The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning.
      It is a muggy 70 degrees here with a good chance of rain very soon. 

      We stayed home yesterday and enjoyed being here. I worked on one old train car last night,  It was a cheap Life-Like from the 70's. I replaced the trucks and couples and repaired 2 of the stirrup steps that were broken. I enjoy making these reasonable runners and I have a lot of novelty Tyco cars that I will eventually do also. The little great grandkids enjoy these and I like making them good runners. It doesn't take much of anything but time, and hobby time is good time. 

      I got paint on the risers yesterday. I thought a little gree would make them less conspicuous. 

       We will have to go to Youngstown sometime today to pick up my wife's new glasses. I hate driving in that town.

       East Palestine is still collecting on the train derailment lottery. Now NS is going to revamp the city park to the tune of 25 million.  From what I see there are a lot of towns around the country that need to see how they can capitalise when a train derails. Keep in mind there were no injuries and no off railroad property damage. Oh, and they are going to repair the old freight station and give it to the town too. 

       One of the section of the new federal law calls for railroads to notify a municipality when they are transporting Hazmat.  I would expect a daily morning call to every town along the way because most trains I see have at least one hazmat car.  It will be like the California law notifying folks if a product can cause cancer, you know.  "This product may cause cancer in California" on water bottles .  

       We need to bring some sanity back into our politicians.

Hello Blue
Same smoky haze is hanging on. Hi in the 80s today. Will probably turn on the A/C later but right now there is a nice breeze coming in the patio door.
Like watching a football game at home, I would never go down in one of those submarines. The TV gives us a front row seat to all those things.
Lunch will be out today as we will meet up with a few of my wifes HS friends.
No choo-choo news.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Well blue did it to me again. If Blue has a delete, I can't find it.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
(06-20-2023, 08:52 AM)sir james Wrote: Well blue did it to me again. If Blue has a delete, I can't find it.

No you can't delete but we give you a chance to edit your posts. If we find a duplicate, we will delete it for you, which, I already did....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greeting, gang.

Clear skies and warm temperatures are the weather words for the week. 64 now going to near 90 later on. Pretty much the same forecast for tomorrow and Friday before a chance for rain reappears.

Not much accomplished yesterday. I did make a couple of stops at Walmart and the grocery store for some needed items. Also replaced the brake pads on one of my bikes. Today is swimming and some resistance work.

Had a really weird dream last night. My wife and I were moving back to our home in Omaha. House had been remodeled so there were some changes. The biggest change though was that my wife was going on a date with the single father of one of our kids friends. Needless to say I was less than happy about that. After she left my dad and I were washing dishes in the extremely shallow kitchen sink. The sink was only about 3 inches deep. Shortly after I finished that I was in the basement to see how it had been rearranged. That was when I woke up.

Gas price dropped yet again to $3.09.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning, not 5:00 yet and it's already 78 heading to 104, just about normal, but not too consistent. By Friday, we'll be down to 98, next Friday it's suppose to get up to 112. Typical and there's no telling when a monsoon storm will hit.

Tom, sometimes dreams can be pleasant, other times scary and it's the scary ones that you remember. It's weird what your mind can conjure up while you're asleep.

Just a note on water, they showed on the news where Lake Mead was up around 10 feet and Powell around 40 feet, and there's still some snow melt that hasn't hit the Colorado River yet. Good news, but both lakes are still well below normal but that's still a lot of water. We are suppose to have a new freeway, I-11 is to run from Mexico to Canada, but they're fighting it here because if there's not enough water to support any new development that would bring.

The news yesterday was showing the dramatic drop in gas prices in the Phoenix area. They never mentioned that it was still a dollar higher than everywhere else. Here in Surprise, Costco went down to $4.05 yesterday, but there are stations in Arizona that are below $3.00 right now. A few in the Phoenix area are under $4.00, but most are on the east side, a good 25 miles away....

That's that, just about finished out in the garage, maybe on Friday when it's cool, I'll go out and clean up the mess. In the meantime, y'all have a great and prosperous day....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Yesterday's double post happened because Blue didn't show that the first one posted. 
Today's weather is a smoky haze going into the 80s. No rain before the weekend.
Good to read the lake levels are going up some.
Construction everywhere. Bought gas @ $3.39. Lowest price we saw yesterday.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Greetings, gang.

Hazy, smoky day underway in the remote reaches of northern Iowa this morning. 66 now going to the upper 80s later.

Yesterday was very quiet around here. About the only activity was spraying some weeds in the yard. Maybe a bike ride this morning or possibly a trip to the gym. Still undecided. I did see on CNN this morning where Washington state is now the home of the highest gas prices in the country, beating out California. Current average price in WA state is $4.93 with people around Seattle paying well over $5 a gallon. Gas price here in town jumped 40 cents yesterday to $3.49.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, temps are up, gas prices down. Good way to start the day. We hit 109 yesterday so those the entered all those, "guess the first 110 day" haven't collected yet and it may be a week or two before they do since we have a slight drop in the forecast. As for gas, Costco went just under $4.00 here in Surprise @ $3.99999999.....9. Prices in other parts of Arizona come in at under $3.25. No one will explain why Phoenix prices are so much higher. Someday someone will pass a, "round up/down prices" bill for everyone. 9/10 of a cent would mean one or two cents more profit on a fill-up, but they need to compete. And yeah, at one point, the Phoenix area was higher than California, but I saw the same newscast saying that Washington state is higher now. Anyway, gas prices are going in the right direction here for now.

