The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #X.. Stop In!!!
Wed. 6/05
Hello Blue
Sun, hi of 80 expected. Strong storms are also in the forecast for afternoon.
A busy Tuesday, started with a visit to the footsie doctor followed by a $210 trip to the grocery store. 
Gas was $3.59 most places.
Then eldest son came and cut the grass for us. Over the years I paid to have it cut but the guy never showed this year.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Greetings, gang.

Gonna be another nice day in the remote reaches of northern Iowa. 58 now going to the upper 70s but a little breezy with winds around 35 mph. Hang on to your toupee.

Got my car back yesterday and all is right with the world. The report states they changed the connecting rod bearings. I will say I didn't like the loaner that I used. Instead of a touch screen like most cars this one used a touch pad like those found on a laptop. Very annoying. On top of that the manufacturer no longer provides a 6 cylinder except for a boy racer version with nearly a race suspension. With the 4 banger passing another vehicle is more of a challenge.

In a couple of hours I have a meeting with the vampire person. Blood work prior to my upcoming annual checkup next week. After that I will be able to eat. 12 hour fasting required.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning, first of all, today is June 6th, the anniversary of D-Day. Please, remember those who where there that day, there are so few of them left.

I think I'd rather live in the area defined by the Internet weather guessers. They say today should hit 111, the TV gal says 114. Regardless, it will be hot. We did get down to 82 yesterday, just a joyous celebration. As for gas, Costco just dropped a dime, down to $3.35, others at $3.69+, but that should change as the day goes on...

I hope you all have a great day today, nice weather and doing something fun to boot...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Looks to be a nice day to start. Sunshine and 58 at the moment going to near 80 later on with only light breezes.

The lack of wind will be a big change from yesterday's sustain 25 mph winds with gusts over 30 mph. That created a lot of leaves that need to be cleaned up today. Also on the agenda is a baseball game about a half hour west of me. In yesterday's news I should have referred to her as the mosquito lady. One quick poke of the needle and I was on my way again after only 5 minutes.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good evening folks

I finished my second day back to work a few hours ago. To say I am sore and worn out is an understatement. I am on lifting restrictions, so I am trying to take it easy. Saturday is the Delaware County Pride Festival, which my son is the main organizer. Since this is the fourth-year things have been running smoother and I am not required to shuttle supplies to the site. However, I will be a phone call away if the need should arise for a last minute supply run. The rest of the weekend will be doing some household chores and yes, some laundry.

On the layout I am going to work on the bridge area. I hope to install the roadway tunnel portal and the pedestrian access portals. Next will be the road and sidewalks. I may build a few kits just to do something different. I also plan to run some trains.

I hope everybody has a good evening.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning all and welcome to another weekend.

Tom, good that you're on the uptake, like any surgery, you really can't physically stress yourself and wind up back to square one. Just do what your body and doctors tell you to do.

No big changes here, temps at 113 the past few days, might drop down under 110 for a few days then back up. Who knows, I keep looking up in the sky for that big "H" they show on the weather map, and hoping an "L" will come along. As for gas, no big change there either, right now the only stations in Arizona that are below $3.00 are in Yuma. I think the California pipeline might pass through Yuma. I spent three years in the Air Force there, not fun, but I think of those that spent time in the Territorial prison (the one you see in many western movies), there back in the late 1800's with no A/C. We slept in tents until the built barracks. It's a good time to stay indoors whether you're in Yuma or Phoenix, it's hot out there yet there are still folks that think it's OK to go hike up some mountain with little water and wind up getting rescued, or worse. They now close many trails around 9AM in the Summer, but you still see video on the news of them picking someone off the side of a hill.

Enough about the heat, I hope everyone has a great and comfortable weekend... enjoy...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
We went to the Highland Games today. We used to know the organizers, but they're now all gone. Had meat pie and mushy peas for lunch. Stayed until mid-afternoon, then drove home through increasing rain.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and moderate are the weather words for today. Lots of sunshine and a high around 80. Could be a little breezy though with winds gusting around 25 mph.

Pretty quiet weekend. Only thing on the agenda for today is the Formula 1 race from Montreal. Baseball tomorrow for the great-grandkids then Tuesday my annual checkup. Wed. morning I'll be heading to Texas to visit my granddaughter. Participation will be somewhat spotty for the next week or so.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning good people, we are right now in a cooling trend, yesterday only got up to 108 and down to 84. We had a record low a few days ago where it only got down to 87. As for rain, I think it was sometime in March the last time it rained. They pulled fiber thought our neighborhood a few months ago and the streets are all marked up so the knew where to put what and to avoid other utilities. Those marks should have been washed away by now, all we needed was some rain, but I think the sun now has baked those marks in and will never go away.

