The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Congrats to both of you, Charlie Smile Smile
Best wishes for more Happy & Healthy years together!!
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Good morning, uhh, good grief, it's Friday already. For some, that's good, for others... just another day. Should be around 80 today, ten degrees below normal. Windy yesterday, maybe more today. Still getting flood warning for releases in the Salt and Gila Rivers. They listed all the reservoirs and lakes in the state, all are 95-100% full except Lake Mead and Powell. They are below 30%. Haven't seen a drop of rain in weeks, that's also normal. We're still getting gouged with gas prices, normal as well. Waiting

Just got an email from Kalmbach, "FREE gift, only for Donald". Does this mean that they singled me out and I'm the only one in the entire world getting this offer? It's a free issue of "Fine Scale Modeling"... I find that hard to believe, but they said it... Icon_rolleyes

Don't know what today brings, going to have breakfast with the group, no plans beyond that.

That's it for now, have a great day, do something that you like to do...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning gang
    Thanks for wishing us well. we celebrated at home. it was a great day. I worked on the genealogy. My daughter brought me 2 chili dogs and a sundae and she brought pizza for my wife and a large shake. The chili dogs are a real treat for me and they were really good. Our days of eating out are few and far between and takeout is about the same as eating out pricewise. They don't call me cheap chuck for no reason. I really feel bad for the people in the restaurant business because the high cost of food is biting into their profit big time and the increased wages don't help either.  Mary and I would much rather stay home and have stake and baked potato's for less money than a trip to a fast food restaurant or a sit down place. and I still have money left to  add to the train fund. 
     I do notice the young folks that don't have much money can still afford booze, cigarettes and a trip through Mcdonalds. My grand kids are guilty of this but they are all working so I am glad of that. 
     It's currently 50° with a high of 67° predicted and sunny skies. A good day to mow the lawn that looks like a hay field. 
     The cheapest gas in town is $3.35 this morning. It has been holding withing a nickel of this price for a while. 
      Of course I got a notice from the power company that the rate is going to double the first of June. We currently pay a little over 6 cents.I am going to shop around for a better deal if I can find on. If I have to sign a long term agreement to keep a lower price I will because energy prices will continue to climb because they are closing most of our coal fired plants (and tearing them down). There is a delivery fee of 6.5 cents on top of the rate too so that is a part of the bill no mater where you get the power.  If you want green power I have seen some advertized at 23 cents and when you ask them for a list of their green power facilities they don't have an answer. Having worked a hydro plant for 12 years I know all about that type of green energy. 
      Have a good day everyone
Good morning folks,

It is currently 60 on its way to 62. Right now, the sun is shinning but later we could have some showers.

Congratulations Charlie!

Yesterday was an exercise in frustration. My wife has surgery scheduled for May 15. This will be the third attempt to install a device that will deliver medicine that will hopefully stop her bleeding. Yesterday she had a pre-admission appointment at Paoli Hospital (pretty much next to the PRR Main Line/Amtrak Keystone Line). I had to leave work an hour and a half early to get her there. We get there after a very annoying drive. (In our neck of the woods we are plagued with people who drive 10 to 20 MPH below the speed limit and can’t stay in their lane. They come to a complete stop to make a right turn and stop one to two car lengths behind the stop bar or the car in front of them. Right turn and left turn lanes are there only for show; they are not to be used. All turns are from the through lane. Sorry for the rant.) Upon arrival we are directed to the Outpatient Surgery Desk. We are taken back to a room and an anesthesiologist meets us. She asks my wife about ten questions such as have you had anesthesia? Any reactions? What was your last surgery? My wife answers all the questions to the doctor’s satisfaction. The doctor then looks at my wife’s throat and says we are done and go home now. Total time with the doctor ten minutes. I lost an hour and half of work, drove 40 minutes to the hospital, and 80 minutes home due to the height of rush hour.

I did get to finish attaching the glazing to another wall of the Morgan Hose. I also added the mortar to the last wall.

Today is another frustrating day as my wife has an appointment with the cardiologist as she needs clearance before the surgery. Due to the time of the appointment, I must take the whole day off from work. She will most likely be exhausted after we get home, so I don’t know what we’ll do afterward.

