moved east. Other than a few branches and a blown over trashcan we escaped any real damage.

Before the storms hit we had a productive day. We did some heavy-duty kitchen cleaning and floor cleaning. We ran to the produce store, pharmacy, and the warehouse club. I was able to install four new flood lights in the front yard moments before the storm arrived. Sunday was not as productive as we got to the grocery store only and started some of the dreaded laundry.

I did not get anywhere near as much done on the layout or workbench as I hoped. I got some rolling stock put away and reorganized the tank cars. I gave the 42 FT chemical tank cars their own bin. I did some painting on one of the walls of the Morgan House.

I need to stop and see if I grab a few last-minute Easter candy items on the way home. I have some bins to put back in the basement. I am hoping to paint the wall some more and finish putting away some rolling stock. I really need to work on the base for the Union Station.

I hope everybody has a good day.

Happy Birthday Tom, almost slipped away, but have a good day....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 39. Supposed to get to the mid 60s and rain and possibly thunderstorms by late afternoon. Then 36 for a high tomorrow.

Productive day yesterday. I finished raking the yard and then got crabgrass killer applied. Tried for a bike ride but was back home in a mile and half. It was cooler than I thought and I wasn't dressed properly so I gave up that idea.

Gym this morning followed by some last minute cleaning before my niece and her family arrive this evening. May or may not be a baseball game this evening depending on the weather.

Happy birthday, Tom

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)

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