The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #X.. Stop In!!!
Happy World UFO Day, gang.

It's currently raining (again) and 62 degrees. Supposed to rain off and on all day with possible 1-2 inches. Got a quarter inch overnight.

Routine day yesterday. Baseball game at 10. After it was over it was quite interesting as a number of people just stood around talking. It was the last game of the regular season. Tournaments start next week and then baseball is over for the season. Today I need to pay the bills so I can stay in the house for another month. Also my older daughter's 36th wedding anniversary.

Gas jumped from $3.11 to $3.44 yesterday.

All stay safe and keep your eyes on the sky. You never know when one of those UFOs will appear.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning good people of Big Blue, another hot one here, 112 forecast for today and no rain. That can change in a dime since this is our monsoon season a dust storm can appear out of nowhere late in the afternoon. We did have a few sprinkles the past few days, nothing significant and little wind, at least on the west side of the valley. 

Speaking of our valley, it was the Chamber of Commerce years and years ago that decided to name us, "The Valley of the Sun", when in fact, our official name is, "The Salt River Valley". The Salt River runs right through the center of the Phoenix area and since it's dammed upstream, it is normally dry. They will occasionally let water flow, and that causes all sorts of traffic problems. We've got more bridges now, but there are still roads that go through the river bed. I remember years ago when they had to use trains to shuttle people across the river because there was only two bridges at that time.

Enough history, take care, and enjoy the day...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning

     11:30 here and I have been up for 3 hours trying to get moving after doing one little project yesterday. Arthur Itis helped and he is back today to remind me I am not a kid anymore. Wink  I am hoping to mow grass after lunch. The vibrations from the mower help ease the pain. 

      I talked with Wayne last night and he was really in good spirits, Still can't get his computer to hook up but he is doing some models for a hobby shop about 25 miles from him. He has been going there 2 or 3 times a week. 

      We have a really nice day so I am going to mow grass and then sit on my back side and relax.

Greetings, gang.

Clear and 60 with 99% humidity. Got another half inch of rain yesterday. Today is projected to be the warmest for the next week. 85 today then the upper 70s to maybe 80 with a 70% chance of rain tomorrow.

With all the rain I think that's why the neighborhood has sounded like the gunfight at the OK corral for the last several nights. I did get the bills paid yesterday and had a nice ride on the scooter.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, a bit warm yesterday, 113, up to 116 in the forecast for the next few days. The slight chance of rain never materialized. As for the heat, we apparently had the hottest June on record, 97 was the average. I wasn't out that much so I can't say it affected me, just wait until the electric bill shows up though. A/C running 24/7...

No change in gas prices for the holiday, they're saying it will go up soon though.

I get exhausted reading Tom's posts. I couldn't do all that stuff when I was half my age, I'm not sure if I could ride a bike around the block, as for walking, the nurse asked me one day if I could walk to the end of the block. I said, "sure, just don't expect me to walk back", and that's the truth. Fortunately, at my age, no one expects me to even get out of my chair....But Tom, you should be proud.. Applause Applause

Have a fine day today, I really hope my neighbors don't start celebrating the fourth too early and too long. Ground fireworks on you own property is legal, so folks sneak in illegal stuff that goes up and burns down their neighbors house. It happens.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
We have sun this morning, 88 for the day. For us that's hot. 
Fireworks were not too bad yesterday but tomorrow night the air will be full of smoke as fireworks are legal here on holidays. 
Our daughter and grandsons stopped by yesterday, all tan from their trip to Cancun. Because of the hurricanes they had some rainy days but said they still found lots to do. Gas is still in the $3.59 range most places.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
At my last checkup, my doctor asked me about walking and I said that I did 30-45 minutes, possibly twice a day. She asked about an hour and I said that I thought I could but I hadn't done so.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Good morning all, and happy Fourth of July to all in the USA. No, I will not go watch the fireworks, there'll be enough noise from a few of my neighbors, city fireworks goes off about two miles from my house, but there are too many other houses blocking the view for me to go see anything.

Speaking of walking, there are several mountains surrounding the Phoenix area, just about all have hiking trails. Most are closed when the temps reach 100, but we had a family go up one the other day when it was 113. They had to be rescued by helicopter, but a 10-year old by did not make it. We lose a few 100 people a year due to the heat, it's just crazy to do something like that, but they do.

Today could hit 116, I'm staying indoors. Pat is having a family get-together later today, and that's it for my celebrating.

Have a great day, be careful and stay safe...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Happy 4th of July, gang.

69 now going to maybe 80 with 93% humidity and a 60% chance of rain this afternoon.