Over the rest of the weekend, we will need to run to the pharmacy and the grocery store. We hope to get the last of the Easter decorations away. We need to clean the throw rugs in the living room, upstairs hallway, and master bedroom. If the weather cooperates, I need to pull the heater out of the fishpond and pull the water lilies out of the deep in onto the shelf. There is some other yard things that need to be done also. If all else fails, there is always laundry.

I would like to finish installing the window frames and glazing for the walls of the Morgan House. Then I would like to assemble the walls. Next, I need to work on the roof. I have cars to put away. I also have some cars to finish tuning up and inventory. I hope to test a new locomotive and run some trains.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

Thunder and lightning have subsided for the moment but there could be ore on the way. Not much rain though. 56 now and maybe the low 70s by this afternoon. 80 tomorrow "they" claim.

Quiet day yesterday but I did ride the bike for over 11 miles. Maybe a full 12+ mile ride this afternoon. This morning soccer games are on the schedule but I don't know if that will happen due to the rain.

Gas price was down again yesterday to $3.16 but I'm sure with the fire in Houston yesterday it will be an excellent reason to jack the price up.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue
Sun and near 70 for today. Lot's O rain coming late tonight into tomorrow.
Mower guy finally showed up. Said he was waiting for the weather to get better, in the meantime he lost some customers by waiting so long.
Got some laundry going and Saturday cartoons on. Had my 2 cups of coffee. One of our 6 grandsons is getting married tonight. Only one other has a girlfriend so I may never live to see the others marry.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning good folks of Big Blue, been nice here, still running in the low 80's, well below normal, but that changes on Monday when we're back into the 90's. We are still going target shooting Monday, leaving around 5:30 and eating breakfast on the way back. When it's like this, the deciding factor on when to leave is when the guns get too hot to hold from laying in the sun....

We have a few stations scattered around the county where gas is $4.49, most of them are at Costco, we're still looking at $4.99 and up except for one Safeway store near Sam's Club is down to $4.97. There seems to be no mass protests, and even the TV coverage is basically, "what will be, will be"....

We made national news the other day when a woman was brutally murdered while jogging near the Mayo Hospital in North Phoenix. They just got the guy that did it. They need to have a trial tomorrow and a firing squad next week, or maybe just attack him from the back and stab him 15 times like he did to that poor girl. An "eye for an eye" thing. Sorry, but our country is quickly and quietly going to pieces and going easy on crime isn't doing us any good. I've said enough for now, but not saying anything doesn't help either...

That's it, been taking it easy for the past few days, might just keep doing that for the weekend and build up some energy. Take care and enjoy the weekend....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Was woken up in the middle of the night to watch the Coronation. The PBS station was carrying BBC. This meant that the announcers knew who and what they were looking at and generally didn't talk over the musical numbers.
The we went to a massive used book sale. Bought a large picture book on CPR and a small book on Silk Trains. A couple of CDs and an LP and Dayle added some books for a whopping total of $24.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Good evening
        We had a beautiful day. I managed to get my one lawn tractor back together. I replaced the rear tires and wheels, the old tires were so dry rotted they ruined a tube I put in last year. I found a pair of tires and wheels on Amazon for 147 bucks. It was a hard decision because it is so old but this mower owes me nothing. I bought it used 10 years ago for 200 bucks . Last year I put a new starter and battery on it as well as the tubes in the tires. It has a bagger and it does a great job in the fenced in back yard and by nagging the clippings (and the noxious willow leaves and seeds from the neighbors trees) keeps the stuff from clinging to our Sammies fur. 
     Tonight I got the tender trucks and the frame of the Q2 painted and I did some weathering on the Alco C630 that I patched for Conrail. I am planning on decaling the Q2 tomorrow and getting the dull coal applied. 
     I still need to finish mowing the lower portion of the front yard but it was still too wet. If we don't get rain I will see if I can do it tomorrow. 
     Nothing else of importance.
Greetings, gang.

Dense fog and 53 degrees greeted me when I first looked out the window this morning. Supposed to clear off and get to 80 later on. Then even later there's a chance for thunderstorms.