That's it for now. Scheduled for surgery the end of next week and I find that they haven't sent a request to the insurance company yet. Lead time with them is usually two weeks so I guess I'll be on the phone today and get some answers.

So I hope everyone has a great day, stay safe for sure...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Lowest gas price here is Costco at 149.9 . That's Canadian cents per litre (a generous quart).
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Greetings, gang.

Not much going on weather-wise. Still hot and moderately humid. 90 for the high today. Rani chances tick up a little overnight to 30%. Then tomorrow there's a 70% chance of 1-2 inches 0f rain and severe weather.

Thursday group was a lot of fun last night. The kids (he's 67 and she's late 50s) were back from Nevada for the summer. Lots of stories to catch up on. Not much planned for today other than a trip to the gym.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, what!!!! Friday again, so soon...

We have an unusual forecast for today, 98, then back into the triple digits tomorrow. We may hit 110 on Monday, otherwise we go beyond that by next weekend.

Gas is still going down, $4.25 to $4.39 is popular, still a good buck higher that most everywhere else. They said that Washington was the highest state for gas, don't believe them, it's running close or a bit lower than the Phoenix area. I'm just going by Gas Buddy and that is pretty accurate since it gets it's data from customers or people that drive by a station.

Talked to the hospital folks yesterday, they say they don't need authorization from the insurance company based on my medical history, and are going ahead with the surgery. I'm not so sure, but that's their job and if I get a bill for $20,000, there's going to be some sort of lawsuit very quickly.

A pity about those guys in that sub, risky at best. $250,000 to go, I wouldn't if it were free. Have seen many pictures of the Titanic without going down there. I'm betting that there won't be any more tourist subs for a very long time.

Gotta go, time for our group breakfast. Have a great day and stay cool..
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Some needed early morning showers. Hi today only 70. 84 tomorrow.
As for the Titanic, I agree, I'm interested but TV has shown us enough. I wouldn't get into that sub even if it was in a kiddie pool.
Eggs at Aldis were $1.12 yesterday.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good afternoon folks

It is 64 heading up to 73. Depending on which weather misforcaster you listen to we are in for rain for the next 8 to 10 days starting this afternoon.

We have been without Internet at home for the two days. Some varmint chewed through the wires coming into the house. I had Verizon out to repair things. While they were there, they replaced the main box in the basement which was close to 20 years old. It dated back to the beginning of Fios. Of course, the tech didn’t double check to see if everything was working and I had to spend half the night on the phone with tech support rebooting the router numerous times. The family is happy now that we have the Internet restored.

The temporary roadway for I-95 reopened a short time ago. In true Philly fashion the first vehicle across was a one of the fire trucks that responded to the fire with all the Philadelphia sports teams’ mascots riding on it.

Due to the Internet issues and the fact we had a large concrete pour yesterday starting before dawn not much got done around the house. I did get a few pieces of rolling stock tuned up.

With the possibility of rain over the next ten days there will be little to no outside plans. I have some indoor stuff such as some paint touch up around the house. We have a few spots where the walls got nicked over time. There is always laundry to do. The aquarium also needs some cleaning. Maybe we will make a run to the warehouse store.

We will be helping my son and daughter with any last minute things before they go their cruise to Spain, France, and Italy. It is their graduation from their Master programs present to themselves. My son got his masters last summer and my daughter in December. When they come back, they both will be starting new jobs. My daughter will still be doing counseling but at a place that will help her get her state license. My son will be moving from doing customs paperwork to a non-profit heading a mural arts program for our township. My son wrote the successful $100,000 grant application that funded the program.

I have many pieces of rolling stock I need to tune up. I would like to convert a couple more locos over to dcc. Maybe I will get the chance to run some trains.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and humid this morning. 69 now headed for the low 80s and some thunderstorms. NWS is saying after 2 but a quick check of radar shows they should be here later this morning.

Went to the gym and swam a half mile as usual. Changed to do some resistance work. Sat down on the first machine and just sat there for a moment. Said "Screw it!" Changed clothes and came home I just wasn't in the mood. I'll probably head out for a bike ride shortly. Try to get done before the rain hits. Only other thing on the agenda is the usual Saturday laundry day.

There are enough videos about the Titanic and other such places that I really don't need to go there to see them. I did see a headline for an 8K video of the Titanic. The drawback to that is that I don't have an 8K display so that seems kind of a waste of time.

Tom - congratulations to your kids on their masters.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)

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