HO Freelance Shelf / Switching Layout
There are some great painting backdrop videos on YouTube
I would just mix the blue 50/50 with white to start . Good luck!!
Be Wise Beware Be Safe
"Mountain Goat" Greg

Ill look into that, re-painting tonight or tomorrow.
Welcome to the forum!

That looks like a great layout. I'm wondering if I could copy it sometime and reproduce the same thing here? as I've been thinking of building a new 6-foot-long layout. I'd probably want to widen my version to 2' wide and make its length 6 to 6.5' (the max amount of room that I have).

I currently have a similar layout. It's an Inglenook with one extra siding and a turntable at the other end where I can store locals (basically my fiddle yard). I model British trains, depicting the British steam era, so my scale is 00 which is similar to HO (slightly larger but the same gauge). The actual layout area is 1x4 while the fiddle yard is 1x2'.

Keep us posted -- looks like a practical and fun layout.
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Robert that'll be 10 dollars for the design! Just kidding Icon_lol . But thank you glad you like what your seeing so far. Soon ill have the foam down, back drop repainted, and track in the mail.

You wanted a different style of painted background - if this is of interest, I'll explain the method - the sky has a deliberate pink tinge as I wanted a dawn/sunset on a foggy day.

I'm loving the layout. I was toying with the measurements. I have an idea on how to get rid of the switch back. If you widen the layout to 18 inches, you have a switching lead of 27.7 inches. That should be enough for an engine and 2 cars on an 18 inch radius curve. I used Atlas Snap Track and 18 inch radius switches, but you get the general idea.

[Image: 8393087108_69a394d008_o.jpg]
Mike Kieran
Port Able Lines

" If the world were perfect, it wouldn't be " - Yogi Berra.
That's an interesting layout, Jack -- I'd like to hear more about the backdrop technique, but if it's still extant, I'd also like to see an operation sequence.
Shortliner - That's a nice little layout, and that backdrop is unique. I may consider that.

Mike - That is an interesting revision for sure, I like it. But I'm dead set on keeping the shelf the size it is now. Im later going to have furniture and what not in the now empty room.
getloose Wrote:Robert that'll be 10 dollars for the design! Just kidding Icon_lol . But thank you glad you like what your seeing so far. Soon ill have the foam down, back drop repainted, and track in the mail.

I wondered if there would be copyright plagarism issues! :-)

But this layout, and the tweaked version that Mike just posted, is almost the perfect size for the amount of space that I have. I probably won't start on anything for awhile but these ideas are sure tempting me to try something new.
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He'll yeah Robert get inspired man, start drawing a plan up or adjusting this one even more
Mike Kieran Wrote:getloose,

I'm loving the layout. I was toying with the measurements. I have an idea on how to get rid of the switch back. If you widen the layout to 18 inches, you have a switching lead of 27.7 inches. That should be enough for an engine and 2 cars on an 18 inch radius curve. I used Atlas Snap Track and 18 inch radius switches, but you get the general idea.

[Image: 8393087108_69a394d008_o.jpg]


I really like this design as well. I could even go as wide as 24" with a max length of 6.5 ft. Do you think one could fit a turntable into that "empty" area as well as some track going out to the TT -- or would that make the layout too complicated & busy?

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getloose Wrote:He'll yeah Robert get inspired man, start drawing a plan up or adjusting this one even more

Thanks! It would mean scrapping (or putting into storage) my current Inglenook switching layout as the domestic authorities would not allow me to have two switching layouts set up!
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I also have a design that fits in your space. The other option is to lengthen the sidings and have a drop down switching lead ala Lance Mindheim.

[Image: 8393188266_f8ea39f3e2_o.jpg]


[Image: 8392183151_8df3bd07e1_o.jpg]
Mike Kieran
Port Able Lines

" If the world were perfect, it wouldn't be " - Yogi Berra.
Lol mike you got my head going now with all these different plans, lol options options.
getloose Wrote:Lol mike you got my head going now with all these different plans, lol options options.

I still like your design..

Would you like to take a look at my plan?

Summerset Ry

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