The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #X.. Stop In!!!
We went to a show in St Thomas today -- 2 hour drive. In the museum inside the old Michigan Central shops. Lots of small sellers but I didn't buy anything.
My grandfather was freight agent for Pere Marquette there, before he married, i think.
After that we went to Port Stanley for ice cream but couldn't find parking! Sun + Sunday. missed a turn on the way back and went quite far out of our way.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Good morning all, today is Memorial Day here in the US. A holiday, but in honor and respect for those who have given their all so that we may be free to celebrate this day. Enjoy the day, but don't forget to remember these fallen soldiers.

I've posted this poem in the past. It was written by my wife and is the lead page in her book in which she talks about losing a brother in Korea. I'm posting it once again for this is the time we really need to think about those who perished while fighting for the freedoms we all enjoy today. We still have folks in other countries that are fighting to protect their freedom and independence, Memorial Day should be worldwide and her poem makes no distinction.

Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hi all. well, as the song goes "it's just another manic Monday" which sums up my day things are as usual sosdd. 
stay safe Jim
Good morning folks

It is 66 on its way to 79.

The surgery countdown is down to two days. I go in on Thursday. Hopefully my blood pressure won’t spike, and we can do the procedure.

The weekend and holiday were uneventful. Saturday My wife and daughter worked on some of the prizes for the upcoming Delco Pride Parade on Saturday. My son is the organizer and was out talking with the participating businesses making sure everything is ready. The business community in Media is excited about the after event which is called Pride on State (Street) where businesses host various events from after the parade until late at night.

While they were out I did the grocery shopping, and the produce store. I was able to swing a visit to the local hobby shop where to my surprise I found a Bowser DCC ready Penn Central U25B that I have been searching for over the last few months. To my even bigger surprise the price was good considering this LHS is not known for reducing prices. Most items are close to MSRP. Later in the evening I worked on the bridge area. I tacked down the foam base and weathered the tunnel portal. I also cut the retaining walls to fit.

Sunday my wife and I went to PetSmart and to the nursery to get some plants. My daughter helped her plant most of them when we got home. I was busy in the house dealing with laundry and working on cleaning the fishless fishtank. Later I painted the retaining walls and finally figured out how I was going to deal with pedestrian access to the bridge area. This meant ordering some items. I ran some trans too.

Yesterday I put the flags out in the morning. We did not do much. We took it easy. I did do some laundry and work some more on the fishtank. We were lucky as far as the storms went. We got one in the morning and then another in the early afternoon. My daughter handled the grilling later in the afternoon. Given how good of a cook she is I let her do her thing and was treated to some delicious grilled corn on the cob, baked potato, and burgers. She also made homemade from scratch cinnamon rolls for dessert. After dinner I started to put away the rolling stock I had out for the latest train I ran.

Tonight after work I will be dealing with the never-ending laundry saga. I may try to plant some marigolds in the front garden. Later I will weather the retaining walls and finish putting away the rolling stock. If time permits I may start my next train.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

53 going to maybe the low 70s with a slight chance of a stray shower.

Very quiet weekend around here. This morning my daughter is stopping by shortly and we'll probably go for breakfast. Shoulder still bothering me so I may need to find a massage therapist. Spent about 2 hours yesterday doing more planning for my road trip later this summer. 4 pages of notes so far on my trip from Joplin, MO to at least Albuquerque and I'm only to Oklahoma City. Gotta plan for not having a co-pilot/navigator.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Greetings, gang.

50 going to the mid 70s with lots of sunshine according to the experts.

Had a very pleasant visit with my daughter yesterday. When we got home we went through some pictures I have found of my wife when she was young. After she left I did some cleaning. The word for the afternoon painting. I painted some storm windows and then started stripping a boxcar to be repainted. With the lack of wind predicted for today I should be able to get it painted. After giving it plenty of time to dry I'll apply the primary decals. I still need to stop at a hobby shop to get a sheet of reporting marks.

In other news another 4 million chickens were destroyed in Iowa yesterday which will continue to jack up the price of eggs.

Gas was $3.14 yesterday.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, big surprise, we hit 106 yesterday, looks like we could get up to our first 110 day next week. The TV weather folks seem to be more on point than the Weather Channel.

Costco just dropped to $3.49 for regular, too many others are at $3.97 and up. As usual, we here on the west side are on the higher side, but it doesn't pay to go anywhere else for gas unless you are going there anyway.

Not much else going on, a day of rest for me, had a "procedure" yesterday, and regardless of how minor they are, they still take a bit out of you. I'm suppose to take it easy for a few days, and I'm not going to fight doctor's orders.

Way too much bad weather hitting our country, I hope you all are safe.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
I have been absent for a while. I am not feeling well. Bad hip and a bad cold. Still pop in when I feel like it. 
We went to give some jigsaw puzzles to an old friend. He sells stuff at train shows and these were all Lionel themed.
We were going to meet at a donut shop for lunch, but it was a little crowded and not up to SWMBO's standards. The second one was similar. No outdoor seating. Off to a restaurant -- closed to replace the refrigerator of something. Finally found one that had a nearly deserted outdoor section and a reasonable lunch menu.
Dave is an old friend. when we moved to Brampton we started Scottish dancing. One of the ladies looked at me* and said, "Do you like trains? You should meet my son." So we got to know the couple, the son, the daughter was our vet for a while, and the other son came to Canada.
* I think I was wearing my Flying Scotsman tie clip.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Greetings, gang.