Yesterday was pretty miserable (again) sitting out in the cold and wind watching the kids' soccer games. Hopefully that kind of weather is finished for now. Today I'll probably be lucky not to get sunburned watching baseball. Then this afternoon is the Formula 1 race from Miami.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, no changes here, temps and gas prices still high. At least the temperatures will eventually go down, no hope right now for the gas prices.

Did miss the coronation, I thought for sure they'd have reruns, but I didn't find any. I'm sure I can find a few dozen by now on YouTube...

Charlie, I had a green lawn the other day. Well, it didn't last. Weed spray sometimes has a green tint to it so they know where they've sprayed and that's what the lawn guys used. It either goes away if it rains, or will bleach out in a few days from the sun. My lawn is 100% crushed gravel like about 95% of the houses here in the desert.

Got gas at Costco the other day and drove around the shopping area they're building next to it. Years ago they were going to build a mall in the area, but now that malls are a thing of the past, this one stretches a good 1/2 mile long and several blocks wide. There's one section they're calling, "restaurant row", with restaurants that I never heard of and some big-name chains. Fast food is all over the area. The big problem for people like me is if you want to go to more than one place, you need to drive from one to the other. It's huge....

Been really vegging out this past week or so. I have things I can be doing, I tend to the ones in the "have to" category and procrastinate the others. The biggest and dirtiest job is cleaning the garage of all that sawdust. I may need to do that today before I wind up in a catatonic state.

Ya all have a great day, stay safe and be happy...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Morning Blue
Cloudy, thunderstorm heading our way. 70 this afternoon.
Grandsons wedding last night, I left early as the so-called music was too loud for me. 
One of our sons brought my wife home about 1.
This will be a lazy day for sure.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
We've been sorting out stuff from the RV (which we sold). Redundant cookware, a lot of pens and such, of which one didn't work. Extra bedware. We made a few trips to Goodwill.
I also disposed of lots of old camping guides -- at least 5 years, many 10-15 years out of date.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Good morning all, I see little change in everything here, gas, temperature and traffic are all high. It's really early, we're headed out to target shoot, leave around 5:30, a hour to get there and a few hours of shooting and it still won't get to 80 until we're about to go get some breakfast. It might be our last time to shoot until temps drop below 100.

That's it for now, got to load the truck and off we go. Have a great day and have some fun as well...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks,

It is a pleasant 62 going up to 73.

We had a very good weekend. Friday started with the cardiologist clearing my for surgery next week. They found no problems. I pulled the heater out of the fishpond and moved the waterlilies out of the deep end and into the shallow end. We have some future work to do on them as all four plants are intertwined and need to be repotted. We finally determined where the ants are getting in and did some basic things to temporarily lessen the problem.

Saturday, we ran to the produce store, grocery, and hardware store. When we got home, I got to spraying the outside of the house for ants and placing traps. I brought the plants down from the attic and placed them on a table to get some sun and fresh air. My wife will clean them up this week.

Sunday, I brought the outdoor table for the front patio down from the attic and put it on the front patio. We use the table to keep the potted plants on for the winter. I did a heavy-duty cleaning of the kitchen and breakfast nook floors. I helped my wife with repotting a couple of plants and the first harvest of some herbs. I washed the dog’s bed much to the displeasure of the dog. She finally forgave me around bedtime and went back to using her now clean bed.

I finally finished the Morgan House. Friday, I glued the window frames into two walls. I also painted the roof. Saturday, I added the air conditioning unit, chimney, and vent pipes to the roof. I installed the glazing on all the windows. Sunday, I assembled the walls. I had an issue with the roof as I had to cut it down to size. I still have a few paint touch ups to do but my first resin building kit is done. It was something of an experience.

While waiting for paint and glue to dry I finished putting away the last of the rolling stock from the last run by. I also began working on the next run by.

Today after work I need to stop by the pharmacy. I would like to get the last of the plants out of the attic. The two remaining ones did not make it through the winter and my wife has the pots spoken for. I can then bring down the last outdoor table and put it out in the gazebo.

I want to finish the touch ups on the Morgan House and then place it on the layout. Then I need to think about what structure I want to build. I have some cars to tune up. I may even run some trains.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery

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