The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning, temps still in the 90's, a bit above normal, still looking at 100 on Sunday. No big change in gas, I did see one station down 2 cents from yesterday, still absurd at $4.97.

Big Blue was down for a bit this morning, a strange error in a file that hadn't changed in five years, but Pat has us up once again. Applause

Just no big deals going on right now, traffic is easing up a bit, most snowbirds will be out of here in another week or so, maybe we'll see gas prices go down then.

Our water situation is OK right now, still not good along the Colorado River and it could take a decade of good winter snow to bring it back, Lake Mead is still down 175'. The snow melt will hit California hardest, they expect more flooding there. Here we've released enough from the local dams to take in the expected melt. BTW, they did recover those two guys that were kayaking in the Salt River near downtown Phoenix on Easter Sunday.

Have a great day everyone, enjoy what you do, have some fun and by all means, stay safe.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
We sold the motorhome today. Took it to a dealer who, even after looking at it, offered us more than we thought we might get. This was the longest run it's had since Dec, 2019, when we returned from NYC.
So, we will not be surprising Don by parking it in his driveway.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 46 headed for maybe the mid 60s with a chance for rain.

Yesterday was pretty quiet other than some quality time spent on the phone with the credit card company. According to my statement it seems I charged a couple hundred dollars at a hospital in Albuquerque, NM. I haven't been to Albuquerque in over 20 years and did not spend any time in a hospital. A new card is on the way.

Plan for this afternoon i to visit the middle school where my great-grandson attends for a wax museum they are putting on, Could be entertaining.

Gas was down another 3 cents to $3.33 yesterday.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, not much changed here, 96 yesterday, gas still the highest in the nation. See one station up in New River (about 10 miles north of the Phoenix area) going for $5.60. Most are still $4.99.

Spent an enjoyable Waiting afternoon at the hospital touring the place. I had a doctor appointment and they said to be there at 2:00. After being sent to areas that never heard of the guy, I finally got to his waiting room at 3:00. Got to see him around 4:00 for all of five minutes and then I couldn't leave until I talked to a nurse. Was close to 5:30 when I finally got out of there. I told the nurse I had little choice, I had no clue where I was or how to get out. Besides, I had to park so far away that I was thinking about calling Uber to get back to my truck. My conclusion, they could have done all this by phone and saved everyone a pile of time.

Enough of that for now, going to go to breakfast in a few minutes, always an enjoyable hour or so with a bunch of people that get together a few times a week to solve world problems and to laugh a lot. My kind of people....

Take care, have a great weekend and don't worry about world problems, all you can do is wind up with an ulcer if you do, then you wind up wondering around a hospital for a few hours looking for someone to help you... Icon_rolleyes
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
49 degrees and rain.
Out this morning for our teeth cleanings. Now my tooth is nice and shiny. All station's we passed were at $3.39 for reg.
Don thanks for the water update. I have no idea why it interests me but it does. Maybe all the water that is wasted in Vegas, I always wondered why it was allowed.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and 38 at the moment. Supposed to get to the mid 50s with a 50% chance of rain.

Had fun yesterday afternoon. The middle school where my great-grandson attends had a wax museum. The kids dressed up as historic figures and held a script. When a button is pushed (actually a post-it dot) on the back of the script they would read about the person they are portraying. Lots of fun. Of course there was absolutely no teasing, such as pushing the button a second time to make my great0granson start over.

I'll be leaving here shortly for a full day of baseball for the great-grandsons. Games at 9, 11, 3, and 5. Plus over an hour travel time each way. the things we do for family.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
(04-28-2023, 11:32 AM)sir james Wrote: 49 degrees and rain.
Out this morning for our teeth cleanings. Now my tooth is nice and shiny. All station's we passed were at $3.39 for reg.
Don thanks for the water update. I have no idea why it interests me but it does. Maybe all the water that is wasted in Vegas, I always wondered why it was allowed.

Good morning all, water should be everyone's concern. Right now they are debating giving more Colorado River water to the Indian community, but haven't decided who they're going to take it away from.  I think it's the farmers that will get shorted, then prices will rise once again because we don't have enough food to go around, yet, as you say, Las Vegas will still have those lakes and elaborate fountains going 24/7. Peoria just announced that they are going to be treating waste water and returning it to the Aquifer. Not sure what they do with it otherwise. Think about this, what do they do with the solids that are in the sewers? I remember when they just used to dump the sewers into the closest river and hope for the best.

'tis Saturday, was well past 5:00 until I got up. Applause Today I think I'm going to clean up the garage. Too many woodworking projects have gone by without cleaning up the sawdust. Beyond that, nothing on the agenda. Just got my garbage disposal replaced and now my refrigerator is screwing up, the control panel is frozen, like all software, I'm going to try a reboot first, just need to move it so I can get to the plug. Oh, the choices and obstacles we face in life!!!!