Another nice day under way in the remote reaches of northern Iowa. 56 now headed for maybe the upper 70s later. Then a 70% chance of rain tonight.

Got the Second coat of paint on the storm windows yesterday and they all look good now. I'll wait a few week to allow the paint to cure before I put them in the rack in the garage. Tried painting the boxcar yesterday but the air brush was acting up. I may try again today. Rode my bicycle to the great-grandson's baseball game last night. When I got there my granddaughter-in-law looked at me and said "You're crazy. You know that, right?" I said "That's true but you love me anyway."

This morning I'm headed out for a ball game in Dayton, about a half hour south of me and no, I'm not riding the bike. Granddaughter-in-law has to work and grandson has to work the concession stand so I need to keep an eye on the 5 year old great-grandson. Could be a fun morning.

Gas was down to $3.04 yesterday but some stations were trying to raise it to $3.39.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning, nothing exciting going on here, just three shootings in Phoenix, another police involved shooting close by. A very bad wrong-way, drunk driving incident and a few additional serious accidents. A normal day in the big city. Last week here in Surprise, we had one guy shoot his two children, then himself, another held a 6-month old hostage, then shot him (he's still in ICU) before setting fire to the house and shooting himself. Just nothing but this kind of stuff on the news and you wonder why you can't sleep at night....

Gas down a few pennies here and there, temps up a few degrees, a number of wildfires all around the state, several causing evacuations in remote areas, again just normal stuff for this time of the year. It's dry, it's hot and it's windy. Oh yeah, we do have these idiots that start these fires too.

Enough ranting for one day, getting my house cleaned inside right now, that's about it...

Have a great day wherever you are doing whatever you are doing....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings all -

Trying to decide what to do for our "challenge". Lately my focus has been on my HOn3 layout - trying to get things detailed and finished up for an article I plan to write. This week I made a few cacti, planted some grass, put glass in buildings, and finished up a rock retaining wall. I don't really have any projects for that layout that are half finished or less, and I don't think I have room for any more structures. I do have some HOn3 rolling stock kits that are less than half finished, so maybe that will be my project.

The next two weeks we are planning a long road trip. The twins are really interested in landmarks and geography these days, so I think this will be a good memory for them. Seeing their excitement will make it all worth it. After vacation is a few days of medical leave. Yes, I am getting that age where I have regular "procedures". But I want to stay healthy, and I haven't been feeling so great the past few months.

Take care, all.
Check out my Shapeways creations!
3-d printed items in HO/HOn3 and more!
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... tail-parts</a><!-- m -->
Greetings, gang.

Low 60s going to the low 70s with maybe an occasional sprinkle.

Yesterday was fun. Had a good time at the baseball game but it was remarkably short. Most games recently have lasted a round 2 hours. Yesterday's game was over in about an hour and fifteen minutes. We were just starting the bottom of the fourth and I went to get a hot dog. By the time I got back the other team had conceded and it was over. I ate the hotdog anyway.

Went for my usual Thursday group and had a good time as usual. As we were leaving the restaurant one of the waitresses wanted to know what time our group got together. When we told her she was disappointed because it was at the same time she started work. She had been hoping to join us for a while before her shift started. We changed the start time so she could join us once.

I got lucky on gas pries for once. I filled my car on Wed. afternoon for $3.04. By Thursday it had jumped to $3.29.

Tom and Kevin - hope you recover quickly.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good afternoon. 

     I had to get professional help from my PCP for some help with my ailment. 4 prescriptions and in 2 days I am perking up.  I still have a way to go and the damned hip continues to be a problem that may require replacement.  

     I may try to do some decoder adjusting later but for now I am suffering the drowsiness side effect of one of those drugs. 

      We have had cool nights and wonderful days with highs near 70. The rain has stopped for a while. 

      I am glad to read Tom had his surgery. I wish him well and a full recovery. 

      Have a good weekend everyone. I will check in when I can.
Good afternoon folks

It is currently 73. Our high was 74. It is a very pleasant day. Since I am recovering from the surgery yesterday, I did not get to enjoy the outside today. I did go out for a little while with the wife and sit by the fishpond.

Speaking of the surgery, from what I can tell everything went well. I occasionally have some pain and some pain killers when it gets really bad. My mobility is limited somewhat as I have to be careful on steps and uneven surfaces. There is no heavy lifting for the next few weeks and no driving until Sunday. I am hoping to be able to get back to work on Thursday.

This weekend I will be taking it easy. I have some marigolds to plant in the front garden. Everything else can wait until I am able to move around better and lift things. I am hoping to get downstairs to run some trains. I put aside several rolling stock kts that I can build. I also need to choose my project or projects for the challenge.

The pain pills are beginning to kick in so I am going to be moving to the comfy chair.

I hope everybody has a good evening.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery

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