The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #X.. Stop In!!!
Out of town, staying a couple days in greater Seattle.
Had memorial for my mother.
saw some trains in Auburn, really enjoyed a large industrial area with warehouses & commuter trains.

next adventure coming up: colonoscopy in a few weeks.
Hope you are all well & enjoying train stuff somehow.
Good morning all, ahh yes, it's Saturday and for a change I did sleep in and extra hour. Nothing on the schedule for today except maybe stay indoors, going to be hot outside. Next week, even the Weather Channel is showing 110, Summer due in a few weeks, "monsoon season" also. I don't think we saw any rain in two months now, so our Summer storms would be welcome.

Filled up at Costco for $3.49 yesterday, other stations going down a few pennies at a time but still around $3.75.

Today is the great, "Pick Your Poison", challenge kick-off. If you're going to enter, now's a good time to do so. You've got three months to finish, so let's see some build action....

Enjoy the weekend...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Sat. 6/01
Hello Blue
Well May is gone. The nice weather months seem so short.
Sun and 70s today. Rain by evening.
Gas is still around $3.49 most places.
Club meet tonight, last official one till Sept. Grand Prix is in Detroit this weekend. Not in my line of travel.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Hillyard: I found the colonoscopy itself is a bore (maybe I slept through it) but the day before is continuous excitement! (and a word similar to excitement)
Make sure you have access to the bathroom.
And make sure they give you the med that doesn't require you to drink 40 gallons of water with it.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Greetings, gang.

Clouding up with some rain moving in. 61 now going to maybe 80 later. Rain in the forecast through Wednesday.

Had a decent day yesterday. Used the moped to run a few errands. I really enjoy riding it. Since it was Saturday I got the laundry caught up. After lunch I put the weed and feed on the lawn. This morning I need to go tend to the graves for my wife and son. After that it will be sit on the porch and watch it rain time.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy with maybe a light shower on the way. 69 now going to the low 80s.

Never did get the rain yesterday. It all fizzled out about 30 miles west of town. But I did sit on the porch for a while. This morning I need to make a grocery run followed by a trip to the gym. Tomorrow morning I need to be out of the house by a little after 5. Taking the car to Des Moines to get the recall fixed.

Gas was down to $3.15.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, and happy Monday. No rain, nothing in the forecast except heat. It hit 105 yesterday, and suppose to get to 112 later this week, just a bit above normal. Our wildfire season has started early. Lots of smaller fires, several right now just north of the Phoenix metro area.

As for gas, Costco and Sam's are down to $3.45, others around $3.74. There's word that the cartel is making changes and so we can expect gas prices to go back up again soon. My how the big boys like to play games with our money. They have nothing to lose, we have nothing to gain.

Yup, starting the week off with a rant, so let's just try to do the best we can with the week that we have to work with. Remember, we have a build challenge started, we need to get more folks off their duffs and enter. Lots of categories so there's no excuse that there's nothing that fits.

Take care, have a good week.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Mon. 6/03
Hello Blue
Fog this morning. 60/78 for the day. Went to club meet Saturday. Two layouts, the host and our club modules. Drove home in the rain. It appears this will be a stay-at-home day.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning. 

       Dry today but rain moves in tomorrow night. 

       If anyone that lives near Hamilton Ontario reads this will you PM me. I need a little help in thar area.  

       I am finally getting over my ailments and hope progress continues. 
Hi all. its Monday again still wafting for the blower motor for our ac unit bot said its to be here today but with the way shipping is I'm not holding my breath gets a bit on the warm in the house in the evening. did get everything rounded up for the summer challenge.
stay safe Jim
Good morning all, Jim, just in time for your A/C to get working, temps are going up. The unit in my house is almost 20 years old, it's the only reason I keep home warranty insurance. They've repaired or replaced some minor things like garbage disposals and faucets, but the biggie is the A/C unit, they will repair or replace it for $80, my co-pay. I had a pipe burst a few years ago, they paid to get it repaired (the same day), and my home owner's insurance paid to repair the water damage. My insurance company will, of course, raise my rates for using what I'm paying for, even though I've paid out a whole lot more than I've gotten back. That's the first thing you can count on from any insurance company. Use it too much and they'll cancel you.

We're looking at 110 tomorrow, 112 Thursday, now I need to start remembering to remotely start my truck to cool it down. More wildfires around the state, I really hate to see that. We've had some really bad ones in the past.

Nothing else going on, a slow week, glad that I have projects to work on at home. Need to actually start on my challenge project soon, do not want to take on the role of a procrastinator.

Take care, enjoy the day and stay safe....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is 82 going up to 87.

I am still recovering from the surgery. Pain is now only at the incision. It ranges from a dull soreness to a stabbing pain. The stabbing pain now happens only rarely. I am going to ty to take a walk some time today to see how I do since most of my job is walking. If all goes well, I will go back to work Thursday.

I have been keeping my spirits up with running some trains. I did check a bunch of rolling stock to see what type of tuning up they need. Today I may play around with the retaining walls at the bridge area. I also got the parts I need for the pedestrian tunnels so I will try to see how they fit. I might try to run another train.

I need to pick my projects for the challenge. I think I know what I am going to do but I need to check it out to make sure it will work.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

it's a very muggy 80 degrees with 65% humidity. Chance for storms later on.

Yesterday was fairly quiet. I did make a grocery run and when I passed the gym about 8:30 I noticed there were very few cars in the lot. Put the groceries away and went back. Checked the pool and three lanes were empty. Coo! Changed clothes and went back less than 10 minutes later and all three lanes were full. Well, drat! Went back after lunch and all was good. This morning I rolled out of the driveway a little after 5 and was at the dealer' before 7. 7:15 I was on my may again with a loaner. Checked back around 11 and the hadn't even started on the 10-12 hour job. I came back home. Guess I'll be going back either late tomorrow or early on Thursday.

Got home and mowed the yard. Very sweaty job but I wanted to get it done before the next round of rain. Looks like tomorrow it will start to dry out for a while. I will definitely be spraying the yard for bugs. It was rather nasty out there today.

Don - I did see a headline about how OPEC is planning sharp cutbacks into next year. Apparently the billions they already make isn't enough and they want to jack up prices even further. I did notice gas around here is around $3.10.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Greetings, gang.

After getting 3/4 inch of rain late yesterday afternoon the clouds started moving out. Right now it's a rather cool 53 but supposed to warm to the low 80s later on with clear skies. Looks to be a beautiful day. (Cue Gordon MacRae singing "Oh, What a Beautiful Morning").

Only thing on tap for today is a Walmart trip and a visit to the gym.

Interesting family history note - my mother told me one time that one reason she liked my dad was that she thought he looked like Gordon MacRae.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning good people of Big Blue, just a quickie, nothing new going on here, gas dropping a few pennies here and there, temps still heading upwards.

I did get my new issue of Model Railroader yesterday. It was so thin  I almost threw it away thinking it was junk mail. I remember a long time ago that I found an old issue of the magazine and it was some 140+ pages (can't remember exactly) compared to the then current 98 page issue (again, not sure of that number). This month it's 68 pages (I'm sure of that), and the current subscription price is outrageous. I also noticed that there was no mention of Kalmbach Media being sold. Just an observation....

My rant for the day, have a great day, I'll do likewise as best I can...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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