Nothing else of any  significance going on here. We had Trump stop by a few days ago, folks were lined up at 4:00AM to hear him speak at 2:00PM. If someone were really smart, they'd have parked a food truck nearby....

So much for today, headed to church then breakfast and maybe Walmart. I need to stop by there when they have folks actually working.  They have so much locked up in cabinets anymore and if you get there too early, it's hard to find someone with a key to help you... Some have buttons you can push for help, but not all, and even then, it could take ten minutes for someone to show up. I would expect the next step will be for them to put armed guards by the self-check...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is a very nice 66 with a predicated high of 79.

I am still getting some pain in the area of the incision from the surgery. I still have some swelling but it has been going down steadily.

Friday when I got home from work, I had to run to the pharmacy. Since PetSmart is just down the road from Rite Aid I decided to knock that one off the list. I ran some trains and did some spackling on the sides of the bridge area/depressed road area.

Saturday was the Delaware County Pride Festival which my son is the main organizer. I got up early to help him and my daughter load her car with last minute supplies. The plan was to go back to bed and catch a couple more hours of sleep. But those plans were thwarted by a very loud boom and the power going out. Since we were both up the wife and I decided to get an early start to the day. As we were leaving to run our errands the power came back on. We went to the post office, the hardware store, grocery store, and the nursery. My wife bought a bunch of plants which we planted upon arriving home. In the evening I ran trins and went over the area I spackled to get any spots I missed.

Sunday I helped my wife go through her side of the closet. Since her endocrinologist put her on Mounjaro not only are her blood sugars and A1C under control she has lost over 90 pounds. Needless to say she has gone done a couple of sizes so it was time to clean out the closet. I helped my daughter pull out the outdoor furniture for the front patio and the backyard gazebo. Later I began putting away the trains I had run over the weekend. I also sanded the spackled area and painted it.

Today I need to put some laundry away and work on some odds and ends in the backyard gazebo such as making sure the power is working. Later I plan on finishing putting away the trains I ran over the weekend. I need to go over the area I painted to catch any spots I missed. Then I can start placing the portals.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning, welcome to a new work week. Well, it is for a lot of folks, for us retirees, just another day in paradise.

Nothing new here, no change is the weather or gas prices. Large eggs at Walmart however seemed to have dropped below $2.00 a dozen for the first time since the pandemic.

Got a note that my PayPal account was charged some $400 for a gun that I didn't order, and to click on a link to cancel the invoice before it goes out for delivery. Aside from the poor English, they should know that a new gun can only be shipped to an FFL, not directly to a person, and secondly, I don't think contacting PayPal can stop a shipment. But more important, my PayPal account is inactive and hasn't been linked to an open bank account in many years. Stupid scammers ...   35

Got an easy week, just one appointment tomorrow. Still working on a secret project that I can't reveal until Christmas. I should be able to start on my challenge later this week.

Take care, stay safe and have a great week... Goldth
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
(06-10-2024, 05:47 AM)ezdays Wrote: Got a note that my PayPal account was charged some $400 for a gun that I didn't order, and to click on a link to cancel the invoice before it goes out for delivery. Aside from the poor English, they should know that a new gun can only be shipped to an FFL, not directly to a person, a

Good morning. 
       I have been getting these claiming they just charged my cc an outrageous amount hoping I will open the email. I am afraid that if I did it would allow some hacker access to my computer. At first I went to my cc on line to see if a charge was there, then I deleted the message without opening, now I just delete them. 

      It is 54 degrees with sun but rain if forecast for this evening. Gas was 3.17 yesterday.

      I am finally starting to feel better.  

      The grass needs mowed so that will be my project today and maybe some train work later. 

Monday 6/10
Hello Blue
A gloomy Monday morning. Hi in the 60s for the day. Warmer later in the week. 
Gas is still around the $3.50 mark here. And yep eggs around 2 dollars. No special news so just checking in.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
hi all. its  another Monday things here about the same did some work on the stockyard loadout and the kit in my option sucks looks like I will have to change categories on the challenge. Wednesday is a trip to casa grand to see eye doctor to check pressure on left eye. Other than that things are about the same here.
stay safe and where it applies cool.
Greetings, gang.

62 and cloudy at the moment. Supposed to get to about 80 with a 40% chance of some light showers later.

Two baseball games yesterday. First one was about a half hour south of town. The second was in town so I rode my bike. Not sure why people think I'm nuts for riding my bike. It's good exercise and very inexpensive to operate. This morning I have my annual checkup. After that I need to stop at the moped dealer to see what part fell off my moped. After that I need to get the yard mowed and then finish packing. Again, a reminder I will be leaving tomorrow for about a week. Participation may be somewhat spotty.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)

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