That chance for rain could make my day rather uncomfortable. I'll be walking in two different parades in support of my granddaughter who is running for county auditor. First parade (about a mile long) at 10 and second parade at 1:30 (probably less than a mile). I do plan to have a change of clothes in the car in case the weather prognosticators are not as accurate as they think they are.

All stay safe (and dry).

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good afternoon

      My BIL and SIL are coming out to view the fireworks at our city park and my daughter and wife are going too. I volunteered to stay home with the fur kids.  A slight chance of rain is in the forecast.  Our village has a great display but I no longer get excited over loud noise unless I am target shooting. It the rain holds off I may have a fire in he fire pit later on. 

     I am stripping a passenger car to repaint for the KJR. I thought it was done but on close inspection I discovered it still had a thin layer that I thought should be removed. 

     Happy Independence Day to my fellow United States folks. 

Greetings, gang.

Clear and 60 at the moment going to partly cloudy and 75 later on with a slight chance of rain.

Yesterday turned out to be a lot of fun. Walked in 2 different parades, each about a mile long passing out candy and information cards about my granddaughter who is running for county auditor. Lots of laughs among the crew and joking with the audience. Another parade next Saturday. Fortunately no rain but I was prepared anyway. I had a change of clothes, an umbrella, and trash bags to cover the seat in case I got really wet.

Don't know if anyone is aware but Denali National Park has been closed due to a wildfire. One of the crew members was just there about two weeks ago. When I saw him the first thing I said was "What did you guys do up there?" We had a good laugh over it and then he told me the fire was very close to the hotel they stayed in. He also explained there was some kind of bug killing off black pine trees and there were a lot of dead trees in the area providing fuel for the fire.

Last night was rather noisy again but hopefully that will see the end of it for 6 months. Fireworks are allowed on New Year's Eve also.

Gas has remained fairly steady at $3.29 for quite some time now.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone, I'm guessing that most of the US workforce has taken today off for a four-day holiday. Neighbors got a bit noisy around 6:00 last night, but ran out of ammo a little after 9:00. I was OK with that, what I don't like is on New Years Eve, they wait until midnight to wake me up.

Looks like another really dry summer, just a little about a week ago, and still nothing in the forecast. We're looking at 114 or so for today.

Gas is down, $3.40 +/- all over, Costco/Sam's at $3.25, but I see that dropping today, competition...

Hope everyone had a safe and sane Fourth, even if you don't celebrate it, and your weekend is filled with happy stuff..
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Fri. 7/05
Good morning Blue.
Sun @ 72 going into the 80s. Sct'd storms in the forecast for evening.
We went to our daughters' house yesterday, had summer fixins & grillins. 
They sent enough food home with us to feed on all day. 
Neighbors started with fireworks long before dark. There is still some smoke haze in the air this morning.
No plans for this day.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning folks

It is a muggy 90. Our high is supposed to be 95.

Yesterday we did not do much. My wife and I ran to the pharmacy. She could not find her epee pen so we had to get a new one immediately. We then went to the grocery store. Later in the evening I decided to test run my new Athearn Western Maryland SD40 with factory installed DCC and sound.
The first locomotive I tried constantly stalled and at times would not run. I tried a factory reset but that did nothing. I began to think something wrong with the track. Then I remembered the second locomotive. I tested the second locomotive, and everything was fine with it. It ran flawlessly. Headlights turned on and the bell and horn worked. I then emailed Athearn and got a response email saying to send the locomotive to them. I packed the locomotive up.

Today, I am at work. There is no construction activity, so I am catching up on paperwork. I probably won’t be here a full day. When I get home, I need to deal with some laundry. Over the weekend I need to make an emergency repair to the herb garden box. Two of the legs are pulling away from the sides. I also need to clean the fishpond filter. I am not sure what else is in the works. I am sure there will be some gardening.

This weekend I hope to work on the bridges area. I have a couple of subway entrances to build. They will be part of the pedestrian access to the bridges area. I hope to run some trains.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning all, yup, I did get to sleep a bit longer, not as much as I'd have liked to, but every minute extra is precious.

They forecast 114 for yesterday, it hit 118, a new record. Today they say a cold front it going to hit and we'll only reach 114. I think they said that about yesterday too.... Icon_rolleyes 

Today, I might have time to work on my challenge. I was able to separate the two halves of my layout so I can work on the challenge sitting on a tall chair that I use by the workbench. I'm still recovering from God knows what and so sitting down to work is a blessing.

Nothing big happening here, the usual day after the Fourth news of houses and barns burning down due to folks using illegal fireworks. Why they ever passed a law to make some legal is beyond me. Go to the local stadium and ohh and ahh, but some folks think it's OK to sell this stuff and others dumb enough to buy it.

My rant for the day, so I'll do my best to have a good day, I hope you all do likewise....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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