98 yesterday, 99 today, 101 for Sunday. Still haven't turned on the A/C, but most likely very soon.  I hope that you all have a great weekend, stay safe but have fun.... Goldth
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Early morning here was like one of those scary movies. Wet and foggy. Temp now is 52, overcast.
Trama at our house yesterday. LOL Wedding for a grandson is next Saturday, 2 miles from our house. BUT They are rebuilding a road that may never be finished during my lifetime. I found out the intersection between here and there will be closed for the next 3 weeks. Sooo I told our DIL we couldn't get to the wedding but for some reason she insisted there were other ways to get there. Guess I'll have to get dressed up after all.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning
Wet and cold here in southeast Ohio 

SJ, I never was a fan of weddings but now that I am unable to go to them I have a few regrets, I miss the good food at the receptions. Most of my grand kids just moved in with their significant others, weddings don't mean much to the younger generations any more.  3 of my 8 grand kids did get married and one has been separated from her husband for 3 years now.  There are no children so the separation isn't a bad thing. He is a great guy but refused to work and my grand daughter made him go home to momma. They were together 9 years. 

I worked on a light house project that I built for my son's wife. She is into trains too so they have a real family affair going on with the layout. I am glad because he is working on large diesel trucks now and it is a pretty stressful job. The trains give him a let down period and his grandsons are really coming around and getting involved. 

Sounds like everyone is doing fine so have a nice week end. 
Don: To reboot the refrigerator, can you undo the fuse or turn off the circuit beaker? That would be less effort than moving the appliance. (Unless you have the fuse box behind another collection.)
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Greetings, gang.

Another unusually cool morning underway in the remote reaches of northern Iowa this morning. 37 now headed for the low 50s with winds around 40 mph.

Yesterday's rain and cool temperature made watching baseball games pretty uncomfortable. With the high winds scheduled for today I have already canceled my participation in today's outdoor activities. Instead I'll remain indoors and watch the F1 race. No other major activities planned.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning.
     Currently 54° and rain. in southeast Ohio. 

     Spent some time scanning some old family  genealogy records yesterday. I found the receipt for the doctor that delivered me. Total bill was 35 bucks. I wasn't premature but it is amazing how many babies were born at 6 and seven months back then  Icon_e_biggrin .  It is amazing how interesting family history can be.  When you start doing it you have the impression that your ancestors came here on the Mayflower but then you find out things are a little more interesting. 

     I didn't do much of anything else but I did enjoy the day. 

Good morning everyone, did hit 99 yesterday, suppose to be 101 today. I saw an article that says gas prices have dropped a bit. I guess the Phoenix distributors missed that memo, 'cause both Costco and Sam's went up 4 cents. We're still in the $5.00 and up range at all other stations.

David, thanks, but whoever wired this house just marked a bunch of breakers, "lighting and outlets", Waiting   so it was easier just pulling out the refrigerator. BTW, that did work, rebooted the software and I now have ice again.

Charlie, it is amazing what you can find on the Internet as far as genealogy goes. For some reason, I never knew my father's background until a genealogist friend found a 1905 census page that says his parents places of birth was Austria. It's never too late to find this stuff out. Knowing where to find it, well, that's a whole new ballgame.

Not much else going on today, just going to maybe do a few necessary things like laundry. My cleaning lady is due on Wednesday. Next week is a busy week for medical testing. Suppose to have a CT scan, but I just had one in the same general area two months ago. Told the gal that I'm starting to glow in the dark, I've had so many scans. She didn't believe me, but she's checking on it.... Different medical groups should have access to tests done by another group since everything is on computers now days. I do believe you have a legal right to all your medical records, although some places make it really tough to get copies.

Well, enough for now, I hope everyone has a great and productive day regardless of what you're going to do.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Rain this morning. 55 for the day.
No train news.
My friend is recovering from his second bout of covid. Doing ok now.
No plans for this wet day, hoping May will be kinder to us.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
My father did a lot of genealogical research when he was applying for a coat of arms. He had to demonstrate a lineage from Scotland as he was applying to the Lord Lyon's court. (Said he was glad as it was cheaper than England.) This was his retirement project but didn't occupy as much time as he expected.
I now have his drawings of the family tree.
About 70 years ago, someone in the family gave him a portrait of "Great Uncle George" as they thought he looked like it. My sister has it now and ecently asked me who George was. I looked at the tree and there were two Georges in likely spots.

While he was doing his research, he found errors in the government records. He pointed them out and was told that for a fee they would fix them.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.

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