Interest In Tour Car or Car Exchange?
I agree, I like the idea of a standard destination card or waybill that can be filled out electronically.

Ralph, are you in?

I've PMed Lester Perry about this, but he hasn't gotten back to me. I've also traded e-mails with Sumpter250 on how much (or not) this would be an "official" Big Blue sort of activity. My inclination is to say that if the moderators here simply tolerate posts and photos about a car exchange, it doesn't necessarily have to be Big Blue-only. As I said above, The Whistle Post is currently having a successful "tour" of a loco, and I think a few people there might also have an interest in a car exchange along this line.

I would be happy to be an informal coordinator of the program, but I would hope it could be mostly cheerful anarchy!

Per Sumpter250's advice, an official announcement, if it occurs, will go into "Tours, Events, and Shows".

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